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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. If you would have told me in March of 2000 that before the Sioux would win another title, Penn State would have a hockey team, the CCHA wouldn't exist anymore, and Minnesota and Wisconsin would leave the WCHA, I wouldn't have believed it.
  2. They shouldn't consider it at all. If Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, or Nebraska decided to add hockey to their list of school sports, North Dakota, Miami, Denver, etc. would immediately have their 'associate member' status 86'd. Fool me once, Minny and WI, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
  3. He apparently had no comment on smaller goalie gear and the changes in nets. Can't wait to see his NCAA basketball bracket come out next March though!
  4. Nice to see the POTUS add his two cents to the conversation today. Tackle those important issues -the deficit, Kenya, healthcare, a budget...that all can wait.
  5. current numbers: black w/moniker (6 total): Ice Arena Man (2), Blackheart (3), siouxczech29 (1) black with no moniker (3 total): letsSIOUXum (1), Wilbur (1), southpaw (1) green w/moniker (2 total): Ice Arena Man (1), Goon (1) green with no moniker (3): letsSIOUXum (1), wilbur (1), remington_270 (1) grey w/moniker (3 total): siouxczech29 (1), YaneA (2) pink w/moniker (3 total): YaneA (3) We are good-to-go with black hats and grey/pink hats in terms of numbers. I need one more green one to make those happen. Those of you on the 2nd order list, please review and make sure the information I have posted here is accurate. Thank you.
  6. That's assuming Minnesota makes the tournament...
  7. Way to lay an egg last night, Atlanta.
  8. Who do you think Michigan football gets motivated more for...Indiana or Notre Dame? Conference affiliation be damned...this will STILL be a rivalry of epic proportions.
  9. Another order is all but a done-deal - the only issue is whether or not the minimum number of green hats is reached. We're up to 3 right now...need 3 more.
  10. Nevermind walking up the stairs...how about stumbling thru the section back to his/her seat?
  11. I just threw up in my mouth a little.
  12. Great news...hats could indeed be in with plenty of time to get them passed out at Christmas!
  13. How about the fans to pretend to 'watch' the game from the lounge? Can we have a rule that if you aren't paying attention to the game, you're tossed? I'm not a smoker and I don't get the whole 'addiction' thing, but if I can go 4-5 hours without either a Coke or a Mountain Dew, how come you can't handle the same amount of time without puffing a half-dozen cigs?
  14. Nope, the Tigers will make me smile for the first time since 1984. T-I-G-E-R-S Tigers!
  15. And exactly how many arenas have you been in so you can offer your analysis? $100+ million didn't buy comfortable seats, that's all I'm sayin'. And I'm all of 5'10" and 190 pounds.
  16. In all seriousness, I hope her team plays well and you enjoy your weekend. P.S. Fixed your post too.
  17. You would look awfully goofy wearing a Gopher jersey with that snazzy SiouxSports.com hat you just bought!
  18. Why stop there? Let's make sure we New York City-size Coke and Mountain Dew cups while we're at it, too. Oh, and maybe make it mandatory that REA post signs next to the elevators and escalators encouraging folks to be healthy and take the stairs.
  19. The 80 year old Sioux fan walk couldn't care less about the marble floors of the arena...they might possibly be concerned about the lack of a shuttle bus to drive them 3-4 blocks when the weather is -25 degrees. Or mom and pop bringing the 4 and 2 year old kids to the game. Just a hunch, though...
  20. Not implying you, but I love when fans of the big-spending Red Sox complain about the deep pockets of the Yankees...pot, meet kettle.
  21. I'm glad someone has finally noticed a flat with REA. The seats at the X are couch-like by comparison.
  22. If Hammond was closer to Blaine and if it wasn't raining out, I'd come out and watch a game this weekend. Oh, that AND if it wasn't SOCCER.
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