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Posts posted by TheFlop

  1. If you truly believe in pushing clean energy.....more social programs....etc then absolutely vote for Biden.  Some people believe that is the way to go and that is their prerogative.  

    However don't vote for Biden because you believe that just because he has more polish, that his backyard is any cleaner than Trump's.  That's just being naive.  You don't get to where Biden is at after 47 years in government by not having pulled many many strings.  

    • Upvote 2
  2. 11 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Far from reaching, take the blinders off.

    Shows the kind of friends in the T Circle. 
    Giuliani a class act in your book? 
    Personal attorney of out P? 
    In the mix with Russian campaign interference?
    2 weeks before election?

    In the example you cited an employee of a paper that someone related to Trump used to own committed the crime of stalking.....that barring some unknown details was not promoted, condoned, or provide benefit to Trump.  

    With Biden you are seeing more and more evidence (not from MSM of course) that Biden was more involved with his kid's shenanigans then previously believed....a direct tie.  

    Trump's stepson had a douche working for him (not Haydouche).  It happens and I hope he gets punished fully.  Big difference from being directly tied to the shady activity like Biden is.  Do you hope Biden is held accountable?

    • Upvote 2
  3. 1 hour ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    NEW YORK (Reuters) - The former editor of a New York newspaper once owned by President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner was charged on Friday by federal prosecutors with cyberstalking three people in connection with his divorce.

    Prosecutors in Brooklyn said Ken Kurson, who is also a political consultant and former speechwriter for Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, sent threatening messages and used aliases to file false complaints against his victims in late 2015 amid the divorce proceedings.

    They also said Kurson traveled on multiple occasions to where two victims worked, taking photos and asking about the work schedule of one, prompting their employer to hire a security guard for them.

    Kurson is being released on $100,000 bond following a virtual appearance before a Brooklyn federal judge, following his arrest earlier Friday.

    Boy you are really reaching with that one.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 36 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Why should parents take a kid in to get tested for every mild symptom? This mentality that "it has to be Covid" until proven otherwise is ridiculous. Maybe parents can teach their own kids to test their own sewage for Covid.....with a mask on of course. 

    My kids wouldn't get a test unless they were actually significantly sick.  If it was mild cold or even mild flu....no way. Actively showing symptoms?  Sure, stay home. Asymptomatic and stay at home for 2 weeks?  Nope.   

     I have no expectation that when I walk into a Walmart.....a restaurant....or a public school that there isn't anyone in those places that may have a bug that I could potentially catch.....others shouldn't either.  

  5. 1 hour ago, jdub27 said:

    The kids: No, the vast majority aren't. But they can spread it. 

    However a significant portion of the teachers and adminstration are. And even if they aren't, they can spread it as well.

    That's the cost/benefit the school board has to weigh and I don't envy their situation especially since it is clear that there is a community spread issue going on across the state (and that is using the positivity rate, not the number of positive tests). I'm glad they are weighing both sides and looking at local info before making their decisions. My hope is they only pull the plug if determined it is absolutely necessary due to spread being directly linked to the schools.

    Sending kids home to online status only works to stop "the spread" if those kids stay inside, don't meet at the playground, don't play any sports (school or non-school sanctioned), don't have sleepovers, and avoid getting hugs or high fives from their parents/siblings/guardians.........now who believes that will actually happen?

    • Upvote 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

    What was cobbled together with zero preparation last spring is a far cry from what goes on in a normal classroom. With proper preparation, planned distance learning can work, but for most students, it is nowhere near what they receive in the classroom.

    Not sure if you were directly stating that the quality of education kids were receiving virtually is any comparison to what they receive in the classroom, but you were, I can assure you they aren't near the same (outside of some very specific situations).

    I've been very pleased GF schools have remained open and handled things appropriately to stay that way. Last night, the school board decided to go against their previous plan and leave the schools opens despite GF County being moved to red/severe, citing the minimal number of positives within the school district and the impact it would have on learning as reasoning. They will be re-evaluating late next week, hopefully numbers calm down a bit and kids can stay in school.

