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Posts posted by TheFlop

  1. 1 hour ago, Hayduke1 said:

    Really gets you excited, doesn't it?  

    It does.  Nothing like a little tear gas and some rubber bullets to sort out who's serious about their cause and who isn't.  Portland is so backwards that if they had just left the federal building alone they could have rioted indefinitely......they didn't......and consequences have ensued.  

  2. 13 hours ago, UNDlaw80 said:

    Looks like Minneapolis police now believe the genesis of the Minneapolis riots came from the actions of, you guessed it, a white supremacist looking to incite violence and racial tension.  



    Lol, even if true (no charges filed yet).....show the video of the next 100 people that went in and came out of the AutoZone looting before it went up in flames.  Like everything else, selective reporting.  

    Does that also mean that Floyd's criminal history, currently being high on fentynal, and passing counterfeit money was the genesis of what occurred?  

    • Upvote 1
  3. 46 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    He's a witch.  Burn him...burn him at the stake!!  

    Oh, wait 



    Lol his hands were on his phone....not a water bottle in sight....and in one photo the lady has her mask off too.  Don't feel bad....the hypocrisy of it all would be tough for anyone to explain....but especially for an avid reader of Vanity Fair. 

    • Upvote 2
  4. 3 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    Here is a more recent assessment.  While better, it still shows the failures of Twitler.


    Similarly in the USA his polling is in the tank.  He could pull out of it, but that is doubtful.  

    It's not a leaders job to be liked by people he doesn't represent.....or even universally liked by the people he represents.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    Well, crapping on the rest of the world and being a moron hasn't helped Twitler, much less the standing of our country.


    Unfortunately you are citing 3 year old surveys........and not taking into account that people tend to favor people that let them do whatever they want.  No one ever liked the substitute teacher that came in and tried to teach.  Everyone loved the substitute teacher that came in and fired up the old film projector for movie day.  

  6. 17 minutes ago, wxman91 said:

    Possibly.  Any chance the decline is in part due to people getting sick with what traditionally would have been classified as flu now being classified as "presumed" Covid 19?

  7. 44 minutes ago, dynato said:

    Are all teachers young healthy people with limited meaningless risk? 

    Newsflash, picking an occupation where you will be surrounded by 20-30 booger picking kids all day might not be the best field if you have a compromised immune system.  This is nothing new.  What is new is that many of those teachers got a taste of working from home.

    • Upvote 1
  8. 8 hours ago, gfNDfan said:

    f*ck you for judging me and pretending you cared about a someone most of UND hated and couldn't wait to get rid of.

    If you care about someone who REALLY gave to UND go here...



    and F*CK you again judgy aholeQ

    Dodging the question again.  Textbook labeling someone a racist with zero to back it up.  We will accept your non answer as an admission that you were wrong.  Moving on.

  9. 3 hours ago, Hayduke1 said:

    No.  It's just selfish.  Very narcissistic.

    Maybe the hermit life for you would do us all good.

    Heck. If you're in North Dakota, you're almost there.  


    You are the one obsessed with a message board full of mostly "hermit" North Dakotans......who's the idiot?

  10. Just now, Redneksioux said:

    What percentage of covid deaths are 80 plus in mn? 

    We are talking nursing homes so inevitably some of those are over 80.  Don't change the subject though, if masks work why have nursing homes been hit so hard with the high level of mask compliance they have there? (And those are real masks....not cut off tshirt sleeves).

  11. 23 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    Since 77% of MN Covid deaths have been in long term care facilities, you've deemed masks ineffective?


    It's the one place where mask wearing has been 100% compliant, or at least closest to it.  

    Shouldn't have been any deaths or at least a very low number of masks work.  

    • Upvote 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    What assisted living facilities have shown masks to be ineffective?

    Approximately 77% of MN Covid deaths have been in nursing/long term care homes.  Places where even for "milder" outbreaks like flu outbreaks masks are worn by staff and visitors are restricted.  https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.twincities.com/2020/07/21/mn-gov-walz-battle-plan-coronavirus-deaths-in-long-term-care/amp/


  13. 15 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    If you replaced mask with vaccine would you feel the same way?

    Keeping in mind that if they change their mind again on wearing a mask you can simply just take yours off.....but with a hastily thrown together vaccine you can't just take it back out of your body. 

    • Upvote 1
  14. 8 hours ago, gfNDfan said:

    Thanks for quoting a known white supremicist with a gay porn star name on Twitter in defense of....WAIT!

    I"m going to roll a shiny quarter down the hall and distract all you red neck a-holes to a cause that could actually HELP some people instead of fueling an ever-burning dumpster fire of politics....click it


    a worthy cause instead of a futile arguement for a change - have at it and SPREAD it on your socials.    Regardless of politics we need to knock this one out of the park for Al and Johanna


    White supremacists?  Because he doesn't agree with you or do you have actual facts/statements to back that up?  

    And while there are idiots on both sides when it comes to the debate....the ironic thing is if there was actually a dumpster (or anything else) on fire there really wouldn't be a mystery which side set it a blaze.

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  15. 1 hour ago, wxman91 said:

    You are for the rule of law but you don't want to read the legislation that makes the rules?  I posted the HR1 link.

    Oh, no.  The feelings of the poor Border Control were hurt during Obama's presidency :(  I'm sure you have the same concerns for the scientists that have been sidelined by the current administration.

    If we want to keep from falling too far behind China and eventually India, we need to dramatically increase legal immigration.  At least 1% of the total population per year, which is about triple of the rates now.

    I think most everyone on here would be all for legal immigration of 1% per year......assuming of course that buckling down hard on illegal immigration goes right along with that.  

    1% might be a tad high but most don't have an issue with immigration done the right way. 

    • Upvote 2
  16. 22 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    What you are really saying is that you prefer to make choices that may endanger others.  Not unlike driving drunk.  

    Maybe you think you could down a few Jack and Cokes in short order and drive down the road and you won't hurt anyone.  That could be true.

    Maybe you can wander around in public without a mask and not hurt anyone.  That could also be true.


    But... It really is selfish to believe that doing either won't be harmful to others.  Because, neither could be true. 

    Medical professionals know that...

    Ahhh the old drinking and driving example.....another weak comparison on your part (which we are all getting used to).  If I don't drink and drive....that guarantees that I won't hit you with my car while I'm drunk........100% guaranteed........On the flip side, fora required non-medical grade fabric face mask to be effective you would 1) Need to depend on someone wearing it correctly (including people that can't get out of bed in the morning without someone telling them how to do it)  2) Need some measure of thickness to the fabric (guess what....those cool under armour ones you could spit a lougie through if you wanted to they Are so breathable 3) Need guarantees that Covid isn't spread via aerosol (still very much up in the air) 3) Hope that you don't touch the same knob, handle, rail, etc that said person that put their mask on wrong touched just before you did.....etc.  

    All in the name of buckling the economy for a virus that 99.9% of the population will never suffer any I'll effects of.  

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