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Posts posted by TheFlop

  1. 42 minutes ago, dlsiouxfan said:

    Hillary was never up by this much in national polling nor competitive in as many states as Biden is right now and Trump still only scabbed out a fluky win.   That being said, a lot can change by the election time.  Who knows maybe Trump can turn the corner if he picks enough Twitter fights with Republican Senators and retired generals.   

    As you can see by tnt's ABC poll link ...Hillary was up by that much.  Now despite the constant bad press, Trump is sitting in about the same spot.  Kind of sucks being able to see what is coming and not being able to stop it huh?

  2. 32 minutes ago, dlsiouxfan said:

    Hillary was never up by this much in national polling nor competitive in as many states as Biden is right now and Trump still only scabbed out a fluky win.   That being said, a lot can change by the election time.  Who knows maybe Trump can turn the corner if he picks enough Twitter fights with Republican Senators and retired generals.   

    Fluky win.....lol....how about two elections in a row having a fluky nomination?  First Hillary and more recently Biden screwing over Bernie because they are part of the old guard. 

  3. 1 hour ago, dlsiouxfan said:

    Too bad for you that Bunkerboy's goose is cooked.....  Trump is looking at a landslide loss on election day.  Democrats will be in charge of all three branches next January and can start cleaning up the mess left for them by Trump's corruption and incompetence. Trump has a better shot of winding up in prison by 2024 than he does of still being president.

    You still don't get it.  The Dems had a better chance of beating Trump before the Covid overreaction and now the civil unrest which they've seized as another opportunity to divide.  Just like last election, there is a large but mostly silent majority that doesn't drink the Trump Kool aid, but they recognize that he's the better option than what the Dems are throwing out there (again).  It's not just crusty old white conservatives either.  There are plenty of people of color who have carved out nice little lives for themselves that are pissed off at the collateral damage that they have felt due to the Covid overreaction.  Also, for every 1 person advocating for defunding the police, there are thousands that live in neighborhoods where a patrol car passing through every hour is the only thing that keeps pure chaos from breaking out.  

    • Upvote 2
  4. 1 hour ago, keikla said:

    So basically you're saying that there have been 3x as many deaths from covid than the flu, despite the fact that it's only been over 3 months instead of an entire flu season, AND a nationwide shut down was in place to minimize spread.

    I'm all for finding a reasonably safe, educated way to get things going again, but I think your post supports the opposite point of what you likely intended.

    Take the bad 2017-2018 flu season when 79k people died from it.......and add in the extra Covid-19 level of hyper-sensitivity in counting deaths which would shoot that number much higher .....and you have our current Covid-19 situation (minus the crashed economy of course).  

    The doctors that keep refusing to take a big picture perspective of this virus are just as guilty as any leadership or media entity is in my opinion.  700 of your medical brothers and sisters just lost their jobs in largely unaffected ND and most of MN......but yet few doctors are willing to speak up against the ridiculousness of it all.


  5. For those that are obsessed with hating Trump, I hope you realize that the states that are solidly in his corner come November are already open.  NY and CA can do whatever they want because their vote is already known.  However, for Trump to win again taking states like Michigan and Wisconsin will go a long way.  And the whiny b*tch governor's in those states are making it awfully easy for people to vote Trump when they see their leaders constantly moving the goalposts and making arbitrary decisions like visiting the Home Depot is fine but kids playing baseball isn't 

    • Upvote 3
  6. 2 minutes ago, keikla said:


    Yeah, TheFlop is just being snarky about how covid deaths are being counted, as if it's any different than how influenza deaths have been counted for the last however many decades.

    I could be wrong, but I don't recall states routinely stating flu deaths as one number (before the outbreak is even done)......only to significantly revise the number downward like Colorado did once it was determined how many people Covid truly killed.  On an unrelated note, at least we don't hear of any flu deaths or pneumonia deaths since the Covid pandemic hit. 

  7. 34 minutes ago, as15 said:

    What he was saying is those forwarding requests could be because people were moving from one burrough to another, and staying in the NYC metro.  The further breakdown would tell us if they moved from NYC to outside of the metro area at a higher rate than usual due to the pandemic.

