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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. Literally the only reason that football got their change is because the alumni/fans had enough and voiced it through several channels. It was too much to avoid. The same thing is happening now.
  2. The attitude that has led to a program with every advantage possible being totally mediocre. But hey get those selfies at the Ralph for Facebook!!!
  3. Sound thinking. Would probably resonate better
  4. By that metric we haven't had a successful season for nine years. Maybe next season will be the year Berry figures it all out. And Sather. And Mal. And Tupac.
  5. Sounds good Mensaman. for the record UND hockey hasn’t won anything in 9 years and has one tourney win in that time. I would say the hockey groupies are quite lenient.
  6. Ok…..
  7. What was your point? Maybe I missed it
  8. Ummmm you sure about that?
  9. We beat the worst Jack’s team in recent memory…..so……two or three year extension?
  10. Why is Mara continuing to shoot 3s? They look terrible
  11. Oof. Do the math on that revenue lost….
  12. We get a home series for first round?
  13. Defense is really good
  14. Need a free feed!
  15. Well they won ONE tournament game. Two or three year extension?
  16. He will cook something up no problem
  17. Over the back is the easiest way to explain it because that’s what everybody knows. Yes, the call is a push by the ref but nobody yells that.
  18. And USD pulls it out. What a wild game!
  19. USD coach should be fired. NDSU is missing 43 points per game and they can’t get a stop
  20. East siiiiiiiiidddddde!
  21. No White or Moni? ouch
  22. Moorhead is fast, wow. Skilled too
  23. No, he will go right back to MWC or equivalent
  24. Looks good to me
  25. Like we need to worry about short-term recruiting. Newsflash: it was never very good and we lose more than we win pretty much every year
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