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Posts posted by TheFlop

  1. 8 hours ago, gfNDfan said:

    That old creep was probably checking on his "wild grass" growing on the berm he tried suing the city over mowing a few years ago.   Must have had some spare time from attending Trump rallies or maybe making sure his old law partner was still SEAworthy.   (EEEWWWW - sorry;-(

    Looking forward to see what Hal comes up with for the new steak place.   I think he'll nail it and that place will be a dining sensation downtown.  That being said Ely's Ivy is doing a great job on 3rd Street.


    Trump rallies?  Only if he was protesting.    https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://digitalcommons.law.utulsa.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi%3Farticle%3D3177%26context%3Dtlr&ved=2ahUKEwij3fyPstTqAhUJK80KHRJtA1MQFjAAegQIAhAB&usg=AOvVaw1OHsBnTXsqcfPCJ7M1XvL1

  2. 45 minutes ago, Langster019 said:

    We bought through seat geek. Not some scalper. 

    What do you think the Seatgeeks and Stubhubs of the world are?  They are a sanitized market exchange for scalpers.

    Refunds typically go back to the original purchaser.  Could be up to you to track them down. 

  3. 1 minute ago, wxman91 said:

    Whole bunch of wrong in here.

    • Hate speech is constitutional
    • College campuses can decide who to invite or not invite to speak, not a 1st amendment issue
    • Social media is private business, not a 1st amendment issue
    • Court challenges to the Constitutionality of COVID restrictions have been thrown out - see:  https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10451
    • How many of those protesters in Michigan that showed up like a militia were arrested?

    If a college and/or social media site wants to only report the far left version of events so be it.....but then own who you are and don't be afraid to announce yourself as a "Democrat" college....or a "liberal" social media site. In the case of colleges, it seems like a the publicly funded aspect of it might cause problems when it comes to being prejudiced towards certain beliefs.


  4. 8 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    My kid's teacher taught 2 groups for 40 minutes each a week this past spring when it went to online learning. You're damn right they don't wanna come back to work.    

    Great point. So with the significantly less contact time.....shouldn't that mean one teacher can cover more sections.....which equals fewer teacher positions?  

  5. 47 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    Maybe the black lives matter folks should just leave the country too eh? 

    No, but the people that truly don't feel safe in large urban areas could try something different by voting red instead of blue as 40-50 years of the latter helped create the situation they find so offensive.  

    • Upvote 2
  6. 1 hour ago, UNDBIZ said:

    Although I'd like schools to reopen as well, if the bold text above happens, then who will teach the kids?  Most schools are already struggling to find quality teachers.

    How many teachers do you know that got into the Fargo, Grand Forks, Bismarck school system (i.e. any decent size school system).......that did a 180 and quit to do something completely unrelated?  Teachers love to whine about pay and make threats regarding no one being left to teach kids.....but very few actually leave the strong union, great benefits, and a 12 month salary for working 9 months per year gold mine.

  7. 33 minutes ago, Walsh Hall said:

    It fans are not allowed the revenues will take a MAJOR hit for college hockey (and all other college sports).  Couple that with the added testing and other Covid-related costs and besides  the top football and basketball programs, how many athletic departments will be able to finance their programs?

    How many college hockey teams actually make money?  That's what scares me.  

  8. 4 minutes ago, burd said:

    The members of this board have always done a good job of avoiding politics, and I hope that continues.  Political discussions are great, but it's better when there is a designated place for them.  

    That's my political comment for the day.   :)

    Unfortunately it's gotten to the point where you can't have a talk about UND sports without also discussing politics......since politics is what is threatening to impact/cancel UND sports 

  9. Unfortunately this is likely how the season will end, before it even gets started.  College hockey can absorb the loss of the Ivy league schools but if even a few more pull the plug there won't be enough teams left to fill the gap.  Ivy league players most likely won't jump ship because of the prestigious education they get there.......but high end recruits aren't gonna just sit around UND forever hoping that there will eventually be some form of a college season.  

  10. 16 hours ago, Hayduke1 said:

    Systemic racism. 


    More toxic 

    Using the word systemic = an attempt to use stereotypes without being shouted down.  

    If you want to make it in the US, you typically can regardless of your background.  It's not always easy, but it is possible. 

