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Everything posted by ringneck28

  1. I really like hearing Kristo talk about as a 9th grader, he started thinking about adding a national title banner to the top after Hak mentioned it on a recruiting trip. I really hope he scores some points tonight against Bemidji.
  2. I would hope that UND has something to say about this.
  3. Loved when asked who in the wcha other than the goofs may make a run at scsu, he says MSUM. Really?? What a home state homer.
  4. Yes, there are still tickets available. I bought my session tickets off ticketmaster 2 days ago, but I had to pull favors at Xcel to get them. Ticketmaster didn't show any doubles available, so I called Xcel. They told me lots available, then proceeded to say, come on down to the box office and buy them. One problem with that theory, I live in MANDAN ND maam. So they called ticketmaster and had a few sets released so I could buy them online. Thank You Xcel, that is awesome. I guess their theory is they want tickets available for single game sales. My advice if you are looking for single game tickets, buy them quick on the 11th when they go on sale.
  5. I do believe that St Patties day in Minneapolis is just as good, because it is the people, not the town. Plus with more places to eat around there, the lines will not be so rushed. It will be a good tourney.
  6. I lived in various parts of Minneapolis for about 8 years. I always liked Minneapolis better than St. Paul. The arena isn't as good, but the atmosphere will be better.
  7. This is the next biggest series of the year. I am thinking 4 pts this weekend will place us in a top 3 lock. MSUM will take a beating in CC and DU will take at least 2 pts from Minnesota. Omaha is not looking good at all. Lets make hay when the sun shines.
  8. My Wife and I just bought club seats today. c39 Row 5. Club level is the only way I go. Sioux YA YA
  9. Who cares about the Pig Ten tourney. Lets focus on our future tourney. The NCHC should be a new adventure and I myself am hoping the NCHC has 4 teams in the last Final 5 this year.
  10. I don't know how it affected the pairwise, but we are no longer tied for 6th with MSUM. Now UND is alone at 6th.
  11. No, what I mean is they are both goons and I want to see them pester each other. I wouldn't wish bodily harm on any of the players. But I would like to see Rau in the box for getting back at Mayfield. I want DU to take 3-4 points from MN this weekend.
  12. There was talk last night that he may get a 1 game suspension, because of the egregiousness of the penalty and actions afterward. I really hope he doesn't because our series is over and I ultimately want to see Mayfield go after Rau.
  13. Goon, when do they announce suspensions? Will Mayfield miss a game for DU and do they have a backup that will give Minn a fit?
  14. That is so cool, good job in raising a talented young woman.
  15. so basically midco was to cheap to carry the root feed, but they did sell the feed to root for the games up here. Nice to see that midco looks out for its customers. Yes, they carried the cox game, but what a sham.
  16. I am noticing no listing for tonights game on midco?
  17. After thinking the night over, I have a sneaky hunch this team will play a great game tonight. If losing like this doesn't motivate the team, I don't know what will. Goal tending was iffy at best and that is what killed this game. I have a feeling they have a solid game behind Saunders tonight and will 4-5 in a row.
  18. Very disappointed but called for a split. Didn't make up for St. Cloud loss. I see a close game again tomm.
  19. I am really looking forward to this weekend of hockey. I have a gut feeling that the boys come out of there with 2 points. It has been since 2003 that they have swept in Denver, so not holding my breath on that one. Lets just get the win tonight and see what happens tomm.
  20. Put a rink in the middle and we could play hockey. Lets lace em up.
  21. You all say no great games on schedule for home, look at the Pairwise right now. We play Miami #3 and W. Mich. #7 and then we have St Cloud and Duluth here. Plus we bring back an old friend in N Michigan. Looks like a good schedule to me.
  22. This is a good way to start this stretch run with Minn splitting. I am still holding on the split sweep split down the stretch. Now all we need to do is keep control of our destiny by playing good hockey down the stretch and see what happens.
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