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Everything posted by airmail

  1. airmail

    Who's Next?

    Looks like the uncle that got a little drunk at the wedding reception and tried to clean up right before family pictures. Let's go, Uncle Ike.
  2. 4 Tickets - Section 107 Row E Friday 1-5-24 $100 takes all 4. Tickets are electronic - will transfer by email. venmo, paypal, or cash locally in Grand Forks. Text 2 one 8-779-eight 6 nine 6
  3. Section 107, Row E, Seats 17-20 $150 for all. Not interested in splitting at this time. Electronic tickets will be transferred via email, once payment is received via venmo/ paypal. Or - I can meet in Grand Forks area for cash transaction and immediate email ticket transfer in-person. Text me at 218-seven seven nine-8696 Thank you!
  4. So sick of the "we played with heart" and "awe shucks" bullsh!t from Bubba. You got basically shut out for the second game this season. It was there and you pissed another one down your leg. And if Danny is truly the heir apparent that people say he is, then we have more trouble coming. It was there for the taking. Dumb luck happened for you. And you couldn't do a damn thing. So tired of it. And Tommy can take his record and move the F on next year too.
  5. This UND offense is brutal.
  6. Fact. No reason we don't enter the second half with a lead. This is disgusting.
  8. What's needed at the Alerus? Less UND fans using their tailgate spots for "good parking". Honestly - looks more like a friggin parking lot than a tailgate village in many areas. Cool - you have 6 reserved tailgating spots. When you use 4 of them for your cars so Junior can save $15 on parking it brings the whole atmosphere down a notch. We can do better.
  9. We'll wait for an announcement, I guess - or else he was out of town and just now heard about Hergal. Who - by the way - was pretty much a punk. A talented punk without question, but a punk nonetheless. Many knew this, and his latest actions proved it to everyone else. I'm not sad. To the contrary, I'm jacked that we get a home playoff game. Libations in hand, the wife by my side cheering on our favorite team, and comfortable indoor football on a crappy weather Saturday. A victory will be icing on a delicious cake. One game gets another - Go Sioux - errr - Hawks!
  10. Hall areas, yes on the masks - in seats, I'd say 50-50 during game with people eating and drinking. Seats area spaced and "non-sold" seats are taped off. You are socially distanced by your reserved seating arrangement. Today we were high-fiving each other from across the distanced seats when the game got really exciting. We loved it, but that environment may not be the best for you if you have concerns. As other said, wear your own mask and keep your distance from others if you think it is unsafe. Or watch on tv. You do you. Watch football. Be happy.
  11. I don't think that's the case. This student athlete participated in a number of protests, and many, like me, don't really give a damn. Go for it. But when you are wearing the UND hockey jersey, you are no longer representing yourself. You aren't an individual any longer. You are part of the team - the team's actions, the team's values, the team's goals. Putting your personal need for protest above that is where I have the issue.
  12. GF area legislator was on the line - sorry can't remember the name. Legislators are in Bismarck for orientation/ organization session. Apparently lots of "chatter in the hallways" on the topic (as well as the similar 'SU incident). One comment heard by the caller was that higher ed is already over-funded. He implied that this incident could possibly initiate talks regarding future funding. Obviously, no decisions, just chatter. But serious chatter by people that actually hold some cards.
  13. We've seen this over and over again. If they say anything to oppose the protest they'll be "racist". So - they'll say nothing.
  14. BS. I need to offer nothing to these protesters. It's not up to me to find a way for them to express their ideology without having them crap on well established traditions regarding the national anthem. That's on them, and so is this entire kerfuffle.
  15. I have four each night in the lower bowl in the 5th row. See my post in this forum. Thanks.
  16. SOLD 4 Hockey Tickets Friday Night 11/22 - Section 107 Row E Seats 17-20 4 Hockey Tickets Saturday Night 11/23 - Section 107 Row E Seats 17-20 4 UND Football Tickets 11/23 - Section 204 Row A, 19 & 20 and Section 204 Row B, 19 & 20 All of these tickets for $400. It'll be a great weekend of UND sports - enjoy! I am posting in multiple locations. If you're interested, text me at 218-779-8696.
  17. airmail


    I watched Saturday's game without the benefit of tailgating and was stone sober. That clarity was regrettably eye-opening. Does the lack of discipline remind anyone else of the final Mussman year(s)? That's not a good sign.
  18. The Dahl stall just keeps going. Incredible.
  19. Kids' activities getting in the way of Sioux hockey again! Awesome seats in the 5th row - 107 Row E 17-20 $150 for all four. Will deliver to general Grand Forks area. Text 218-779-8696
  20. I love all the warm fuzzy feelings about how Danny is going to change things up and how we're going to compete with NDSU next season. Forgive me if I have personal reservations. As for me and mine - we're pissed that something wasn't done with the offense when a problem was noticed. We're pissed that our program's "defense first" defense gave away their fair share of victories this season too (I'd guess Schmidty has his own peccadillos to worry about this off-season). We're pissed that special teams were... well... "interesting". In general, we're loyal UND football fans that have just gotten tired of losing so dang much. Bubba's job is on the line, and I thought he'd pull out all the stops to open up a program changing national search. Didn't happen. We elevate from within; damn the consequences. So if Freund is the answer then I'll go with the flow. I'll be cheering as loud as anyone and still proudly waving the school colors. With complete honesty, I really hope he does the job he needs to do for us, for himself, and for the program. But with equal honesty, I'm skeptical. I've seen this movie before. (But if this whole thing doesn't work out, the 2022 HC will bring in a new OC and DC anyway. Yes - that's where we are at, IMO)
  21. 4 tickets for each night this weekend - 107 Row E... great seats on the blue line. I'm heading out of town Wednesday AM, so these things are priced to sell quick. $300 for the set of 8 tickets for the weekend. Text me at 2187798696 Thanks, Chris
  22. Two great seats on the home side. Section 204, Row B, Seats 18 & 19. $40 for the pair. Will deliver to the GF area today or Saturday morning. 2187798696 Thanks!
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