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Posts posted by TheFlop


    Just now, Redneksioux said:

    I've been aware before the media told me, and you know that.



    No you haven't.  Im guessing before Covid you went to a movie or sporting event at some point without a mask... And although Covid may have not have been present, other airborne illnesses were that could affect those with underlying conditions......you just didn't realize that it was there in the air. 

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  2. Just now, Redneksioux said:

    Sure it's not the only risk, it's just the biggest risk to those. 

    In this small hand selected period of time maybe, but overall they are still much more at risk of the underlying condition rather than Covid if you were capable of taking a step back and looking big picture.  

  3. 3 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    This sounds like a problem. So why is the White House's coronavirus task force not addressing this instead of trying to reduce the number of people tested?

    So it's the White Houses fault that the medical community hasn't come up with an accurate test yet?  Listen to yourself!  Is it also the White Houses fault that the medical community hasn't found a cure for cancer yet?  Geezus, what is wrong with you?

    Just think of the financial windfall that would come to the first company that develops a fast and accurate Covid test?  Believe me, companies don't need the White House to pressure them to do it 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    What percentage of people in the US have underlying conditions making them high risk with covid? And what about essential workers? Should they stay home in their basements too? Live your lives I don't care. Just keep your droplets to yourself.

    Your logic is pathetic because you act like Covid is the only risk those with underlying health conditions face......newsflash it's not.  If you are vulnerable, it's up to you to protect yourself.  This "keep your droplets" to yourself is also a whiney worn out response you've been giving for months.  The only way to not get droplets from another human being (any droplets, good, bad, Covid, whatever, is to never leave a sealed room.  

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  5. 1 hour ago, Redneksioux said:

    What percentage of the tests are believed to be flawed? Would you agree that the White House's coronavirus task force should be more concerned about figuring this out instead of reducing the number of people tested?

    Unless it recently changed estimates were running that the test was only accurate about 2/3 of the time.  

  6. 1 minute ago, Hayduke1 said:

    Yes.  I see.

    America is in flames because of Trump, so vote for Trump to extinguish the flames.  Good campaign strategy, bro.


    Letting the liberal cesspool cities burn for now is actually turning out to be a brilliant move on his part as it is really showing the true colors of leadership in those cities.  There are alot more people in this country (of all colors) that prefer law and order over the anarchy that is occuring in those towns.  Once re-election is not a concern, the hammer will drop.  

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  7. 14 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    It is Trump's watch, dumbass.

    No....it's really not until after the election....because of the extreme media bias his hands are temporarily tied....if Trump gets re-elected, which is starting to appear more and more likely, you and your panty waste friends will be finding out what Trump's watch looks like....think the DAPL clear out but only quicker.

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  8. 18 minutes ago, OgieOgilthorpe said:

    This list will get longer by the month. The tipping point is far gone. GF is no longer business competition for anyone other than EGF and Crookston. I don’t expect to see any new Major businesses moving to Gf anytime in the foreseeable future. They’ve even dropped the ball on UAV business development in a big way in my opinion. 

    Unfortunately it is to be expected in a town that still feels it biggest recent accomplishment is getting a Chic-fik-A a few years back.  I like Mayor Bo but Grand Forks needed him at least 4 and ideally 8 years ago.

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  9. 5 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    It sounds like he’s not exactly happy about the inconsistency (und mask mandate vs no mandate off campus). He’s gone so far to comment that they want to keep kids here in school but if things get worse students will be sent home and this will hurt grand forks’ economy. Ball is in the mayor’s court.

    UND wants to keep kids in school to keep the dorm revenue......they won't be sent home until the refund stage has passed for that.

    UND has already buckled by allowing so many face to face class to go online this semester. 

  10. 40 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:

    Hands tied?  Allocate their focus?  

    Police certainly had the time and resources to stop, talk and thank those militia guys.  Perhaps instead of thanking them they should've used that time to tell them to GTFO like everybody else.  This isn't difficult.      

    Would it have prevented the shooting?  Well, the shooter was in the group.  But who knows.  


    Anyhow, according to that militia member in the video, the police actively tried to use the militia to quell protesters.  Is this also justified in bizarro world?  Thankfully the militia dude wasn't having any of that BS.  Called the police ‘pigs’ at one point.    But who knows if its true.   

    You truly are delusional.  Police haven't been allowed to do their job throughout 90% of these riots because of where they have occured (liberal Democrat cities). If I continually got thrown under the bus like they have I also wouldn't go out of my way to kick out people that share the same goal of stopping the destruction.  Stay in la la land.

    • Like 1
  11. 9 minutes ago, Old Fella said:

    You do not have a mental illness/you have a mental disorder.  Like stupidity there is not vacine for mental disorders.  You may want to try the road to Deimascus

    You ever see Shutter Island?  Because I highly recommend that you don't underestimate the probability that you are the crazy one and what you perceive to be crazy isn't.  

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  12. 3 hours ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    Properly trained and professional police don't pick sides.  It's not an option.  By not doing their job, they helped set the stage for the shooting to occur; especially when you have idiots on both side of the isle running around.      

    If the police attempted to clear everybody out (curfew was enacted) chances diminish a shooting happens.     


    Very interesting -  some militia members aren't too impressed with the police either.    


    Which side are you picking to focus your enforcement efforts on...there worded it better. 

    And your argument saying police should have cleared everyone out is pathetic and you know it.  Assuming they had enough man power (which thanks to the governor they didn't) police would like nothing more than to clear everyone out and be done with it but their hands are being tied and YOU know it.

  13. 41 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    This isn’t a white privilege mystery. The police clearly had picked the militia’s side before the shootings occurred. This whole thing looks very bad for them.

    Of course they did......you get to pick A) Someone that will protect your property or B) Someone that is gonna loot, vandalize and commit arson, which side are you picking?

    • Upvote 1
  14. 5 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    They should have known, with the number of people that witnessed and were yelling he shot people. Dispatch also should have had a description that would have gotten to the police almost immediately.

    Sides were clearly picked by law enforcement ahead of time based on video that’s been posted with officers thanking the militia and handing out waters to them.

    If by sides being clearly picked beforehand you mean those that were destroying the town versus those trying to protect the town.....then yes you are correct, the police did pick sides beforehand.  

    • Upvote 2
  15. 4 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    I’ll admit, this is the first time I’ve ever witnessed (on video) someone shoot multiple people and be allowed to walk right by police still carrying the AR.


    I don’t care how far from Illinois he is. Point is he was allowed to walk away openly carrying his weapon, right by the police, no questions asked.

    If he was black you really think he’d still be alive?

    Fair point to make as in some cases you are probably right,  but none of it comes into play if the Wisconsin governor just had done his job. 

    Of course it should also be pointed out that the kid didn't disobey any police orders either.  99% of these problems can be prevented by just complying with police orders and then fighting it in court if you think it was wrong. 

  16. 1 hour ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    NO, and you dont have it.
    He's the one moving it forward, this all was building.

    Trump's attitude, lies, suporting orher's conspiracy therories, actions, and etc.
    Minneapolis choke hold
    Seattle's prolonged response

    If Trump wins in Novenber, more escalation.

    Possibly.......or once he no longer has re-election to worry about it and the gloves come off could go the route of the DAPL non-sense.

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