  11. 37 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    What planet are you on?   Trump's inability to do anything is gonna get him slaughtered at the polls.  He’s so incompetent he can’t stop putting his foot in his mouth. The Dems are loving it, they don’t have to do anything other than stash decrepit Biden away and let Trump self-destruct.   Buy, scratch, win!

    Ah yes....the polls.  Wait until November.  The silent majority is waiting in the wings again, just like 2016.

    Once again, the Dems just needed to throw someone normal up and they would win with ease....and they failed. 

    • Upvote 1
  12. 3 hours ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    Trump is the quintessential snowflake.  He's the right-wing embodiment of everything he hates on the left.  He's constantly playing the victim card and he's swamped in political correctness (right-wing). 

    Worst of all, he can dish it out with the best of them...but he can't take it.  His skin is paper thin.   When you feel the need to prove to your followers you can drink a glass of water properly, yea, you've some serious insecurity issues.      

    Lol, keep telling yourself that.  He keeps doing what he wants when he wants and the left just can't stop crying.  He's not always right but the inability of his opponents to be the bigger person is laughable.....and it's precisely what's gonna get him re-elected. 

  13. 12 hours ago, WiSioux said:

    Not if it is postponed and not cancelled

    Maybe different with sporting events, but with most of the big concerts that have been affected, cancelled = immediate refund and postponed = your choice of keeping ticket for the rescheduled event or getting refund.  However with the postponement it can get tricky.  You only have 30 days from the day the new date is announced to declare your refund.  If no new date is immediately announced then the 30 day window starts 60 days after the initial postponement is announced.  Would UND "postpone" the event until 2022 leaving alot of people's money in limbo for 2 years?

  14. 1 hour ago, SiouxForever said:

    Love how you're all judging a person you never met in real life. Gotta love 2020 and social media/the internet. For the record, I do NOT condone his past behavior at all. 

    Not necessarily just a past character issue....... the article alluded to the fact that he and his family/representation haven't been real forthcoming with prospective draft teams ( and that he hasn't come across well in interviews).  It's ironic because he is essentially replacing someone that despite what some saw as underperformance, was a very likable guy (Tychonik)......who was pretty open and gracious even after he all but publicly announced that he wasn't good enough to get the playing time that he wanted at UND.  Win baby win.   

    • Upvote 3
  15. On 6/26/2020 at 6:12 PM, SiouxFanatic said:

    Some speculation that Mitchell Miller might drop in the draft due to a bullying incident when he was 14. I believe you have to give benefit of the doubt. He's older now and have to hope he learned from what he did.

    Article about bullying incident: https://www.toledoblade.com/local/courts/2016/04/26/Judge-slams-pair-s-role-in-bullying-case/stories/20160425311

    I'd drop him but I realize that won't happen.  I hope he still gets drafted high so there's a better chance of him moving on quicker.  If it was "just" some name calling it could be chalked up to being young and dumb.  Years of torment that included hitting a handicap kid?  That's being wired differently. 

  16. 16 minutes ago, dlsiouxfan said:

    His addictions to meth, Adderall and cocaine are well documented by first hand accounts from the writers and cast members of The Apprentice.   I don't think you'll find it on his campaign website however.

    Is it possible to have much of anything well documented by members of a reality TV show?

  17. 3 hours ago, dlsiouxfan said:

    You're kidding right?  The first 50 pages of this thread are you claiming how this will kill less than the seasonal flu (roughly 60K) this year until the death toll flew past the seasonal flu.  

    If the same hypersensitivity tracking data was used each flu season as has been used for Covid the results would be much similar 

    • Upvote 1
  18. 2 hours ago, gfhockey said:

    Haga and Feland are pretty nervous right about now


    David was just on Knox and wouldn’t answer yes or no about defunding the gfpd 



    Pete Haga has his food truck to fall back on.  Just need to sell more bottles of water. 

  19. 1 hour ago, Dustin said:

    I predict Bochenski will win, and he will have Robin David to thank for splitting votes between her and the incumbent Brown.

    Agreed.  Bochenski doesn't win without David peeling off some of Browns left/downtown/artsy-fartsy votes.  Still might not win, but that is his path to victory.  

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