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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. FYI: the term 'grampa' was meant figuratively, not literally.
  2. Hmnnnn...drones flying around with the authority to kill US citizens...US veterans removing their medals at airports under the blanket of 'security' while others aren't searched so no one cries 'racism'...certain political leanings targeted by the IRS...phone calls and data being examined without probable cause...tell me another story about the shining beacon of freedom that America is in 2013, grampa.
  3. Help those of out who don't follow Twitter...what's this all about, MN State 0f Hockey?
  4. Doesn't matter if only 50 fans show up...it's tickets sold that count, right? I get the mid-January game when it's -30 outside...but it's October...the attendance was pretty sad.
  5. Convicted criminals do get fewer rights only after they are convicted? Welcome to the Redundancy Department of Redundancy.
  6. Black 'International Nite Club' or white or green wild boar 'Hoggsbreath'?
  7. current numbers as of 6:30 pm 10/31/13: 64 hats total! black w/moniker (17 total): Ice Arena Man (2), Blackheart (4*), siouxczech29 (1), mn_sioux (1), NorthDakotaHockey (6), Laker (1), AZSIOUX (1), BIGSKY (1) black with no moniker (11 total): letsSIOUXum (1), Wilbur (1), southpaw (1), Wreckincrew (2), mn_sioux (2), Fedorov (1), neonpelican (3) green w/moniker (8 total): Ice Arena Man (1), Goon (1), NorthDakotaHockey (4), Laker (1), BIGSKY (1) green with no moniker (7): letsSIOUXum (1), Wilbur (1), remington_270 (1), lawkota (1), Wreckincrew (1), mn_sioux (1), Oxbow6 (1) grey w/moniker (10 total): siouxczech29 (1), YaneA (2), lawkota (1), Frozen4Sioux (1), NorthDakotaHockey (5) grey with no moniker (1 total): Fedorov (1) pink w/moniker (8 total): YaneA (3), FLO (1), NorthDakotaHockey (4) pink with no moniker (2 total): remington_270 (1), Oxbow6 (1)
  8. Nice! I just might have to order up some more Hoggsbreath shirts for next spring.
  9. Good thing you weren't wearing your equally-cool Sioux-colored Hoggsbreath shirt, eh? You might have gotten mugged!
  10. The August order was 69 SiouxSports hats...barring a last-second change before 9:00 am Friday, this order will almost equal that one...64 hats.
  11. Just to make sure i haven't mis-counted somewhere, please verify all monikers and hat numbers before I call order in tomorrow. ESPECIALLY the monikers! For example, if it's listed as FLO and you want Flo or flo instead, let me know. Hat numbers are the most important...there is time to change monikers right up to the moment the hats are run thru the machine.
  12. current numbers as of 6:30 pm 10/31/13: 64 hats total! black w/moniker (17 total): Ice Arena Man (2), Blackheart (4*), siouxczech29 (1), mn_sioux (1), NorthDakotaHockey (6), Laker (1), AZSIOUX (1), BIGSKY (1) black with no moniker (11 total): letsSIOUXum (1), Wilbur (1), southpaw (1), Wreckincrew (2), mn_sioux (2), Fedorov (1), neonpelican (3) green w/moniker (8 total): Ice Arena Man (1), Goon (1), NorthDakotaHockey (4), Laker (1), BIGSKY (1) green with no moniker (7): letsSIOUXum (1), Wilbur (1), remington_270 (1), lawkota (1), Wreckincrew (1), mn_sioux (1), Oxbow6 (1) grey w/moniker (10 total): siouxczech29 (1), YaneA (2), lawkota (1), Frozen4Sioux (1), NorthDakotaHockey (5) grey with no moniker (1 total): Fedorov (1) pink w/moniker (8 total): YaneA (3), FLO (1), NorthDakotaHockey (4) pink with no moniker (2 total): remington_270 (1), Oxbow6 (1)
  13. Actually, I posted this same thought a while back as a potential reason to not schedule North Dakota. No WCHA, no Final Five TV coverage, less exposure in the TC press...the effects of that could potentially be felt down the road by UND. I didn't say it was for-sure, but it could certainly have been a reason to 'end' the rivalry. Case in point, 12 year old kid in the seats behind me at the X. For about 9 WCHA Final Fives, he was decked out in Gopher gear. 3 years ago, he decided to become a Sioux fan because he liked how the team played and how fans always turned the X green. Unless his Gopher fan parents decide to get tickets to the NCHC, he's likely sitting at the X next spring. Outta sight, outta mind.
  14. Nothing like a photo finish, eh? Two for BIGSKY comin' right up!
  15. MafiaMan

    Fire Muss

    This site would be so much better with PCM back on it.
  16. Red Sox were destined...another worst-to-first story. Well played Boston.
  17. The fed trimming its budget? Surely you jest... I agree with darell as well...sentences handed down in St Paul for 'crimes' such as dog bites and dogs barking too much often mimic those of DUI and misdemeanor assault.
  18. Oh no, not in today's society. The victim should have just let the thief go and wait for police and 'the system' to handle the whole situation. Several years ago, I had my credit card number punched back into the system at a sub shop in St Paul by an employee who took $100+ cash out of the till after ringing up an equivalent amount on my card after I had left the store. I called to inquire about the charge - the store owner blew me off by saying I must have 'forgotten' to record a party-sub purchase that I had made. A week went by and I got a call back from the same manager - five additional parties had contacted her with the exact same complaint. Another week went by and a St Paul police officer interviewed me - the employee had been arrested for felony theft. The evidence was overwhelming - in-house video showing that he was the only employee working on each of the specific days and times of the reported thefts, video showing him on sandwich-making detail and not cashiering but somehow finding a way to use the credit card machine after a break in the action six separate times and open the cash drawer within minutes after each victim leaving the store and taking out money. The investigator said the suspect didn't say a word and was booked into jail. A 'slam-dunk' case if ever there was one, he said. Six months later, without ever having been contacted by the County Attorney's Office, I looked into court records (public information, of course) and found that the case had been dismissed at pre-trial due to 'insufficient evidence to prosecute.' The Ramsey County Attorney's Office did not respond to the scathing e-mail I sent them. American 'justice' in the 2000's...just like this case in your area.
  19. I'd probably make more money. Anyone in the TC area looking for a good sales guy?
  20. Nothing like seeing a team down by 25 in the 4th quarter have one of their players woof it up after a slam dunk.
  21. It was sarcasm...I was trying to be funny since 7 is ridiculous.
  22. 7? I admittedly haven't kept up on rule changes in the off-season. When did they reduce the number of timeouts?
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