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Bob in Wisconsin

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Everything posted by Bob in Wisconsin

  1. http://www.b2livetv.com/
  2. What are they saying with Gary Glitter's song? I just heard a Sioux Yeah Yeah....
  3. webcast up
  4. Kaip getting interviewed by TH TH: How do you like being all over youtube now? RK: Uhhhh, I don't know, guess it's twice now...not to wild about it I guess....
  5. Pregame radio http://www.kfgo.com/
  6. I agree, especially since we took out their top guy. Hopefully Davidson and Radke nip that in the bud.
  7. Glad I could help! Tonight I'm working, so I'll be watching on the PC. I wouldn't be suprised to see a few scrums early, with penaltys being called. I think the refs will be calling it tight, trying to keep it from getting out of hand.
  8. It isn't too bad. I sit about 12 feet from it, and I run the audio from my headphone-out jack to the PC audio in jack, and I get pretty good sound. I prefer the TV to the laptop. You also need to hit "full screen" on the player so that you don't get any burn-in from the player boxes and internet explorer. Also, adjust the screen saver so you don't end up seeing that every 10 minutes or whatever you have it set to. I think Siouxmama also set it up through her plasma, I wonder what she thinks.
  9. Tonight is going to be a war. Let's hope I'm wrong, but I'm calling this one for the Mav's, 2-1. AZ, how was it watching the game on your plasma?
  10. Ahhhh, I see, thanks.
  11. I can't believe how empty the arena is at UAA, there's barely anyone there, must be a storm or really cold.
  12. Bucky up 1-0 5 min left in Period 1
  13. I was able to record the fight, but I'll wait for frogger, as the quality will really suck. If he doesn't show up in an hour or so, I'll try to post it.
  14. What's a fight strap? Sorry
  15. comcast watchers, they may replay the fight at the end of the game, start recording...I have a crappy webcast, but I'll see if I can get something.
  16. omg, they do the olay olay chant after the goal...Europeans?
  17. hopefully those of you watching it on cable are recording it.
  18. kaips owned that guy. Was that the same guy from last year?
  19. I think the mavs play by play guy is "rookie" from st. Paul kstp radio show "garage logic".
  20. pregame video good, but camera on the rink suck, only one camera angle too.
  21. Actual game footage pretty bad
  22. the video is a bit better than siouxxtra on the plasma.
  23. Yeah, it takes some getting used to, but after 5 minutes or so, it's not bad. Did you run audio to the plasma also, or just listen out of the laptop?
  24. just boot up your laptop with plasma as your monitor, and go from there.
  25. azsioux, that's the same set up I have. Hook up laptop to plasma via pc cable and reboot laptop. Image should show on plasma but not laptop after reboot.
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