Gambler in me showing up again lol. These playoffs are going to screw with my sleep habits, my Flames play at 8...that will end long after my regular dozing off time.
I think people take this out of context, the "correct" analogy seems to be "screwed up AS a soup sandwich" apparently a soup sandwich is a sh*tshow. Still don't get it.
Whose pick did the Avs have?
EDIT: Forgot about the Ottawa deal, Colorado fans were probably glued to their tanked season as much as their own, they probably were the favorites to win the lottery I assume.
After some research it appears that gray is the innocent version, like those found in Crayola boxes, and grey is used by those with twisted minds, like 50 Shades of Grey. Use that as a guide for the posters in this thread...Mr. Grey.
Good enough, I will keep you off my "people who may warrant observation" list.
I think you're right on Daloot though, they probably have the best chance after surviving their near-loss last week. But still going to be #3 on my list in Buffalo.
By "like" do you mean you are thinking they'll win, or do you mean you will be kneeling in front of the TV clutching a Bulldogs beanie baby?
At least one of those scenarios disturbs me.