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  1. We're gonna go from 4 on 4 to 4 on 3.
  2. I'm not the biggest hockey analyst, but it seems these guys try to create stuff that isn't there, which results in a turnover. They are trying to make plays that make espn top 10. And they fail.
  3. They are better. Don't blame any kid going to Phoenix and not having to shovel a driveway 3 or 4 days a week.
  4. If this is against the rules I apologize. But it was funny.
  5. For those who missed the dinner discussion 20241213_220144.mp4
  6. Pretty sure they were discussing dinner plans. Harry's or the Frog. I read lips alittle and it appeared a couple words started with an F.
  7. So the website has bad advertising? It's ok. I'll depend on this thread to let me know the score. Thanks though.
  8. My computer puked with virus software when I clicked this.
  9. Maybe they have alot of good football players that would prefer to live in San Diego over Grand Forks.
  10. Are you saying that because we don't pay our offensive lineman 100k a year (Texas A&M) or our Qbs a million a year, including back-ups(Many fbs schools) we can't be competitive? I think we competed well today. Well done UND.
  11. Huge wow IMO. Fun to watch.
  12. That was unreal. Wish he was with us in Nashville when we played Penn State. And every other game we needed a late goal.
  13. It's free
  14. Don't you have the signal?
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