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Everything posted by jodcon

  1. Remember when that was like once a year and an automatic win.?
  2. I don't see a lot of love on this line, starting to have doubts about the results.
  3. Man this statement is like a mirror when our football program hit rough waters and came back to mediocrity. It gets ugly when people start pointing at the leadership, at the players, at the other fans...being used to winning and coming back to the pack really tests fan loyalty and weeds out the fair-weather bunch. Fortunately Sioux hockey is just like Griz football and will pack the house even in rough times, but it won't play that way forever, we're about 5 years past being a contender and patience is growing thin.
  4. For how many shifts? Just wondering what to bet on the over/under before the altitude gets you old guys affects your stamina?
  5. Good luck tomorrow, Denver isn't anything special but it's not easy winning back to back 1-0 games the way the offense sounds. On a side note I need to start getting back over here during hockey season, still a bunch of guys that make me laugh like Mafia, Oxbow and Blackheart, and I see Fetch is still hanging in there also. Good crew on the hockey forums.
  6. Sounds like it, like I said I only saw a handful of games so couldn't get a good read on the offense, but I did watch the first CC game a couple weeks ago and UND skated circles around CC and just looked like they controlled the game but only had a few shots that were really quality, most were chest-shots from the blue line. Felt like that was a game they should have won but maybe that's been the norm lately, if so no wonder everybody's at wits end.
  7. I've only been able to pick up a few games this year but it looked like they moved and controlled the puck pretty well but just didn't seem to be deadly around the net, is that how it's been this year?
  8. Man that was brutal, I was giving updates to a UND guy stuck at a wedding and it was painful in the 4th quarter, going to take a while to shake that one off.
  9. Maybe this should be moved to GPL? Just saying.
  10. FINALLY! I can't remember the announcers saying Fighting Hawks but there were sure a lot of Sioux chants that they tuned in on. Sioux forever.
  11. No kidding, they had a small army out there at times.
  12. Agreed on that, this makes up a tiny bit for the late goals that killed us in years past.
  13. Well that took another 3 years off my life that i couldn't spare. Wow.
  14. Apparently I'm good luck, NE had just scored when I got home and turned it on and then the next 3 from the good guys...I won't leave just to be safe. Is the Final on ESPN somewhere if they win?
  15. Yep, had every chance to take it.
  16. This game has been as good as anticipated.
  17. Going to be real interesting what they do with the last few spots, I think UND has a good shot of getting in.
  18. Tied in the loss column too, can this really happen?
  19. jodcon

    GDT: Drake

    Trap game between your first FBS win and the biggest game in years, not surprised it was a little stinky. Not many games you win putting it on the ground 7 times, they'll be ready next week. Should be a fun week for both teams.
  20. jodcon

    GDT: Drake

    By UND? How many lost?
  21. jodcon

    GDT: Drake

    Still up 21-11?
  22. Good win guys.
  23. Time?
  24. I wish I could see this just to see Bohl's face.
  25. Pretty weak for a FBS school, maybe they should have spent some of that Bohl money on technology.
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