Nick and his family have seats to the final 5, and they have been going for 15 years. Honestly, after meeting with Nick and his family, the impression I get is that they are a proud, humble family. I could be way off-base on this, but I think donating blood, leaving your well-wishes on their website, and other non-material things mean much more to them. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that they would be thrilled by a box, but I think they are just as thrilled just spending time together, and with other Sioux fans. It sounds like they will be up in GF for the Denver game. Maybe someone up there should organize a pre-game get together at BW3's or somewhere like that with Nick and his family. I'm working, otherwise I'd do it. We can do the same for the F5 if alot of folks plan on going to the cities. Any other ideas? PSB may be able to shed more light on this too.