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    Grand Forks, ND

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  1. A bit off topic but I'm just glad the 5th year option is done. Now a senior is truly a senior, gotta be a lot easier to plan future rosters knowing that.
  2. Seems like we got a good one with Armacost
  3. I'm all for hearing the argument Hobie should've been given a few more opportunities this year but how calling TJ the inferior goalie is flat out wrong by almost every measure(Wins, SV%, GAA). Did you watch the Denver series? Hobie 3-4-0 SV .897 GAA 2.74 TJ 12-8-2 SV .905 GAA 2.64
  4. 😄 I’m sure
  5. Everyone still want Hobie starting after that 34 save performance by TJ? I hope Hobie finds his feet but we just had a .939 save % for 2 games in Denver.
  6. Took me a second but I laughed, +1 for creativity in saying the same thing but in a different way
  7. I'll at least give you credit for voicing your concerns with those that make the decisions if you acted on sending those emails and put your name to your concerns. That's something. It doesn't, I've done the exact same thing. I am simply pointing out it may not be worth the level of angst some posters seem to be going through, especially when your ability to affect real change is no where equal to the efforts. 'Pump the brakes' is all I'm saying for your own good but I that makes me a casual fan in some people's eyes, which I'm totally fine with.
  8. Serious question: What has being unhinged on a message board accomplished for this program? What noticeable difference have you made in the trajectory of UND Hockey?
  9. Because it's fun? Or it's supposed to be at least.
  10. The majority of people don’t live and die vicariously through the success of a college hockey team. They also (smartly) avoid this perpetual echo chamber of negativity because it does not accomplish a thing but bring the program and everyone associated with it to the lowest common denominator of discourse. I can’t believe how worked up some of you get in here. I love this program and have been going to games since the early 90s but, my god, an NCAA title doesn’t hold the meaning to life or fill the hole you hope it will. The weak-mindedness to me is beating up this team on a message board every time anything goes wrong and turning yourself into a victim of a supposed drop in fandom level from where you estimate they should be.
  11. Assuming it’s a green 1980s era Jersey, been looking for one of those
  12. If you have one similar to your avatar, I am very interested
  13. Congratulations on the SS.COM post of the week(TM)
  14. I see the prediction falling apart this weekend, I'm not sure how UND takes 3.3 points.
  15. Ah yes, I was going to school in Colorado Springs for that game. Girlfriend at the time's dad used to be a goalie for CC so the whole family gave me plenty of !@#$ for us scoring on ourselves and getting whooped. I don't think I took it well as I recall having some snipes back at them. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!
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