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Posts posted by TheFlop

  1. 27 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    NY Gov. Cuomo reopens Corona Staten Island field hospital as hospitalizations rise.

    Must be fake news, he's been on the mask up and quarantine visitors from out of state bandwagon almost the entire time.  Masks protect other people.  This can't be happening.  

  2. 2 hours ago, UNDBIZ said:

    I said before the biggest change/mutation in the pandemic/virus will occur in January.  With immunity changes and vaccines available, the ground work is being laid.

    Walz and Newsom are salivating.  Covid-19 has given them such an ego trip that they can't wait for Covid-21

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  3. 12 hours ago, SiouxFan100 said:

    Sorry to hear that some are dismissing COVID deaths because they are just old people that are close to death anyway. I guess I respectfully disagree. What I agree with is trying to keep younger folks active.

    It is not dismissing, it is taking an entire picture view of the situation, something that the "if it saves just one life" crowd has never done throughout all of this.  With few exceptions, most people don't want to die or see someone die.  However some of those exceptions can occur in LTC when people's quality of life is already shot and they give up......or when you see how much pain and suffering someone is in you may wish for them to die.  With the average age of a Covid death being right around the expected life expectancy of a person that dies without Covid, it is not unreasonable to say that if not Covid the reality is something else had a very good chance of doing them in.  People don't live forever.  Now if Covid was killing off massive numbers of 40-50 year old people that is an entirely different beast, but that's not what is happening.  The safety of the elderly and vulnerable should be BALANCED with the what is best for the younger and healthy.  The Covid response in this nation has to this point been an all or nothing let's do whatever it takes to save one 90 year old person that is close to dying anyways which is ridiculous.  

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  4. 11 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

    Between this and your comparison of professional sports pods and nursing homes, you really are on a roll!

    Now that you've added nothing you can go back to getting off on K-12 kids getting locked down so the 90 year old nursing home resident that wants to die anyways can make it another couple weeks.  

  5. 49 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

    Brilliant, why hasn't anyone thought of that yet? 

    Who's going to care for them? And do we lock down those caregivers families as well, including all of their kids? "How is that plan going to work with the hospitals in the region that are already nearing capacity with workers who are near their breaking point? I'm sure they will be happy to watch it "let er rip" while continuing to be stretched extremely thin due to a shortage of workers and/or capacity.
    How do you account for the large amount of the population who aren't vulnerable yet will continue to take cautions, particularly as people are ready to "let er rip". How well do you think that plan is going to work out for the businesses that I assume your plan is set to help.


    Narrow minded bleeding hearts like yourself messed this up from day one so yes, it is always tough to put toothpaste back in the tube.  If early on more focus was put on protecting old and vulnerable people instead of this sick and twisted practice in government overreach and compliance......we wouldn't be in this situation.  Pro sports can pull off a pod.....why can't a nursing home?  Instead of paying out all of this money to healthy 25 year olds sucking down unemployment.....pour that money into huge bonuses for care providers that are willing to go into 3 month pods with vulnerable people?  Here's another idea, instead of banning people under 16 from Menards ........maybe ban people 70 and over from Menards?  Sounds crazy but think about it.....why not?  Idiots keep hammering on the 18 and under crowd because they are the easy target........but in what twisted reality do you live where you can't see that it would affect a much smaller portion of America if restrictions were put on the vulnerable.....instead of the healthy.

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  6. 17 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    I, nor does the report, claim collusion occurred.   You people's strawmen arguments are pathetic.  

    The final government report concluded that Russia interfered in our election, the Trump campaign was up to its neck in shady Russian connections, was prone to infiltration, and Trump was well aware of what Russia was doing.  That said, no direct collusion occurred.  

    Back to the original point.  That scenario is a world away from Trump's accusation, without evidence, that the election was stolen from him.  He will need to provide a mountain of evidence to verify it.  He hasn't thus far.        

    So in conclusion, no collusion existed between Trump and Russia.  But during a US election a foreign country wanted one side to win over the other and pushed stuff through media to try and achieve that result.......bet that doesn't happen literally every US election by multiple countries.  

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  7. 2 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    Rhetoric is rhetoric.  Both sides pull the same ****.  Surely you can see beyond that.  

    The difference is Russian interference was 100% true.  Thoroughly validated by Rep-led Senate intelligence committee.   Trump has yet to provide any evidence, anywhere, the election was stolen from him.  Trump is getting thoroughly laughed out of court.    


    Interference?  Yes.  Many countries interfere.  However that's a far cry from the collusion accusation that existed for the majority of his presidency. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

    Sure.  Everybody who hasn't tested negative within the last 30 minutes needs to wear a mask when in public and social distancing can't be ensured.  :D

    While we are at it, anybody in the US that doesn't have a peanut allergy should have to tatoo a giant Mr Peanut on their forehead.  That way those that are vulnerable to peanuts can freely go about their lives and know exactly who may have had a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast.

    • Upvote 3
  9. 8 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

    A person who isn't actively shedding the virus doesn't need to wear a mask.

    Now tell me, definitively, who is shedding the virus and who isn't.  It's very clear, based on spread, that people shedding the virus are still interacting with others.

    Seems like situation could be placed under control if the vulnerable would shelter in place for a month while the healthy let er rip.  

    • Upvote 2
  10. 8 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

    From the article:


    If I have gas from eating Mexican food..... and take a few steps away from you after I start dusting....it might help a little but how much does it actually help?  

    A mask might help with large particles being projected but we all know that this thing is aerosol (like my Qdoba gas)....so the mask doesn't do a thing for that. 

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  11. 20 minutes ago, Old Fella said:

    North Dakota records world's highest per capita covid mortallity rate.


    Small overall population.....but a high percentage of old people....plus a sh*tpile of testing will do that.  

    When they say 1 out of 1000 died it doesn't account for the fact that many of those were on their way out already, unfortunately.  

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  12. 1 hour ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Since everyone laps up the info put out by the CDC let this soak in.....

    Compared to 2019 mental health related visits are up 24% ages 5-11 and up 31% up ages 12-17......but that's "data and science" Burgum overlooked and Walz will too in a day or two. 

    ...and if we are honest a good chuck of the blame goes on the teacher associations around this country.

    Silly Oxbow, we aren't talking about that.  Stay on topic......Covid is gonna kill us all.

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  13. 1 hour ago, Hambone said:

    Could it be one is date of death and the other is date the death is announced?  I know that sometimes there's XX that is announced as deaths that day, but it can have deaths from weeks/months back included.

    The biggest problem I have with the Covid death stats for the upper age limits is that it goes under the assumption that nothing else would have killed them during that time period.  If a 40 year old dies while having Covid?  That's a number that's hard to ignore.  If a 90 year old person in a nursing home that is already on oxygen dies, it's assumed that person somehow still had 5 more years to live. 

    • Upvote 2
  14. 15 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Up to this point, there are more service workers sick than patients? 
    This coming from outside activities during non-working hours?

    If masks, worked it shouldn't matter if the providers at nursing homes all came in with raging cases of Covid that they caught in the community.  Masks protect other people right?  Especially properly worn N95 masks?  

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  15. 18 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Really    PROOF

    I hear Trumpers in GF claim mask are a joke and laugh at the washing hands recommendation. Would not be considered as proof nationwide, but there is something there.
    If you are a believer of proof, how you hook up with liar T? 

    Why are nursing home residents still getting infected when they are isolated from the public, socially distanced from each other, and surrounded by caregivers that wear masks?  Mic drop. Still can't answer it can you?  Don't feel any bad, none of the other mask parrots can either. 

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