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Posts posted by TheFlop

  1. 3 hours ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Kind of Interesting that Putin speaks out.

    MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday that he saw nothing criminal in Hunter Biden’s past business ties with Ukraine or Russia, marking out his disagreement with one of Donald Trump’s attack lines in the U.S. presidential election.

    Wait, so now we are trusting what Putin and Russia says?  

  2. 2 hours ago, Oxbow6 said:

    UND's President makes a statement yesterday that the students at UND have a "moral responsibility" to keep others safe from the virus. Fair enough. How about the "moral responsibility" of the university that continues to charge full tuition, fees and room and board for its students who sit in their dorm rooms or apartments doing most of their classes online with basically no "college experience" as there is no student union, next to no campus activities and no campus life to speak of yet is bent on mass testing asymptomatic non sick teenagers and young adults so that they can be quarantined. It's an interesting dilema for students. 

    The UND asymptomatic students that keep getting tested is what is gonna knock GF public schools online. 

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  3. 16 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    Nice try cupcake.      

    As I stated, politicians have always exploited divisions to some degree, Clinton is doing it here.    But Trump has made an art of it.   It's his daily mode of operation.  Repeatedly talking **** like a 5th grader is the root of why our government is a reality TV show circus at the moment.  He's made the dumbing down of government acceptable.  It was never like this before Trump, on any regular basis.   One off-hand juvenile comment by Clinton doesn't change this fact.         

    He's made the dumbing down of our government acceptable?  Right, because it was so loaded with geniuses to begin with that it was possible for an outsider to win the top spot in the country.  Open up your eyes and stop talking out of your a** for long enough to realize that the status quo led to Trump being able to win, it wasn't created by him.  

    Trump is a poor public speaker, another 4 more years of him might not be great for the US, and maybe all things being equal Biden over Trump wouldn't be cause for concern, but anyone that has watched Biden for more than 5 minutes live knows in their heart that he won't be the one pulling the strings if elected. 

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  4. 8 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    Divisions have always existed, and politicians have always played to these divisions.    But at no time in recent history has any President exploited our divisions like Trump.

    His entire Presidency is predicated on an ‘us vs them’ mentality.  Look at a Trump rally.  The vitriol he spews on a regular basis is unmatched by any President. So are his dog-whistles.             

    At least under Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc. politicians had some common ground whereby to sit down and formulate a compromise.  Furthermore, all previous presidents at least verbally pretended to represent the entirety of the nation for the good of the country.   This is non-existent under Trump.  Don't agree with Trump?...sorry you're a 'loser'.  Trump is responsible for setting the tone, and unfortunately his divisiveness has filtered down to everything and everyone under him.  Politicians (from both sides of the isle) are now conducting themselves like 8th graders.  As such, the populace follows suit.   

    And no, it’s not going away if Trump is gone.  But we need to stop the bleeding.  It will take years to recover from what Trump has done.  

    Yeah a little disingenuous to blame it all on Trump.  He definitely has contributed to it with his inability to stay off Twitter.  However for you to not acknowledge that he has been under attack for the last 3.5 years is not being honest with the situation.  If he defends himself he is being combative and divisive....if he doesn't defend himself he must be guilty.  I'm not gonna feel sorry for a millionaire president, but he has faced a level of scrutiny by a biased MSM that has not been seen in years, if ever. 

    • Upvote 4
  5. Another thing that I've noticed is that even the people that say they are all on board with quarantining, masks, the whole rigamarole......typically have a sudden change of heart when it affects their situation.  When little Jonny has a select away hockey tourney, suddenly the "rules" don't apply to them.....some of the same old people that have bought into this and think keeping kids at home to stop the spread is ok.....are the first people to cram into their booth at Perkins every morning.  They want to be able to tell you what you should do but they don't always want to live what they preach.

  6. 6 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    To way to shorten that up is get the kid tested +, now you have 10 day Q to get the kid back to school.

    And a vote for Biden will open up the door to more of this going forward.  Think about it, even of "just" 10 days, that could be close to 2 weeks of school sitting at home feeling fine, missing out on the social experience of school, and all extra curriculars.  There are only what 38/39 weeks of school each year?  Anytime your kid is considered "infected".....not sick but "infected" with anything that happens to be part of someone's agenda then that kid will keep missing weeks of school.  

    Sometimes the slippery slope risk is overeggeragted, but in this case look out.  

  7. 1 minute ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    To way to shorten that up is get the kid tested +, now you have 10 day Q to get the kid back to school.

    For the kid, yes.  But I believe you can't test and have it count until a couple days after the close encounter because of the virus taking a couple days to manifest.  At least I thought there was a couple day delay built in.  

