Hi Bob --
This is Linda, Nick's mother. I'll keep my message short, my husband is the writer.
I just wanted to thank you and all of the Sioux fans for the support. I am so deeply touched by the outpouring for Nick, I am at a loss for words. Nick, Chuck, our other son, Steve and I love to read the posts on his CaringBride site. These posts have kept Nick's spirits high, along with ours. Knowing how many people are thinking about and praying for Nick makes a huge difference. We know that Nick isn't fighting this battle alone. And with a team the size he has now, he can't lose.
I don't know how to post to the Siouxsports.com forum. So, next time you're out there, could you post a thank you to the fans from us - thanking them for their support and prayers.
Thank you!
Linda Cherekos