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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Hot rumor is Rick Barnes of Tennessee having the inside track on a move to UCLA.
  2. Black — 10 @SiouxFan100 @SIOUXELEVENS @Shawn-O MafiaMan (2) @Goon Goon — ABBY on back @streetsahead @sioux24/7 @Fader Green — 8 @SiouxFan100 @Shawn-O @SiouxFanatic @KoolGuy2K @Vegas_Sioux -- Vegas_Sioux on back @Vegas_Sioux @siouxforeverbaby -- siouxforeverbaby on back @Fader Grey — 3 MafiaMan (2) @Fader
  3. Looks like I ordered 70+ six years ago - currently at 18 for this run. Black and Green are for-sure orders.
  4. That’s not necessarily true - DU returned a ton of underclassmen from their 2017 title team and were the favorites to repeat last season.
  5. MafiaMan

    Spring Ball

    Bubba obviously doesn’t want any secrets from UND’s complicated offensive schemes being leaked to opponents...
  6. Name a coach who has done less with more at the Final Four than Tom Izzo.
  7. Well, to be fair, the Toronto Maple Leafs aren’t as skilled as American International College...
  8. The Chris Webber missed travel crew from 1993 is holding for you on line 2...
  9. It seems to boost the Hogg attendance, yes.
  10. WAIT! You’re saying that DaveK and Kevad were the same person?
  11. I have no doubt that we’ll get enough.
  12. This was not the ideal year for me to host this event given our house flood (I'm still holed up in a hotel -- good times), but in hindsight, I'm glad some of you reached out to me and made sure it happened. The Hogg brunch has become a "family reunion" of sorts where I just expect to see certain people every year. It was a downer that sprig wasn't there this time (for the first time in years) and then six days later, he's gone. Still hard to believe. Really has been fun to get to know @Godsmack @Ice Arena Man and @Goon outside of the board, along with many other Hogg regulars who didn't make it this year -- primarily because North Dakota didn't make the trip either, so I can't blame you. Welcome to @fightingstew and @Fader this year -- I hope you come again next year. Hopefully I'll be able to bring a few goodies and give-aways like I have in the past instead of occupying my time in the days before the event with FEMA folks and insurance adjusters. I think the lowest crowd attendance was 3 in 2002 and the high crowd estimate was about 75 in 2013. Most years, we're in the 20-30 range. Maybe next year's crowd will be a record-breaker and some new folks will make an appearance. A special invitation has already been extended to sprig's family and I hope Drew and his young bunch come out. After a couple of years of mulling over 86'ing the Hogg, I now have a renewed interest in keeping it going. The show will go on in 2020. Hope to see you there.
  13. @The Sicatoka C’mon! That HAD to be intentional!
  14. You say ‘potato,’ I say ‘Lizotte.’
  15. Black — 9 @SiouxFan100 @SIOUXELEVENS @Shawn-O @MafiaMan (2) @Goon @Goon — ABBY on back @streetsahead @sioux24/7 Green — 3 @SiouxFan100 @Shawn-O @SiouxFanatic Grey — 2 @MafiaMan (2)
  16. Black was without a doubt the most common hat color selected. I also think it was easily the best looking hat.
  17. I don't -- the best-looking colors, in my opinion, were black, grey, and dark green, in that order.
  18. We already have enough for black hats. 3 more green and 4 more grey needed.
  19. Red Wings Stanley Cup, baby!
  20. Right? Seems to me that the Red Sox have eclipsed the Yankees as the dominant force in the AL East.
  21. Black — 5 @SiouxFan100 @SIOUXELEVENS @Shawn-O @MafiaMan (2) Green — 3 @SiouxFan100 @Shawn-O @SiouxFanatic Grey — 2 @MafiaMan (2)
  22. Dangit anyways. I was hoping he’d stay at Bowling Green.
  23. I'll need a minimum of 6 of each style (thread color change) of the white Sioux .com version/black Sioux .com version in order to place an order. Given that it's spring, time isn't of the essence here. An order by the end of July/August would ensure that the hats arrived at their final destination in time for fall.
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