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Bob in Wisconsin

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Everything posted by Bob in Wisconsin

  1. Anyone hear a bucky score?
  2. 1-0 score by Miller
  3. Chorney looks like either a 70's porn star or a 70's rock band member LOL
  4. only 5 sec diff. Between clocks goofs and our game LOL
  5. oops....
  6. 1-0 Goofs
  7. Feel bad for Radke, but like you say, In Hak, we trust.
  8. Can some of you at the game tonight tape the final skate (if it happens), just in case fssn doesn't cover it?
  9. I agree. His body launguage suggested he was frustrated with the AR.
  10. Anyone know where I can get live bucky SCSu stats?
  11. Dave Matthews Band I think. Here's the autistic kid story. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01cuZegJS2c
  12. I love your imagination, that would be awesome, the stuff movies are made of. You ever see that news story from a couple years ago, the autistic kid who comes in off the bench and drains 6 straight 3's at the end of the game?
  13. What are thundersticks? Something easily thrown on the ice? LOL
  14. Hrkac to have his number retired from the Admirals Friday night. http://www.milwaukeeadmirals.com/home/news...DB3E33F0F2147EA
  15. I don't think Forney has played since December, and as far as Osh, I'm guessing we won't know until Brad's Blog friday night.
  16. Who is your cell-phone provider? Many of them allow you to text message from their website. If this is the case with yours, I'll text you. I'll be watching the game from home anyway.
  17. Cool. Just in case the kiddies are with. Wife is a little anal about having the kids in a bar. I'll be at both of friday's games with a couple firemen I work with (sconnie fans of course ), and I'll be making the 3 hr drive home after that 'cause one of them has to work, but there's a good chance of a return trip on Sat with the fam.
  18. Is this place a resteraunt or just a bar? Is there any get together planned for Friday?
  19. Thanks, I'll be depending on those of you in attendance to have your cell-cameras rolling!
  20. Dumb question probably, but the final skate that the seniors sometimes do would be next weekend, not tonight, right?
  21. an outdoor game at Camp Randall would be awesome, I think it seats 70k+, but I'd hate to be playing UW there.
  22. Wow, I knew he was young, but when you see the picture in the article, he really looks young. Good for him.
  23. Pm me if you can help out, thanks.
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