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Everything posted by ringneck28

  1. its not Wisconsin I was talking about. UND tied w. 28 pts. Now we have our future in our control.
  2. IF this score hold, talk about a race to finish in WCHA.
  3. Nice to see the moron and gold glasses on second goal. Clearly of knee of gophers.
  4. It wasn't the last time they were meeting for the next 3 -4 years. If we were number one rival, why haven't they ever moved this game to the target center like they have the badger game.
  5. I would also disagree with this assessment. Most gopher fans have told me that UND is the second rival behind Wisconsin.
  6. I find it funny that Mariucci is posting here when his team isn't playing UND this weekend. So who is the biggest rival?
  7. Leave it to one wearing moron and gold glasses to try sell us on how great his teams game was. 20 of those shots came in the first period. This was a snoozer of a game. I have no idea what Wisco was thinking, they can't play racehorse hockey with MN.
  8. Jayson, are double header Fridays negotiated into the schedule? If they are, what is UND's stance on Sat Sunday series? Is this a way of getting around them. Is the Doubleheader Friday an exclusive for those 4 teams on that Friday? Meaning, the other 4 will have the weekend off? I know lots of questions here, but just trying to wrap my hands around this.
  9. I know this may take this conversation on a new turn, but here we go. I was thinking today about NCHC and B1G and one of the ways this TV contract may benefit all of us is this. What about a series of games between NCHC and B1G conference teams, like the ACC B1G challenge. Lets make them all the same weekend and lets make it 2 night 2 different teams. Sort of a Bean Pot type of a tourney but Multiple sites. Duluth UND WISC UMN, WMU Miami Michigan Michigan St, get the idea? And I think that Dave St Peter could have a play in this, lets put the game in target field in Dec. The networks would love the ratings and the fans get games they want.
  10. I know many don't think that Minn will lose too many more games. When you think of it, they have not been tested on the road and remember, they did lose to Tech and Kato on the road. I may be wrong, but this team is due for a late season debacle. Leave it to the Beavers, they will take a game at home from UMN. I also do not think that SCSU will hold true on the road. I do believe that UND has and will show that they are capable of playing well on the road, so I will not waiver from my prior posting.
  11. I would hope local means ND since it is the University of ND, but not holding my breath on that one. But this to me would make sense.
  12. So how many byes are there going to be in a season and I hope that our byes will be on the double header nights that we are not on. Jayson, does the regional aspect mean that we will not see the games in Mandan? What is considered regional?
  13. agree or disagree with SCSU struggling down the stretch?
  14. That is where we differ. UND doesn't know what the future holds, but sometimes life is about taking chances. They do have a solution in online viewing home games for those out of market. Everyone says Faison is the one who made this mistake. If he truly did make a mistake, he will answer to it. As I say in work, it is above my pay grade. In the meantime, lets enjoy what we do have.
  15. Do you have a million or so buck to throw at this? We have to see what happens, until someone comes up with the money to make the 24/7 Sioux network happen. Don't kid yourself that this isn't about the almighty dollar. So we have no other choice but to wait and see.
  16. HMMMMMMM? As I recall skippy, the X was Saunders and now it is Gothbergs game to lose. Before you call me out, look at yourself, your X has been benched. I will gladly eat the YO YO if Gothberg is the goalie from 3 games back to the end.
  17. Who here remembers when MSC covered Minnesota and us in western ND had no coverage of UND hockey except for the games against the gophers. I am not going to complain about coverage of UND hockey because it is multitudes better than it was. Yes i am in Midco area and have the advantage that many in other parts of the country don't. I am also not going to bet that Midco won't capitalize on the chance of increased revenue by selling rebroadcasts to other networks if at all possible. GIve this thing a chance to pan out and lets see what happens.
  18. I am not going to put it past Duluth and Denver to pull off wins in Minneapolis. Lets just see if the chokers are up to their usual late season antics.
  19. So I did my calculations and what I have come up with may be the safe picks, but I do believe it may happen. I am thinking that between UND, SCSU, and Minn. it will end up like this, SCSU with 37, UND 36 and UMN 34. Which would mean that every series is a split except UND against Beavers being a sweep. I would like to think that Wisco can give UMN a series, but giving up a home game goes beyond comprehension to me and costs them 2 pts. I would like to think that MN will split with both the Bulldogs and Beavers. Every team in Minn. loves playing the goofs and brings their best just like with UND. I think that SCSU may have the toughest time holding to this split theory in CC. CC is playing great hockey right now. They have a 5 game unbeaten streak of their own going right now. In saying this, they may spring a surprise to the WCHA standings. If this happens, then UND may be a regular season champ. WOW what an ending this will be to the WCHA as we know it.
  20. With the way TV's are connected these days, there is always the possibility of Midco going on a appletv type of a format too.
  21. Does anyone have the what if calculator up for the final 4 weeks? I know there was one the last couple of years. Like to play around with all the possibilities.
  22. All that UND can do is their own part. They can't worry about what the other teams do. They need to take this week off and make sure they are ready for the stretch run that will hopefully end in Pittstown with number 8.
  23. Coach Berry states that team has these priorities. First they want a top 6 finish for home ice, then top 2 for 1st round bye for final 5 and then the McNaughton Cup. I think out of all of these goals, the top 2 is the most important. It would be nice to not have the Thursday night game.
  24. This game was a great win for UND. I liked to see the way they killed the penalty all night long. McWilliam had the biggest save of the game late in the 3rd. Now lets see if they can build off of this win tomm.
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