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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. It's not called the EZAC for nothing!
  2. I'll tell you why...the NCAA would prefer to have an eastern-western mix of teams as opposed to have a WCHA reunion at the Frozen Four. They'll never allow what happened in 2005 to happen again.
  3. And had UMD or Alaska-Anchorage won the WCHA tournament, they'd have gotten in too. Don't hate the playah...hate the game.
  4. This is the funniest thing I've read in months on the board. That's hilarious, Blackheart! I looked on the web and found a picture of Briggs and Okposo on their journey home...
  5. Hmnnn....what's Dikka drivin'?
  6. I'm hoping it was your sister moving out to head to college as opposed to your girlfriend/wife leaving you high and dry...
  7. Scoreless Friday night...nerds...squeezing the stick a little too tight...is the pun intended?
  8. And here I was all set to drive up for the weekend to the babe capital of North Dakota...Buxton!
  9. As opposed to any other year's game at Xcel? I think the loudest I've heard the X was last year's comeback vs St Cloud. That's two in a row now in title game losses to the Gophers at the Final Five. Revenge is served best when it's like Duluth...cue the footage of this year's Gopher player crying and mumbling "it wasn't supposed to be like this..."
  10. Anybody have a score yet? If UMass wins, is this the SECOND-BIGGEST college hockey upset ever? After all, it is a 4 vs a 1!
  11. Is this a better "current version"?
  12. Then again, being a geek does have its perks...
  13. Duly noted. PCM...hard-at-work with a phone interview of Blake Wheeler for USCHO.com...
  14. UMass-Clarkson...the suspense is killing me!
  15. MafiaMan


    I've looked all over Tiffany's cleavage area and I STILL can't find the bunny.
  16. MafiaMan


    Good grief, there are bunnies hidden on the cover too?
  18. MafiaMan


    Hmnn, this is the first time I noticed there were words on the cover.
  19. Uh...I got 'da Gophers winnin' by a score-a chirty-two ta zilch.
  20. I agree totally. Just another reason why the NCAA has its head up its a**.
  21. MafiaMan


    Wow, don't scare me like that, Siouxmama! For a second there, when I read that you had killed a "bunny" yesterday, my first reaction was that I hoped it wasn't THIS bunny...
  22. Ignorant fans? The Wooger himself said that the "ONLY" team with "NO CHANCE" to win a game in last year's NCAA tournament was Holy Cross.
  23. Now that incident I remember...I believe that was in 1998 or 1999.
  24. MafiaMan


    Actually, not all tree huggers are so animal friendly... "The zoo must kill the bear."
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