    I realize that and you missed the point....the point is that there hasn't been alot of effort put in by the "just one lifers"  to differentiate 100 year old people that died of heart failure  that happened to also be asymptomatic Covid-19 positive.  So why the worry about gathering more detail about mail forwarding in NYC?  It happened during the Covid-19 epidemic....must have been caused by Covid.

  8. 3 hours ago, keikla said:

    I wonder if they break the data down more than that.  It's incredibly common to move from the 5 burroughs to Long Island, Westchester, Rockland, or NJ.  That being said, I hope anyone moving away to somewhere farther than that quarantined when they got there.

    Why break it down?  Let's just go under the assumption that since it occurred during Covid-19.....that it was Covid-19 related.  Isn't that how the body count nationwide is currently being figured?

    • Upvote 1
  9. 52 minutes ago, dlsiouxfan said:

    Perhaps Trump and Mnuchin could do something about this with the $500 billion slush fund that they've sat on for 7 weeks. 

    Ahhhhhh......getting a little sensitive now that you realize that the collateral damage of Covid is going to be multiples more serious than Covid actually was?  Your tired old everything is Trump's fault is the equivalent of the ODoyle family chanting ODoyle rules as their station wagon goes off the cliff in Billy Madison.

    • Upvote 3
  10. 1 hour ago, Oxbow6 said:

    16 year old male died last night just north of Cogswell in Sargeant County in a single vehicle accident after hitting a deer.



    I'm expecting Rednek to contact the family to express his condolences.

    If roads statewide had be even closed this could have been prevented.  

    • Upvote 1
  11. 54 minutes ago, dlsiouxfan said:

    Probably because a vaccine is at least a year or two from being available.   That being said, even if a vaccine were developed tomorrow, what makes you think this administration could quickly get it distributed nationwide?  They still haven't figured out how to distribute tests or PPE so what makes you think distribution of vaccine wouldn't be an unmitigated boondoggle with the presidents unqualified and corrupt son  in law in charge of distribution?

    What's it like to be afraid of your own shadow?

    • Upvote 3
  12. 14 minutes ago, dlsiouxfan said:


    Do you have substantive response to his post or is it just defensive !@#$-posting all the time with you? 

    Remember a month ago when you said the virus had peaked and we'd be well under 60K deaths?  It looks like your as garbage at modeling this as you are at practicing medicine.

    His estimate was closer than the national health experts in the media have thrown out there 

  13. 23 minutes ago, gfNDfan said:

    No it is!   It means you can kill your grandparents and be able to test "negative" so you don't have to feel guilty.   WIN-WIN!:-)

    Can you guarantee me that if I wear a Covid blocking mask that my elderly grandparents won't die of old age, cardiac arrest, won't develop Alzheimer's, and won't be severely hurt in a fall?  Because if not, it seems like all this testing and wearing a mask crap are only saving them from a very small percentage of ailments that could kill them and it is coming at a very high cost to society.  

    • Upvote 3
  14. 56 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    Riiiight.  In no parallel universe would Covid have killed that many people by now.      

    That said, it is crazy by the end of the month Covid will likely be the 4th deadliest event in US history behind 1918 pandemic, Civil War and WW2. 

    To put it in perspective, at our current pace (especially now that we're opening) we'll pass Civil War casualty numbers in just under 2 years.  Civil War lasted for 4 years.          

    To the just one lifers out there.....when comparing Covid-19 to past US war body counts, at least try and be accurate.  During the Civil War, WW2, pretty much any war, the vast majority of deaths were in the 18-45/50 age range and were perfectly healthy individuals....otherwise the military wouldn't have let them join.  How many perfectly healthy people has COVID-19 taken in that same age group?

    • Upvote 4
  15. 2 minutes ago, yzerman19 said:

    Dude they canceled the Brick and the Ivan Hlinka...

    It was meant more for those that don't have one of the best 10 year old hockey players on the continent.  A little different deal comparing local camps....full of local kids....versus invitationals that involve flying kids in from around the us and Canada 

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