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Posts posted by TheFlop

  1. 32 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Typical Dan, real funny. Much more to this than just slapping on a mask.




    Washing Hands helps?

    The funny thing is that LimuEmu had a strange fascination with gay references....which can often mean a person is hiding the same thing they are referencing.  In your case, is there something you want to tell us?  We are here to help you learn how to properly wash your hands.  

    • Upvote 2
  2. 40 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    "Oh wait......the Ds would rather have more" cases, deaths"  

    The cult is promoting the spread by not washing their hands and etc. Wishing this to rip through the county. 
    I'm reading everything about the Dems is not to spread.

    Pretty pathetic argument even by your low standards.  So you feel comfortable assuming that Republicans nationwide aren't washing their hands (which like alot of things there is no proof of)......but Oxbow cites a specific example that vaccines are available but they aren't being used.  Apples to oranges bud.  

    • Upvote 2
  3. 1 minute ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Watch "Eastern North Dakota Long Term Care Facilities With Double Digit COVID Infections" on YouTube

    Perfect example of why masks are silly and that the only social distance that truly works is complete isolation.  Nursing home workers are all wearing masks, and residents are spaced out, and they are still getting infected.  Any intellectual that tries parroting the masks 24/7 everywhere argument should first have to explain why anyone in nursing homes is still getting infected. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. 8 hours ago, JohnboyND7 said:

    I always find these sorts of things really f'ing dumb. 

    Let's examine the two general themes of Republican counties vs. Democrat counties in the stereotypes.

    GOP has rural America. Farms. Ranches. Energy production. 

    Democrats have entertainment, tech, finance, i suppose medical stuff, and academia? 

    Both benefit from the other, but the latter is only able to exist because humans have domesticated animals and gotten pretty dang good at farming.

    Yes, the industries that are located in cities drive a lot of the economy, but those counties/cities would collapse if say, some weird crop blight from Interstellar showed up. Turns out people need to eat and keep the lights on if they intend on living because dollars in a bank account dont do a whole lot for you if there isn't enough food.

    Red counties derive benefits from the urban areas too. Stock markets, medical care, and all that is very important as well if you want to live a long and comfortable life.

    The whole "Look at GDP, we keep the red areas afloat!" thing some claim is genuinely dumb and shows a lack of self-awareness (not saying you are making that claim, I just hear it a lot at school).


    Yes, in an either/or scenario give me energy, food, timber, and petroleum products and the other guy can take his chances with his car that won't run, his computer that won't turn on, and a diet dependent on whatever they can find growing wild.....because the community garden b.s. wouldn't last very long in that scenario. 

    • Upvote 1
  5. 23 hours ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Best I could do without crayons, sorry bud.

    One of the things UND Law School teaches (as many times my Uncle would council me on) is to get a grasp of the whole situation/incendent/story/so on. Not just pick out what you like - like your buds T & Ruddy do!
    Try tell me again, where does the "That's Fraud" come in.

    A person that blindly just parrots.....masks masks masks....preaching about the need to be able to objectively look at the entire picture.  That's classic.  

    • Upvote 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Just saw this part........now Dougie has lost it. Basically tucked his nuts in. State mask mandate....no problem. Really should have been done weeks ago from just an optics standpoint. Mask mandate....been this way I Fargo for a few weeks and how well has it helped??

    The bolded part if f-n ridiculous. Every day thru the last 3+ weeks of this spike it is the same demographic every day leading the charge in new cases 20-49. They make up over half of the the new cases every day! Is Burgum going to mandate the Fargo area public schools go back strictly face to face? Nope but now we'll have kids sitting at home from school, because of the bedwetting  teacher's association, not leaning f-n anything with now nothing to do after "school". Brilliant pivot. I have a $100 Dougie cancels the ND HS sports seasons all together. That'll  show the virus who's boss.

    Bars needs to be closed for the same time frame if this BS is going to have any effect.


    I'd be curious what legal ground he is on when it comes to the "including clubs and associations (i.e. non school sports)".  As long as the mask part of the mandate is followed can he really stop that?  Seems ripe for a legal challenge. 

    • Upvote 3
  7. 12 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    This could start to domino like it did middle of March.

    The governors of California, Oregon and Washington issued travel advisories urging people entering or returning to their states to self-quarantine to slow the spread..

    Maybe, but it's easier to have respect for an order/mandate/recommendation when they are at least consistent and across the board.  Can still disagree with them at that point but at least they aren't playing favorites.  

    • Upvote 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:
    Grand Forks Youth Hockey Association

    GFYHA players and parents:

    As North Dakotan’s, we were all made aware of the new COVID requirements mandated by Governor Burgum this evening. These guidelines state that starting Monday, November 16th -

        “All high school winter sports and other extracurricular K-12 school activities are suspended until Dec. 14th. This also applies to all associations, community and club sports”

    We will play our scheduled games this weekend and continue to gather as much information as possible about how this will affect our hockey season moving forward. When we know more about how these mandates specifically affect GFYHA, we will let you know


    Because college athletes that are know to attend large parties with other athletes aren't a concern....but kids that play in empty arenas and then go home to play Xbox are.  

    • Upvote 2
  9. 1 minute ago, The Sicatoka said:

    My aunt and uncle have come up positive.

    My aunt says, if she was still working, this morning she'd have popped a couple Advil and gone in to work and had a "slow day at work". She's about Day 7 post exposure and Day 3 of post-positive test. 

    Glad to hear.  That is the experience that 99.9% of Americans will have if they have taken care of themselves over the years and aren't 100 years old. 

    • Upvote 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, dynato said:

    I know personal responsibility has been thrown out there. I've seen it, I've expressed that myself in this thread. I've also seen people say they would be more depressed if they lost their job vs close family members. The 74000 deaths model is called the do-nothing model for a reason. I am just pointing out that the 74,000 deaths is realistic given the assumptions used to make it. 

    74,000 will die of infected hang nails over a long enough sample period. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    It’s also fair to ask if Canada is counting deaths in the same way the US is. Not saying they aren’t, I just don’t know if they are. Without knowing that, comparing deaths counts between the two isn’t going to yield much information.

    Correct, the old "with" Covid or "because" of Covid distinction. 

  12. 7 hours ago, dynato said:

    Don't put words in my mouth. You framed the 9 deaths as a big deal, not me.

    Manitoba has twice the population of ND, one-fourth the deaths of ND, for roughly the same testing per capita. This means you are eight times more likely to die in ND from covid than you are in Manitoba at this point in time. 

    "At this point in time".......huh, it's almost like the virus takes longer to spread to more remote areas.  Manitoba is looking like ND did about a month or two ago.  If Manitoba was testing as much as ND, including routinely testing healthy young people like is getting pushed in ND, you know that the numbers would be even worse for Manitoba.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Another semester of pass fail at UND and another semester of parents/students getting less bang for their buck. I suppose it's fitting given that students spend more time at mass testing events trying to win prizes than they do in a classroom.  


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