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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. They are just unbelievably bad turnovers too. Passing it too high to a teammate and it tips out of bounds, dribble into two players and lose it, moving screens. Completely fall apart.
  2. Down 36-21 at half. Started turning it over literally every possession at the end .... 18-0 run to end half.
  3. Chaves has to address this program in the next couple weeks. Get a feel for what the hell happened to them this year and what direction this thing is going.
  4. But, but, but this was the year! All the pieces were in place (Brett Favre voice).
  5. There are hundreds, if not thousands of tickets available online.
  6. Waving towels like no other
  7. What I wrote here was interpreted wrong, obviously. Key word: scholarship. UND = hockey program.
  8. Who gives a sh*t how much it costs UND? Of course that is the same.
  9. The cost of tuition is not the same for all kids. The "scholarship" is not a set amount. A kid from California or Arizona on full ride costs more than a kid from North Dakota. Reciprocity. A scholarship kid from Europe costs way, way more than a kid from ND. My best guess is around 10k more per year. Maybe a bit less, IDK.
  10. Yes it is for international kids, considerably. Which is why most questioned the women's philosophy considering their finances.
  11. UND decided to spend 2x as much on the same scholarship for a couple kids from Europe, who do no more than the two from Red River. Plus, all the Canadians.
  12. Right. Had to go to Europe and BC to get marginal grinders.
  13. The level of gutless on this squad is remarkable. Cannot believe they can consistently blow 3rd period leads.
  14. Picking up where they left off I see. Woof.
  15. People, including myself, seemed to forget about them posing nude for the publicity. Hopefully, Oxbow and Mafia will recover with a little counseling.
  16. Here's a good one for you guys: "Bob Hawks" twitter handle was created recently to refute all the women's hockey budget rumors and such. Seems to be pretty knowledgeable, quite obvious that it's a former coach or staffer. Take a peek at who the ONLY follower is (besides porn bots). LMFAO. Gee, who is Bob Hawks?
  17. Can't believe they missed that shooting foul on us. I could see it.
  18. This season is all on Brew. How else could a healthy team (for most part) completely fall apart and barely be able to score 50 points? Something is going on.
  19. Seen their locker rooms, coaches offices and meeting rooms?
  20. Let's stop and think about how hollow their argument is to bring back women's hockey. If she misses that shootout goal and Canada wins, none of this is happening right now. No crusading, no Ellen, no stupid tweets from our elected officials. Besides the fact that Olympic hockey once every four years has absolutely nothing to do with UND.
  21. Ever heard of Title IX, Senator? Or budgets?
  22. Too bad. Was hoping to see Morrison and Kruse.
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