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Bob in Wisconsin

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Everything posted by Bob in Wisconsin

  1. CRANK IT UP!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZXPP7qMSz4
  2. Thanks! Great post too!
  3. Nick's dad is a UND grad, so that may have been a small influence...
  4. I'll have to check that out. I just got sniped at the last second on ebay, section 5, 8th row, at $134 for 2
  5. Here's a great pic of PSB and Nick from Nick's website. Be sure to stop by and sign the guestbook, many Siouxfans already have, even Rylan Kaip's sister!
  6. Probably needs the weekend to heal the bruises from being a puck target all week . Yeah, I don't know why they don't dress him either, maybe they have a max number of players they can have dressed? You would think they'll get him in sometime, he deserves it.
  7. Just in case anyone still needs accomodations. This place in downtown Minneapolis has been won on Priceline for $50/night for this upcoming weekend. It may go as low as $45/night. I've stayed here several times, and it's a nice place. Convienient to shopping, train to MOA, and not far from the arena. Parking is $17/day, but you can probably find cheaper in the neighborhood. http://minneapolis.hyatt.com/hyatt/hotels/index.jsp
  8. Final in Madison UM 2 UW 2
  9. 2:00 left in Madison still tied
  10. Wisco UM going to OT 2-2
  11. Badgers score now 2-2 6 min left in 3rd
  12. total dive...lol
  13. Time for a time out?
  14. Wisco scores Now 2-1 7:50 left in 2nd.
  15. I don't see how you can let that cheap shot to Trupp go. I know big Joe wants to drop em, but we need him against the goofs. Who CAN get in a fight....Davidson?
  16. After Oshie lost his stick, he took one of the UAA guys hard into the boards without a stick...awesome!
  17. Any chance someone could sacrifice their playing time in order to sneak Toews on the ice in their jersey?
  18. That is awesome PSB! Glad it went well, thanks so much! Great video too!
  19. Peter Bain of PSB Satellite in Minneapolis is donating a satellite system to the Cherekos family. He will be installing it tomorrow morning, just in time for Saturday night's game. Pete is a huge Sioux fan, and has a heart as big as North Dakota. Thanks so much Pete! Here's his email: Bob, What a wonderful gesture from the Sioux fans. I have installed MANY systems here in the metro area for Sioux fans and have become friends to all of them. I never miss a game and I feel as if I am part of the family. I come from Glasgow Scotland where Soccer is the main sport. I support Glasgow Celtic, the fans there wear the same Green wigs so I feel right at home as a Sioux fan. Once a system is installed there is NO COST. The signals are Free to Air. Because the Sioux fans have treated me so well and in the memory of my dear mother who I lost to cancer I am willing to donate a satellite system to this fan. I am also available by phone for anything needed with the install............. I will also say a prayer for this fan. GO SIOUX! Peter S. Bain www.psbsatellite.com
  20. Hi Bob -- This is Linda, Nick's mother. I'll keep my message short, my husband is the writer. I just wanted to thank you and all of the Sioux fans for the support. I am so deeply touched by the outpouring for Nick, I am at a loss for words. Nick, Chuck, our other son, Steve and I love to read the posts on his CaringBride site. These posts have kept Nick's spirits high, along with ours. Knowing how many people are thinking about and praying for Nick makes a huge difference. We know that Nick isn't fighting this battle alone. And with a team the size he has now, he can't lose. I don't know how to post to the Siouxsports.com forum. So, next time you're out there, could you post a thank you to the fans from us - thanking them for their support and prayers. Thank you! Linda Cherekos
  21. Got an email out to them....working on something now.
  22. Yah, I'm clueless when it comes to satellites, but I'll find someone that does know. I have an email out, I'll keep ya posted.
  23. I'll work on getting a quote.
  24. Isn't there a satelitte guy in the cities area on this board?
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