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Posts posted by TheFlop

  1. More evidence that herd immunity is the answer....and Fauci basically admits it.  The ironic thing is that those that have done best with Covid....are those with an immune system that has grown strong by fighting off similar viruses.  With all of this social distancing/quarantining going on people don't have the chance to catch the more minor viruses......that would help strengthen their immune system.....and have them ready to fight off more severe viruses when they pop up.  


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  2. 1 hour ago, Redneksioux said:

    Dodging the question? Yeah I’ve heard of them. Never heard of the allergic needing to avoid the grocery aisle like it’s been suggested here but I also don’t know many with peanut allergies so won’t claim to have more knowledge on the matter. 

    sounds like a pretty dumb comparison to me anyways but I’ve heard a lot worse so no surprises here. 

    have a great weekend and don’t be so upset about having to wear a mask. You could be off much worse.

    Who said anything about a grocery aisle?  Nice try.  Thanks for playing. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    Having to avoid the peanut butter aisle in a grocery store sounds more like a personal problem. Sorry you have to deal with that.

    Typical.....dodging the question.  

    Your argument = if there is any chance that something in your breath may harm others than wear a mask for the rest of your life or else.  Whether that's peanut butter or Covid.....it could still spread and cause harm.  There, did I dumb it down enough for you?

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  4. 3 hours ago, Redneksioux said:

    Are you insinuating that jars of peanut butter are spewing peanut droplets into the air?

    You've never heard of airborne peanut allergies?  You are the one that brought up immuno compromised people being able to demand 100% capitulation from others to accommodate their condition.  

  5. 1 hour ago, Redneksioux said:

    People need to remember it goes both ways. Is an immunocompromised individual’s civil liberties being infringed upon if they or their family members cannot safely go out in public because no one is wearing masks? Or is requiring mask use infringing on your civil liberty to go in public without one?


    There’s a simple solution and we all know it’s coming, I just don’t see the benefit in delaying it. It will fix this argument as a whole. It’s a mask mandate.

    In other news.....MN nursing homes....a controlled setting with what I can only imagine is 100% mask compliance....is seeing a slight uptick in cases....but masks are the solution. https://m.startribune.com/minnesota-covid-19-cases-increasing-among-long-term-care-residents-and-workers/572041592/

  6. 1 hour ago, Redneksioux said:

    People need to remember it goes both ways. Is an immunocompromised individual’s civil liberties being infringed upon if they or their family members cannot safely go out in public because no one is wearing masks? Or is requiring mask use infringing on your civil liberty to go in public without one?


    There’s a simple solution and we all know it’s coming, I just don’t see the benefit in delaying it. It will fix this argument as a whole. It’s a mask mandate.

    You must realize the insanity of what you are proposing?  So does the peanut butter industry need to close up shop because they are violating a kid's rights who has an airborne peanut allergy?

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  7. 1 hour ago, Goon said:

    Yep,  he should probably choose his words more carefully. 

    "My view is that schools should be open," Trump said. “If you look at children, children are almostand I would almost say definitely — but almost immune from this disease.”

    If he adds immune from " the negative effects" of the disease he's spot on.  His wording wasn't quite right but his message was correct. 

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  8. 59 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Gallup polls yesterday.......81% of blacks favor police presence in their neighborhoods at current or increased levels.

    Yes.  This is what people need to remember.  For every person (including black people) that rioted in downtown Minneapolis......there were thousands that stayed at home because they've carved out a decent little life and they didn't want to do something stupid.  For every protestor you saw nightly in Portland, there were thousands of people that stayed at home because they had to work the next day.  The media desperately wants you to believe that if you aren't all on board with these extreme left movements that you are the only one in America that doesn't get it.  Don't fall for it, the vast majority of Americans don't want homeless people in their backyards shooting up heroin.....they want an adequate police presence.....and they don't want a 6'2" 250lb guy that identifies as a female alien piling into the same bathroom as their wife and daughters use.  

