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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. No, I was asking an honest question...I did not know what you were inferring. Now I do...and I tend to agree with you on that list...but thanks for ridiculing ME in the process of explaining your point.
  2. Are you insinuating that these are anti-Islamic killings?
  3. Yea, Stewart and Colbert are supposed comics...and yet something like 50% of people under the age of 25 consider them their primary source of 'news.' Pathetic. Your opinion is yours. That's never been in dispute.
  4. ...because the Knights of Columbus, the Mormons, and Lutheran Brotherhood are out to destroy Islam, right? And please, don't throw out the stupid Westboro Church example...
  5. I spend as much time on Current, MSNBC, CNN, and The Daily Kos as I do on Fox News. How many people do you know who get their daily news from Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert? i know several. You can't honestly tell me that you view Rachel Maddow or Chris O'Donnell as 'mainstream' and 'independent' journalists, can you?
  6. Love those comments today too. People apparently expect characters dressed like Aladdin shouting 'death to America' are the ones to be on the look-out for. Seemingly nobody suspected these two brothers at all...isn't that the PERFECT terrorist?
  7. Exactly my point. The leader threatens to burn a Koran and our news media goes nuts with 24/7 reporting of it...and our embassies are looted all over the Middle East. But the Black Widows take over a movie theatre in Chechnya and hundreds of innocent civilians are killed all in the name of Islam...and our news media can't be bothered with the story because we're too busy following Kim Kardashian's divorce or Jessica Simpson's pregnancy weight gain?
  8. I'm curious what you mean by this...
  9. The Westboro Baptist Church has exactly 40 members. I continue to be amazed at how much media coverage this bunch of looney toons continues to get...
  10. Much like CNN, Chris Matthews, and Michael Moore all were privy to inside information that this was the work of Tea Party folks..speaking of which, they're all busy right now trying to find Chechnya County on a state map of Texas...
  11. If these two brothers were active Tea Party members, do you think the news media wouldn't villify anyone who punched Mitt Romney's name at the ballot box last fall? The CIA and FBI would tear apart anyone affiliated with the Tea Party to look into possible further ties to terrorism. But since these two brothers are Muslim, we need to talk about tolerance and safely assume that they acted alone. Anyone who wants further potential links investigated should be immediately labeled a racist and branded an outcast. He's in custody, America, move along. Nothing to see here...
  12. Boys, boys, boys...both should be banned under the EO. No worries.
  13. Again, it's all opinion. I'm not sure what you're arguing.
  14. By the sounds of things, we'll have an Executive Order forthcoming in a few days to take care of that nasty little 2nd Amendment issue...
  15. So if I'm a drug dealer in Chicago and want to sell my gun to a drug dealer in Gary, IN, I have to complete a background check first? Sounds like a lot of hassle...
  16. WSJ opinions on hockey arenas... http://online.wsj.co...2675400454.html Montgomery comments on 'storied past and tradition at Denver...' Talk about a cliche comment these days... http://www.uscho.com...tion-at-denver/ I never questioned UND fanst traveling well...but as far as REA and all its splendor, I'm far more comfortable sitting in a backless seat at Yost than I am at REA. I was a season ticket holder at REA for several years...my row consisted of about 50 seats between aisles and I was close to the end. I'm scrunched into my seat like a sardine (I'm all of 5'10" and 185, ok, 200 pounds), and had to get up every 4 seconds for the 22 fans closest to my side of the aisle who wanted to grab a beer. Unlike the X, where ushers actually MAKE YOU WAIT UNTIL THE WHISTLE BLOWS BEFORE YOU RETURN TO YOUR SEAT, fans run rampant around REA constantly when the puck is in play. One game, I missed two goals because a beer-grabber decided to stop in front of me while watching the action. Then they're annoyed when you tell them to find their seat or get out of the way. No room for your legs when you're sitting...that's a big factor in terms of 'best arena' in my book. And I especially love how fans treat leather seats and cherry wood armrests by jumping all over them between periods...talk about a total lack of respect for the facility. Just my two cents.
  17. I never suggested this at all. What people (especially CNN and MSNBC) insinuated early on that since no group with Islamic ties claimed responsibility, that this was probably the work of right-wing folks. That's a fact, ESPECIALLY in the case of MSNBC's Matthews. My point is that if you're a group or individual trying to cause maximum damage and chaos, why WOULD you claim responsibility? Not knowing who or why certainly would cause more panic than someone revealing right away that the IRA, Shining Path, or any other group was taking credit for the attack. Speaking of who and why, remind me again why this is so important now and NOT in the case of Benghazi?
  18. But if we just ban guns, there won't be any more bad guys, right?
  19. I would say that several schools think they have the best tradition, best arena, and the best fans...that's very opinionated criteria you are using.
  20. Just being devil's advocate...both played for Gino Gasparini. Does that mean Gino was a 'good' coach in 1982 when Cary Eades was playing and suddenly lost it from 1988-1992 when Dave Hakstol was on the team? The 1990 team went to Boston and won the opening game of their three-game series. BU slogged down the ice the next two nights and UND lost both games and was eliminated. BU went on to the Frozen Four and lost to Colgate 3-2. The next two years, the team went steadily downhill...are you blaming THAT on Dave Hakstol too?
  21. MafiaMan

    Does Dave

    Hoogsteen Phooey...number one super guy! Hoogsteen Phooey...quicker than the human eye!
  22. So I can't move UP a notch but I can be DOWN-GRADED? Great...
  23. I'll just keep pointing out what I point out all the time...having tradition and a nice hockey arena doesn't guarantee success. I don't know why fans think that leather seats, fireworks, and laser shows should guarantee titles. UND did just fine before the new arena was built...maybe the coziness and comforts are too much?
  24. Right! Michigan vs Ohio State? No, we can't have that...we just had that over Thanksgiving and Michigan lost. No conference title means no BCS title. Flash-forward to LSU vs Alabama - well...the SEC has the best teams anyways...nevermind what happened a few years ago...
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