    Even if numbers don't call down they should be allowed to stay in school.  They aren't vulnerable to this.  

  7. 5 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Yet the Sheyenne HS FB team quarantined 70+ kids over one positive. Bases on the CDC close contact guidelines that is basically physically impossible especially  with the measures that are being taken in practices and games.

    My question is who's the idiot parent that took their kid in to be tested knowing that it would knock the whole team offline. 

    • Upvote 2
  8. Just now, Bison06 said:

    Ok...but they opened right? How many kids/teachers have been hospitalized?

    Teachers I've talked to in Grand Forks day that at any given time there are some teachers that have been knocked down by it pretty good for a couple of days.  No teacher deaths and haven't heard of any hospitalizations.  As for kids, if you ask around it's clear that many more kids have had it than the numbers show.  However those kids have gotten at most a brief fever and some other short lived cold symptoms.  In my opinion that's exactly what should be happening as it has for years.  The "crud" is going through the school and if you give it another couple weeks you will have a herd immunity of sorts in the schools.  

    • Upvote 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    I have a grandson at St. Michaels School in GF, he is in his second two week quarantine. Whole class.
    Doesn't sound like school be open much longer.

    Which is utterly asinine.  Letting one infected kid that most likely isn't that sick knock out an entire class.....but that's how schools are doing it. 

    • Upvote 3
  10. 30 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    0.003% positivity rate of students and staff/employees......64% of ND deaths 80 years of age and older. Makes perfect sense.

    Visited with a 7th grade teacher in Fargo last night. District told teachers they can't fail any student even if the student does zero school work. Started last spring....now this year as well. Dumb and dumber.

    Also on LTC/nursing homes.......buddy of mine on national  vaccine task force. Vaccine trials have shown marginal efficacy on the elderly. If this holds true guess the only solution is more lockdowns.....right??

    You mean that administering a vaccine to an already elderly /vulnerable/already sick population isn't a magic bullet?

  11. 25 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Cause lockdowns work. Just ask all the Americans that visited food pantries over that past few month for the first time. 


    False, that's actually the sign up line for the last One Fargo March.  Not alot of missed work days but classes at MSUM and MSCTC were sparsely attended that day.

  12. 9 hours ago, Hayduke1 said:

    From Christopher Paul:

    The military has about 1.3 million active duty. They made mask mandatory starting in March. They enforce social distance and hand washing. They exercise responsibly and keep proper distance. They cut their classrooms in two. Paratrooper have half the personnel load in airplanes. They limit the number of people in their buildings. They test in large number, quarantine when someone is sick and have quick turn around when testing in 50 facilities around the world. Number of death: 8. Just 8 death. Why!
    1- Leaders listened to the experts.
    2- Leaders speak with one voice.
    3- Leaders acted as leaders

    #1 Military has health standards for entry and for re-enlistment that don't allow for the obese or those with significant underlying conditions to serve. 

    Now GFY.

    • Upvote 3
  13. 5 hours ago, UNDlaw80 said:

    Sen. Ron Johnson (from my home state) is now insinuating that child porn is on Hunter’s laptop.  As if the original story wasn't fishy enough.:silly:     Man alive, the Trumpsters are sparing no expense no matter how outrageous it gets.   Reeks of classic GRU activity.   

    From 4 years ago: Foes of Russia Say Child Pornography Is Planted to Ruin Them


    So this begs the question.  How the hell would Ron Johnson know what's on this supposed 'laptop'?   Oh wait, here he is with Andriy Telizhenko, one of Giuliani's shady pro-Kremlin Ukrainian contacts. 


    If someone ever made the accusation that they had my laptop and there was damming material on it......I'd have an easy time proving it's not actually mine.  I wouldn't have to be digging out photos of Wisconsin Senators to try and deflect the issue. 

    • Upvote 1
  14. 21 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    You do you, browneyes.

    Just don't do others.  Because, you are not to be in a position of authority and trust.  You seem to be doing your best to raise mortality rates on your neck of the woods with your quackery 

    You going to PM me again like the whiny little bit#h you are? 



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