    Will the silent majority be enough to elect Trump to a 2nd term?  Maybe, maybe not....however the silent majority is out there.

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  9. 22 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

    Word is masks protect those around the mask-wearers, not the mask-wearers themselves.  Tough to put masks on some patients.

    I'm guessing there's a little higher threshold for what passes as a mask in a hospital vs what passes for a mask at Menards.  Also the providers in hospitals know the right way to take it off...to sanitize their hands properly...etc and they are still getting it.  

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  10. 1 hour ago, Hayduke1 said:

    Sure.  As long as you promise not to blast a water cannon at me or shoot me in the leg. 

    You're not a commie, are you?

    Based upon your behavior and general lack of maturity, if someone ever asks you to stand in front of a water cannon but they promise not to shoot you with it......word of advice....don't believe them. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Hayduke1 said:


    Police have killed 598 people in 2020.

    No, those officers should not have been killed.

    But...  the frustration level in our country is at an all time high.  I can understand why it happened.  Doesn't mean I condone it. 

    That concept may be too much for you to understand.  

    You are the one continually throwing out a claim and then dodging it when questioned.  You stated that left wing extremists groups had not killed anyone in recent history.  I threw out an example that instantly discredited your assertion.  

    As to the number of people killed by police in 2020......that's a raw number.  You do realize that there are bad people in this world that sometimes give police no other option but to harm them?  Hiding behind a raw number like that is a lazy way of trying to make your point.  Research those cases and get back to us with how many of those deaths weren't justified.  Are there some?  Absolutely.  Are they a rather small amount?  Yep, and you know it.  

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  12. 18 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    Five were killed. In 2016. 

    But, what's I am seeing is BLM and Antifa living rent free in your head. 

    In spite of way, way more evidence of atrocities carried out against left leaning groups and many times by the police, you cling onto those other situations that happened much more infrequently. 

    The facts are there. But, you choose to ignore them.  Fake news in your minds because of your zombie like loyalty to an orange fool who care nothing about any of us much less our country.  He does like to lie and line his pockets.  Maybe that's why he attracts the minority of folks like you? 

    You would love revenge, wouldn't you?  Is that it?  You know.  Act out some perverse fantasy agsinst BLM or Antifa for your buddies in the sewing circle?

    It would be laughable if it wasnt so pathetic. 

    Well, have fun in your fantasy world.  Maybe you'll see more videos and dream of shooting a water cannon at citizens or doing something even worse?

    Btw, the macho bull$%!# routine doesn't work on me either. Lol

    Non answer?  So why don't those cops count in the corner of those that were killed by left wing extremists?

    No one here is defending atrocities committed by far right extremists....but why are the Dallas cops different?

  13. 10 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    I see.

    So, no evidence of deaths from leftist groups.

    But, lots of evidence of deaths from the extreme right.

    You add these up and come to some strange conclusion that it just means the leftists arent prosecuted enough. 

    So, then BLM is complaining that the police arent investigating them enough?


    I'm just to wait for some more fantasies from the sewing circle about using bullets and water cannons on the leftist groups. 

    You go ahead and pray to sweet baby Jesus that the police leave the Nazis alone.


    There are families of 6 cops killed during the BLM march in Dallas a few years back that would argue with your assertion.......oh but wait....that's right....when some thing happens during an Antifa or BLM event it is chalked up to a lone wolf not associated with the movement....but when someone on the far right commits violence it's automatically considered as being representative of the entire movement.  Hypocrisy at its finest.  You've proved my point by dodging the question.  Thank you. 

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  14. 14 hours ago, Hayduke1 said:

    Nobody here seems to get worked up over this truth.  

    It's kind of being ignored.  It just doesnt give them the thrills that water cannons do...


    right-wing extremists have killed 329 victims in the last 25 years, while antifa members haven't killed any, according to a new study

    Because the political will to relentlessly go after one of the extremes but not the other extreme has nothing to do with it.  

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