  8. 7 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Again know families of HS kids that were positive and none of that applied. Kid  gets sick on a Monday, tests positive.  He's back in school following Thursday....10 days. Parent back 2 weeks from that Monday....14 days. Been that way every  time and every incident  I know of no one else in household got sick/tested positive. 

    I can't speak for what the people you know did.....but I know where I'm at it's a pretty tough sell (and impossible to enforce) expecting a healthy asymptomatic/someone that only had symptoms for a day or two to stay at home for 24 days straight....just saying. 

    And the ones I know of weren't Trumptards to quote Heydouche.  The Covid fatigue is affecting both sides despite what many will say in public. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Daughter's explanation. 

    Grandson is on a 10 day Q.
    Contact with grandson for people out of household is 14 day Q for them since that contact date, as long as they do not come into contact again.
    Household is on Q for entire time grandson is on 10 day Q and then 14 additional days.
    If another household member tests + at a later date, then that person moves to a 10 day Q. That senario may extend time frame even more for rest of household.


    Another kick in the nuts is that if your grandson has a brother or sister that is negative....they still have to serve out a quarantine......the first day back if they get labeled a close contact again the quarantine for then starts all over again. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Know multiple people who have tested  positive and that has yet to apply to those living in same household (spouse and kids). Must be something new......again. 

    It's for sure a school policy.  The kid is 10 days from start of symptoms....or if no symptoms the date of the test.  For the back end, 14 days assumes you stayed in contact with the kid during his/her 10 days.  If you remove yourself from the situation your 14 days starts sooner.....and I believe can cut down to 10 days if you test negative.

    It's all such a pile.  That's why the mask change policy by Burgrum was a godsend.  As long as both kids had masks on your kid isn't considered a close contact.  Don't be an idiot and test a healthy kid.  

    • Upvote 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    That's what I questioned.
    It's 24 days, for residents in home outside of the grandson.
    Something like 10 days plus 2 weeks. I'll try get a better explanation today.

    10 days while the kids is active.....plus you tack on 14 days at the end because they assume you could have caught it on day 10.....and it would take you 14 days to be clear yourself.

    Enjoy the asymptomatic lockdown. 

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  12. 19 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    You might be onto something, maybe soon it will only be death rate, too many numbers to keep up with all. Oxbow noted a change. 
    Is ND getting ready to throw the towel in? Are we getting tired of topping the headlines accross the country.

    It's a cautionary tale.....it's all fine when it is occuring in support of something you believe in.....but just wait until the national media machine relentlessly pushes an embellished narrative that you don't support.  Classic case of big brother steamrolling the little guy. 

  13. 22 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Not reaching at all, showing the majic circle of friends.
    WH laced with friends (has beens) in trouble with the law.

    Jared Kushner friend, Giuliani associate Ken Kurson charged with cyber stalking
    Jared Kushner wearing a suit and tie: Jared Kushner and Ken Kurson attend GalleristNY celebrates New York's Artists at The Standard on February 20, 2013 in New York City.

    Absolutely reaching and you know it.  If you made a list of 100 of your friends/associates/people that worked for you I guarantee you would find criminal activity.  

    Now if you were in on the criminal activity, promoted it, or benefitted from it.....it would be reasonable to expect accountability from you.  If you didnt know what your subordinate was doing in his own time with his computer.....how would that fall on you?


  14. 9 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Giuliana was on this for a year.
    I would give this more clout if he exposed this 6 months ago, but 2 weeks before the election.
    Sounds like tactic of 4 years ago.

    Of course it's strategic timing.....i would have released it sooner.  In your mind does whether this is true or not actually matter?  Because everyone keeps citing the timing of it.......but shouldn't the content matter most? 

    While I'm not a fan of the timing, I am finding it quite telling that no one from the Biden campaign is saying that the information being released is false.  If the information isn't true, and the laptop is fake, why not just come right out and shoot it down?  Whether this came from Russia, China, or aliens from outer space if it's true, it should be very concerning.  But while MSM spent 3 years trying to push a Trump/Russia angle.......MSM won't hardly spend a story investigating the Biden Ukraine angle amongst others. 

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  15. Just now, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    You missed a part.

    Circle of friends?   
    political consultant and former speechwriter for Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani

    It still applies....where is the tie that the editor stalking in any way was encouraged, supported, or that it benefitted Trump or Giuliani?  All campaigns, businesses, etc will have dirtbags working for it.  That's a given.  

    Like I said, you are reaching.  There is growing evidence that Biden pulled all sorts of strings for Hunter and may have financially benefitted by abusing his power at the time.  Big difference. 

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