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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. Ummmm, if you cannot figure that our for yourself I can't help you.
  2. Yeah man, cause that's a really good idea. Not like we are all here cause we love UND or anything. I repeat, love UND. Having two separate fanbases for one college is totally a really neato idea.
  3. UND/ND spent a million dollars trying to save the nickname and got nothing in return except clowns complaining "they didn't do enough". Yet you are complaining about 35K for a mascot?
  4. You were just the one who wrote it but I generalized for all the others who are suffering. No worries.
  5. "wounds"....lmfao. (not directed at you) Its a f'n nickname.
  6. The NCAA have anything to do with it? Didn't think so, cuz.
  7. I honestly wonder if there is a unique, solid name that relates to North Dakota like Yotes suggested.
  8. I got it, makes sense. What would the options be for UND?
  9. Those three nicknames suck worse than Hawks. Flea infested non-descript animals.
  10. Cause reasoning has worked well. Might as well call it what it is.
  11. Lighten up, Hillbilly. It's a @W*()$& nickname of a college and your precious Indian version isn't coming back.
  12. Doesn't look too bad to me. Its one of many graphics they make for recruits.
  13. Sounds like the OL has been an ongoing problem for awhile now.
  14. Get used to it. We are going to be "in the running" for a lot of guys and not get them.
  15. Not really. Many transfers wait until the semester is over to announce. They need to get their grades first and such.
  16. I want a 7 foot tall bird with a happy silly face that flaps its wings and hops around.
  17. Fans can do whatever they want. The student-athletes are in another category, IMO.
  18. Nobody is talking about you - wear whatever you want, who cares. Once again, nobody care what fans do currently, that is your choice. It's the players that represent the University, posing as "Sioux" hockey players, that actually work against a current core mission of the athletic department which is to try and implement the new nickname and branding. They will gladly take the 20K/year scholarship but can't respect the university enough to show some support in their time of transition. That's the problem.
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