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Posts posted by TheFlop

  1. 2 hours ago, jdub27 said:

    Correct, the government contracted to purchase the vaccine if they were able to development something. But Pfizer did not take federal funding to back R&D or manufacturing like every other drug company. This was intentionally done by the company to stay away from any political influence or strings attached.

    They did it for money...which is why they didn't want strings attached.  Whether Pfizer was or wasn't officially a part of Operation Warp Speed is irrelevant.....but they were incentivized by it and are gonna profit massively because of it.  

    • Upvote 3
  2. 5 hours ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Sound like a true Trumper, the best/most/largest/first of everything about everything. Sounds more like one lie after another. 

    T's lies, fake news, repeating false stories = loser. Washing hands helps. It's OK for T 2 B a spreader, but Biden fans can't congrigate???

    Didn't you have Covid?  Or have close family members that did?  Maybe take your own advice and wash your hands......even though it is the liberal way to "do as I say not as I do".  

  3. 20 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Pfizer vaccine was just shown to be 90% effective in recent trial and is looking to it roll out by month's end. If there is one thing Trump can do before he leaves office it's get an effective vaccine out to the public. Biden won't even consider  a vaccine until it's 100% effective......just like the flu shot??? Similar to wanting zero cases in his mind. I see he put Osterholm on his Covid19 advisory board....wasn't he the one advocating a couple  months ago for another national 6 week lockdown? Any effective vaccine will be kicked down the street by the Biden administration because then the Democrat party as a whole loses power on the ignorant people who think government should control everything.

    Just as many thought the election cured Covid.  Chicago schools going back, Massachusetts schools going back regardless of their counties color level, and now an effective vaccine.  

    • Upvote 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, Siouxperkick said:

    MN deserves chaos and destruction? How could you say that? Wish for healing and common sense, not terrible things. Wow

    Please, common sense?  You mean the same common sense where a Mayor and Gov allows their most populous city to burn instead of sending the National Guard in.....but then wonders why Trump wouldn't pay for the damage?  Minneapolis deserves what it has coming.  Sometimes people need a good kick in the a** to help then figure things out.  The Minneapolis metro has made their bed voting blue again.  

    • Upvote 3
  5. It is looking like a Biden win, all it took was a year of heavily biased media coverage slamming his opponent and not Biden, bogus polls meant to discourage his opponents supporters by making it look like Biden had it in the bag, a ridiculous amount of money poured into the campaign that far exceeded that of his opponent, and at a minimum some interesting goings on with mail in ballots.  It was a stacked deck from the start. 

    • Upvote 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Biden's plan was vote early by mail.
    Trump went with an election day ground game in person. 

    Trump's only hope is the rural NV counties didn't report last night. 

    If the votes are really falling this way so be it.  But even with mail in ballots all of this stopping and starting looks suspicious. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. 24 minutes ago, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

    Marijuana and decriminalization had a good night. Cheers to that. Also, it looks like cowardly populists calling themselves the silent majority are still a meaningful segment of the population. Lame

    Just don't want you and your buddies vandalizing our homes, cars, and businesses because you see Trump signs in our front yards or Trump bumper stickers on our cars. 

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  8. 19 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

    So the numbers are only through August and the deaths between April and August were lower than last year, wouldn't that show that shutting down the schools helped lower the death rate, since you know, schools were shut down and the death rate was lower during that time frame? Regardless, they are stating the death number is lower due to lower occupancy. Tough to compare without having the occupancy numbers to show an actual death rate.


    Try again.  Thanks for playing.  Current skilled nursing home beds in ND 5,944. 


    Number of beds 5 years ago 6,102.


    Do the math, capacity isn't the reason and neither are kids in school.  Old people have been locked down in a place they were already locked down.  The overall lack of visitors has kept old people alive in nursing homes though at a much lower quality of life.  A hell within a hell no doubt.  It's not nurses who have children in school bringing it into nursing homes....because after all masks save other people's lives and all of those nurses are wearing masks.  

    • Upvote 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, petey23 said:

    I did find out last Tuesday that I had tested positive. Did an E-visit with Sanford to see if the Trump Cocktail was available.  Got a phone call from Cass County Public Health on Friday and they sent out email with guidelines after the call.

    Other than going stir crazy at home I basically had a mild cold for a few days. No fever or any other symptoms. 

    First day back at work today.

    Apparently I do have about 90 days of immunity...so I got that going for me, which is nice.




    Good deal.  That is what 99% of the healthy population will experience.  

  10. 9 hours ago, yzerman19 said:

    What a horrible time to grow up in.  The retaliation is akin to bullying.  What if MM killed himself?  Then what?  People feel good? Justifiable homocide?  I get having to make the right decision for the program, and I by no means condone the behavior, but this is the mob.  

    He can still attend college even at UND to try and better himself, just not have the privilege of playing on the UND hockey team.  He can still play hockey, just not here.  His family has pushed hockey over character so go find a major junior or European team to play on.  If he's good enough, he will still get his chance to play in the NHL assuming he's used his time to show he's changed.  He's not cancelled, he's just gotta do it the hard way now.  Seeing the mentality of the sister on Twitter really started to drive home the point that it's not just Miller that has the attitude issue, it's looking like the entire family does. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. 2 hours ago, UNDlaw80 said:

    Jesus Christ.  Apparently Mitchell’s twin-sister is now spamming the web with negative content about Isaiah (the victim).   Looks like crap doesn’t fall far from the tree.    

    This situation reeks of 2 trash families who had existing grievances with each other before said incident happened.  No maturity, no self-contemplation, no responsibility, or common sense; only self-righteousness.    At the end of the day, I'll go with what the judge said about Miller.         

    I’m glad we wiped our hands of this mess.  Time to move on and win a Natty.  

    Yeah the stuff Miller's sister is posting makes Miller look even worse.  You can tell the victim really is mentally handicapped.  In the lunch room it's clear the video kids are needling the victim.....and in the headlock photo the kid in the headlock is smirking.

  12. 3 minutes ago, wxman91 said:

    Hey, maybe try pointing to an actual instance of where the media has reduced the vote.

    Hey, maybe try pointing to an actual instant where a ballot was submitted the proper way including within timeliness guidelines, by a legal voter, marked correctly, not fraud (ie not a double ballot) and the votes weren't counted?

  13. 29 minutes ago, wxman91 said:

    I haven’t been worried about surface transmission for a long time.  But I can see how others might be sensitive to it.  Prolonged indoor, mask-free exposure is by far the most efficient pathway.

    Thankfully, my area (VA burbs of DC) is doing well with COVID now.  

    And like the much of the East coast (not all) the only reason your numbers are appearing better is because it already ran through you guys.  Everything takes longer to get to the Midwest.  

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