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Posts posted by TheFlop

  1. 27 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    You already know, you've watched them all season.

    No, was too busy watching a team that punts when it is late in the 4th quarter of a playoff game and they are down multiple scores.  

  2. 55 minutes ago, FlinFlan80 said:

    Why would you cheer for a team you literally have nothing positive to say about? That's like being a Browns fan because you know it will piss you off and bring negativity into your life. Unless you played for UND or have a child on the current squad, I highly suggest you find a new team to follow because there is a very slim chance this team ever lives up to your expectations.

    Lol ok fan police.  You should be in charge of UND Football advertising campaign....."Middle of the pack keeps Bubba coming back"

  3. 53 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    Pretty sure he isn't a UND fan.

    A UND fan?  Yes.  A fan of the philosophy of the football team where they keep doing the same thing and expecting different results?  No.  Despite being second fiddle in town UND football has enough going for it where just being average should not be the expectation year after year. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, FlinFlan80 said:

    Average teams don't make the playoffs. That's what above average teams do. We beat Montana State this year, who willed themselves all the way to the Semi Finals. You really think we are average. This is a hockey school. We are fortunate to have a football program that is competitive to go along with it.

    35-30 over last 6 years?  Yeah that's pretty much the definition of average.......but just wait til next year right?

  5. 2 minutes ago, Hawkster said:

    No one was calling for an in house promotion this year when everyone wanted Bubba's hide.   When Bubba finally gets the axe it might be wise to clean house and start completely over.   Brutal but effective.

    This was nothing more than a self preservation pick by Bubba.  Absolutely a complete refresh is needed. Instead UND rolls into Missouri Valley play with the same old 6-5 just wait til next year attitude. 

  6. Brilliant selection by Bubba.  If he opens it up and brings in a fresh talented hire for DC he would be hearing calls for his job halfway through his next muddling 6-5 season.  Now with Holinka and Freund (and Bubba's contract) he has guaranteed himself another couple years since there is no viable in-house option to replace him.

  7. 2 hours ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Asked about punting on 4th and 6 with 6 minutes to go and down two scores Bubba replied "little too long of yardage........As I look back, we should've gone for it".

    Not going for it was Bubba 2nd biggest regret this fall.......his biggest regret was not selling his pumpkin futures before Halloween.  

  8. 2 home games in November when weather can be dicey.....those could be some real ugly games in terms of tailgating/attendance with the annual  Bubba nosedive having already started. 

  9. This is Bubba's 6th year.....and anyone that believes this program is much ahead of when he took over is delusional.  A change is needed.  Get ready for another season of 1/2 empty Alerus Center as UND muddles through another 6-5 season.

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  10. One school believes in continued excellence......and the other believes in continued mediocrity.  The gap is just as big as it was in 2015.  Bubba needs to go if UND ever wants to be more than a 6-5 or 7-4 team.

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