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Everything posted by jodcon

  1. I guess if little Johnny can't make the Octopush team there's always this.
  2. Is one of the teams Augustana?
  3. Hey Ray you can just pencil me in after tonight, my guys are all golfing now
  4. Well that was a good one. Capitals impeached?
  5. That was bad, granted he was knocked out and bleeding but it wasn't exactly the result of a malicious hit. WTF do they have replay for? This is going to sting in Vegas for a while. Slot payouts cranked down another 2% out of spite.
  6. So Leaves or Leafses? Words is hard.
  7. All of a sudden Game 7's are all the rage, Nashville trending that way also.
  8. Never seen a year where all the 1 and 2 seeds were in trouble or out, only the Islanders took care of business quickly. Looks like #butparity has carried over to the pro ranks too this year.
  9. That would make 25 years since a Canadian team has won it all, getting hard to remember when the Canadiens and Oilers ruled the ice.
  10. I think it means Red Wing fan. Those people are messed up big time.
  11. Looks like Dallas is going to put up a TD on Nashville, wonder if they'll go for 2?
  12. That's not creepy at all.
  13. That is a cool deal, we always try to do that as a 3 for 1 trip because of the distance
  14. Chance to get revenge on Canisius right away, pitchforks and torches will be out if that doesn't go as expected
  15. That sounds familiar...
  16. Well I've heard somewhere he's not the only one who might be crawling back to their old job...can't put my finger on who though...
  17. Birth assist coaches? What kind of new-age leadership is that? No wonder none of my teams can win anymore, we're still chiseling plays in granite while other schools are at one with the universe. Glad to see I'm not the only one who gets screwed by spellcheck though.
  18. If Cousins blew his quad like it appeared last night the NBA field is suddenly pretty wide open, GS blew a 30 point lead and lost and none of their other bigs really strike any fear in people except Draymond who would rather shoot 3's and run his mouth anyway. Might be interesting.
  19. That would be nice, but I have a feeling their powers that be are holding hands in a circle feeling like...
  20. Edit: Not making light of this at all, just can't really believe it.
  21. About the only draw to Buffalo would be taking in Niagara Falls which would help sway mama into another sports trip, if you're like me you need all the brownie points you can get. I guess my thinking is keep the traditional hockey cities you mentioned plus the destination cities including Vegas which always works because it's cheap flights and, you know, Vegas.
  22. Looks like I'm going to be an early spectator with my 5 TB guys, never would have imagined they would get drilled in the first round. Both hockey and basketball playoff look pretty wide open this year except I see GS winning again which is starting to get old.
  23. Impressive job by the Isles dispatching the Pens, shut down all resemblance of offense this series so far, not easy to do against those guys.
  24. Duluth just doing what they do...not looking spectacular, but doubling up UMass on the shot count and snoozily winning.
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