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Everything posted by darell1976

  1. I had to rewind my DVR about 10 times to see it over and over, what a goal!!!!
  2. That was a fun game. I had lots of fun there and the view was great. It got boring in the second period with UND forgetting that passing doesn't give you goals you do have to shoot the puck once in a while. It was a long drive back to Fargo but made it safe and sound, can't wait to go to another Sioux game.
  3. Sioux-Gophers?
  4. 2008 Kohl Center (Wisconsin), World Arena (CC) 2009 Mariucci Arena (Minnesota) I hope you are wrong.
  5. Just a sidenote question why is Alaska Fairbanks now just Alaska??
  6. Both Midwest and West regionals have yet to be determined in 2010 or 11. What the Ralph's chances now that the nickname lawsuit is done.
  7. Thank God Schmidt didn't screw up a Sioux victory...we need them all and don't need a damn official messing things up for us.
  8. Any chance Minny will play Holy Cross?
  9. And yet they concentrate on another University's logo that is less offensive than the swastika, and spitting on people of different color. Yeah SCSU has their priorities in the right order.
  10. I am so pumped up for the game on Saturday. I got my tickets, weather is to be nice for the drive up to Grand Forks. My parents are going to be watching the kids so me and my wife can watch the Sioux kick some Seawolves @ss!!!!!! PS i have a link to the event on Facebook for those who are going to Saturday's game. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=20568934880&ref=mf
  11. 503!!!! Wow i am shocked, i thought with a great field plus a major team like the Gophers would be more, i was wrong. But a new field in GF to replace Kraft wouldn't be bad.
  12. Could the bad attendance for baseball be because Kraft field is a crappy stadium. I remember when they added bleachers in 1996 for the GF Varmints baseball team. Look at NDSU they have Newman Outdoor Field which is good for the Redhawks but really nice for the NDSU baseball team. How about sending some Engelstad money over to build a new baseball stadium say a 5000 capacity field with the whole 9 yards. Then maybe attendance would rise.
  13. Just got my tickets in the mail I am so excited!!! I just hope for good weather and no Interstate closings.
  14. Lisa from Sartell... I applaude you!!! Great letter and i am shocked that St. Cloud printed that in their paper. Those idiots in St. Cloud are a bunch of losers and whiners. If St. Cloud St. had done that protest right they would have blocked off a little area and told them stay there or be arrested, but as usual they are a bunch of Husky sh-t!!! I think we should have PETA on our side and force them to change their nickname. Put a picture of a husky with Michael Vick. I hate St. Clown State i am glad we only have to play them in hockey.
  15. So if UND decides to change the name you think there will still be protesters since it will take a while to take all the Sioux logos out of the Ralph?? Also i haven't heard much media for the swastika incidents, now if someone spray painted a Sioux logo on their campus there would really be hell to pay, FNC, and CNN would be on campus.
  16. I say let the punishment fit the crime you shoot someone, then you should be shot the same way. Criminals have more rights than the common law abiding citizen and that is not right.
  17. One protester's sign bore a large swastika with the words, "It's just a logo, right?" Please tell me who has this logo for a team?? Even in Germany anything with the swastika is banned. If a video game has it its banned so this protester is a f-cking idiot. A swastika is a hell of a lot worse than the Sioux logo. Maybe then St. Cloud should switch to the swastika logo since the NCAA says the Sioux nickname is NOT hostile and abusive (anymore). Hey SCSU its just a logo right?? Dumb@sses
  18. Okay. Thanks for the info like i said before i am sure i will enjoy the game from whatever view i have i will just be pissed if the Sioux get shutout. I want to hear that horn go off...constantly!
  19. And to think i had a class with Jeff Panzer. I also graduated with his brother Jay.
  20. I just ordered 2 tickets to the Sioux-UAA game on Sat. Jan 26th its my first Sioux hockey game in about 3 years, I ordered them from Ticketmaster, I figured since its UAA i should get some good seats, what i got under the best seats available option was 2 seats in the corner of the arena in the upper deck. Section 303 Row K. Does anyone know is the view good from up there?? The last time i was at the REA it was the Sioux vs Denver roughly 2004 or 2003 and we were near the penalty box so this is a change of scenary at the REA for me. So is UAA that good that almost the seats are gone or is it this way for every Sioux series this year?? I know i will have fun where ever i am sitting.
  21. I would like to stand up (no not cheer) but applaude those people who showed support for the Chief. I hope Sioux fans do the same thing when our nickname goes away. I know i will still show up in my Sioux hockey jersey!!
  22. 10th Ave N. Actually when i go to Sioux hockey games i would park on 10th or off of Columbia to the east of the Ralph, its a little walk but getting out of that mess is so easy.
  23. darell1976

    Lennon gone

    Maybe Lennon will be back after the 5 yr transitional period. If not I will be the new coach, i coach UND to a national title on NCAA CFB 07 for PS2. It can't be much different.
  24. Let me guess you were for the confederates as they didn't like US laws and wanted to seceed into a new nation.
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