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Posts posted by TheFlop

  1. 43 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    You said this flu season.

    CDC estimates 22K to 59K deaths this flu season........ we'll go with the median of 41K deaths.

    Average length of flu season is 13-15 weeks.....we'll go with 15 weeks or 105 days.

    41000 ÷ 105 = 390 deaths per day


    Now even if we take the time from this CDC estimate: October 1 thru March 14 that's still around 250 deaths per day. 

    Yet the MSM keeps trying their best to fuel the panic.  All of the media outlets should be required to have a split screen......with the reporter on one side and Oxbow on the other side just holding up signs with real facts putting this Corona stuff in perspective.  Country would be mostly back open in a week.   

  2. 12 hours ago, tnt said:


    His game doesn't translate well to the NHL.  He's undersized and not particularly fast.  Nice college player though.  The same AHL/Europe money will be there whether he leaves this year or next. 

    • Upvote 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Speez said:

    That's the reason ND should have Tier 1, AAA teams. If you don't give the better players better competition they will go other places to find it. Doesn't GF lose players to EGF for better competition?  From what I understand, this is the first year Fargo had a "stacked" squirt team.

    High school hockey is just high school hockey. I saw the ND high school hockey tourney and the GF and Fargo teams weren't that far apart in talent. Either team could have won it.

    If you want to be the best you have to play the best.

    You went off on a tangent.  Yes ND needs something besides high school hockey to keep talent in state....but that's not a point I brought up.  What I said was that prior to Bantams, Grand Forks takes the approach that they will have equally balanced teams at each level (PeeWee A, Squirt A, B1, etc...every level).  Fargo meanwhile has taken the approach of loading teams even within those classifications (for example, huge discrepancy between their two Squirt As this year).  Maybe that will work out for the better, who knows, but it is different than how Grand Forks does it.

  4. On 3/2/2020 at 6:54 PM, Speez said:

    Upcoming younger players may change that in the near future.

    Big win for the Fargo Squirt Black team being the first Fargo team to win their Squirt International tournament in it's 36 year history.

    Familiar name to long time Sioux fans involved in helping this to happen.



    It will be interesting to see if the Fargo method works come high school.  At youth levels, they always stack a team.  If there are 2 squirt A's.....they stack one of those A teams and so on.  Grand Forks has two squirt A's, 2 Pee Wee A's, etc and they are split as evenly as possible (for the most part).  Grand Forks doesn't start stacking a team til the Bantam AA level but other towns also do that.  Will be interesting.  

  5. 18 minutes ago, SiouxVolley said:

    The AD knows what will happen this spring and in 2023:  30 FCS programs will realign this spring and go FBS in 2023.  One year buyout in 2023.  Eric Schmidt will be the new coach in 2023.

    The only unknown is whether UND hosts Texas or Oklahoma in the Potato Bowl during UND's inaugural FBS season.  

    • Upvote 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, CMSioux said:

    I called it. 


    Wow, Nostradamus 2.0 in the house.  Who would have ever thought that extending a .500 coach while your rival school is getting carpel tunnel from putting NC rings on would not be popular with the fan base?

  7. 11 minutes ago, CMSioux said:

    I think the arm chair ADs are gonna make it a little tense in here. 

    The only people happy with the Bubba extension are the same people that are happy with getting 1.5% interest from a bank CD on their retirement nest egg.

    • Upvote 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Texas rancher said:

    Can’t figure everything out for ya smart guy, but yes, it is on free over the air in Bismarck also.


    does your mom still dress you everyday as well?

    I think the bigger point is that Forum Communications basically charging a fee for anyone outstate to watch high school hockey is pathetic on their part .....and another sign of how desperately they are struggling.  All they had to do is go to Scheels for some money and plaster their logo all over the feed.

    • Upvote 3
  9. 1 hour ago, UND92,96 said:

    Agreed, UNLESS the school board finally faces reality and changes the high school boundary line. If the east half of Grand Forks went to Central and the west half to Red River, and then eliminate or at least severely curtail the ability to attend the school outside your district, and things would even out quickly and probably permanently. And it wouldn't just be hockey that would even out. The difference in girls team sports between the schools over the past 20-plus years is pretty astounding.

    Absolutely.  If parity is the goal, a split all the way down Washington (or similar street) is needed.  With very few exceptions, Central isn't and hasn't been competitive in sports for years. 

  10. 8 hours ago, siouxfaninseattle said:

    So what you are saying is that unless your coach played D1 hockey (not coached) 30 years ago and Grand Forks School District lets anyone go to Central regardless of where they live Red River finally has a decent coach? Paranica is a "decent coach" because he has had the pick of the best players in Grand Forks - or because he played at UND? And what was his coaching experience before he got the job at Central? If I remember correctly Red River had the first undefeated season in 49 years in North Dakota before Lamoine got there. 

    You don't get it.  Why do you think all of those good players wanted to open enroll to Central instead of just going to Red River?  Coaching was a significant factor.

    Assuming Red River doesn't botch the permanent hire for that spot after this season ends, you will see RR gain the upper hand for the foreseeable future (which is already on the cusp of happening).  

  11. On 2/22/2020 at 9:45 PM, SiouxForever said:

    Mike LaMoine with what seems like a decent coaching job this year for Rid River. They just won EDC. I know they had some parents and coaching controversy last year.

    Didn't a young Montgomery and some other Red River player decide to play elsewhere this year? Seems like RR isn't too bad. Kudos, to Mike! 

    In all fairness, Central doesn't have what would be the 2 top players in the state playing for them this season (Panzer and Spicer) or else they could have sleepwalked to the title.  That being said, the parity is good and Red River finally having a decent coach like Central does is good for hockey overall.

    • Upvote 1
  12. The facility isn't perfect, but it's more than fine if the product on the field is good.  Unfortunately UND is stuck in a rut of thinking that a guy that has never won a college playoff game in 10-11 years of being a head coach is the right guy to turn the team into a power.  

  13. On 2/13/2020 at 11:30 PM, gfNDfan said:

    Should have changed it to POOR CHOICE house - they let Gam Wong go and dumped their chinese menu page in favor of their '"fargo" menu - HUGE MISTAKE!   The old shangri-la food (and especially the Phoenix Chicken) was the only reason I went there - a LOT of other people would agree.  Best to Gam and I hope he lands on his feet in a new place where his talents can be appreciated.  Our last time there the waitress was rude and once we found out no chinese food the alternatives boring.  We won't be back.

    Shotgun Sally's in Grand Forks has always had spotty service.  I've never been to a place that can have 4-5 bartenders moving around like they are busy but no one actually getting served drinks. 

  14. #1 Pump the brakes on the Scheel is the best goalie in college hockey talk.  He's good, but a long ways from great 

    #2 UMD 11-3 in last 14 games against UND.  Make no mistake about it, the road to #9 still goes through Duluth 

    #3 Thome needs to start tomorrow and a win is more needed than UNDs record indicates. 

    • Upvote 2
  15. 1 hour ago, UND1983 said:

    By Tom Dosch?  :blink:

    Yes.  Look at all of of OC and DC picks.  Not a one has been a threat to him due to ineptitude (Rudolph) or inexperience (Freund and Holinka).  

    • Downvote 1
  16. On 1/10/2020 at 12:38 PM, Oxbow6 said:

    No offense to Brett....not saying he's a bad hire or an unexpected hire but how does Dosch not get a look at this position? Stints at 2 current MVC schools as a defense position coach plus HC experience at a NAIA and a D2 schools. 

    Put the resumes side by side........

    Bubba doesn't want to feel threatened.

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