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Everything posted by darell1976

  1. The way the Rams are playing they might as well be called the St. Louis Cardinals.
  2. Whats the point! Say they give approval at the end of 2007 then in 2011 they change their mind, BAM the name is gone by 2012. Get rid of it now.
  3. And if we ever play Miami then its the Blizzard vs the Hurricanes.
  4. I agree thats what we did at Central my senior year we were known as Redskins my freshmen year then the school board dropped the name then the rest of my years at Central we were the Maroon and Grey so my senior year we the students wrote down names that had to do with Central as a whole, and the final two were Knights and Pride and Knights won by a landslide because its part of Central's song, so i think the students of UND should vote for a new name and use the same elimination process we used at Central.
  5. I second that.
  6. Oh hell why bother then. You know they will withdraw it later anyways. Just change it now. That is a stupid provision by Stenehjem, he should have made it indifinate.
  7. In the event UND announces a transition to a new name and logo, that transition must be complete on or before Aug. 15, 2011. UND and the NCAA have been at odds over this issue since August 2005 when the NCAA listed the school among 18 in the nation with mascots or nicknames considered
  8. They are north but not much force.
  9. I said Warriors are better than Chippewas, at least its not specific to one tribe. But overall i think abolish all indian nicknames in the whole state, why should the schools on the rez have indian nicknames when we can't. Why don't they get rid of them if they feel its so wrong.
  10. After Stenjum got everyones hopes up by saying along we are going to win this then pulling a stunt like this i learned not to get my hopes up again especially relying on the Sioux tribes. The name will be retired.
  11. No more tribe names i say Warriors or Natives is good, at least all the tribes will have a say. But overall it may be good to get rid of all Indian nickname ideas or else we will go through this again and again.
  12. The Sioux have until November 30, 2010 to win support of the Sioux tribes or the name is gone. Sure they would put the date in the middle of hockey season.
  13. They had something in writting with the Spirit Lake Sioux but i heard it expired or something. So they need something that is indefinate and in writting with copies to everyone from the Govenor, up to damn near the president so this never happens again! I think they can get support from the Spirit Lake but Standing Rock and His Horse is Thunder would not go for it. He is too much of an a$$hole to agree to anything even though his tribe is for the name.
  14. The REA could tell UND to play somewhere else and since they are tearing down the old Ralph that leaves Purpur Arena. Good luck fitting 11,000 people there.
  15. Exactly. Stenjhem should be out as attorney general. What a quitter. As for support for the name from the tribes i see maybe the Devils Lake Sioux supporting the name more than the Standing Rock. Its over. Time for a new name and NOTHING to do with Indians.
  16. I am sure enrollment of Indian students will decline because many of them choose UND because the name, now without the name i can see Indian programs cut back or cut out, and they should until they pay the same tuition as other students no free rides because of race. UND is not on the rez they don't have the name why should we cuddle to N.A. rather than the rest of the students. If UND was hostile and abusive wait til the change happends. I am afraid people are going to resent native americans both on the campus and at the reservations.
  17. I say people should protest at every game or function UND hosts for the nickname if it was to be changed. People protest against the name why not we protest for the name. That makes for a news story.
  18. Why not we get permisson from one of the Chippewa tribes of ND and or Minn. then change the name to the Chippewas, and keep the logo....just a thought. I do know the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewas are for the Sioux nickname.
  19. Maybe the will say the Sioux can retain the nickname and logo as long as the "documents' stay sealed. Cause i think the NCAA is doing something to incriminate themselves and public opinion would be at an uproar if something got out. NCAA should have thought twice about trying to screw over a school with "balls" to stand up to them. Long live Fighting SIOUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Maybe Brand was not allowed season tickets to UND hockey!!
  21. We did... in 1993, remember Thunder the Bleacher Creature.
  22. Sounds like the NCAA was about to settle but something made them change their mind which i agree with you, it sounds like the PC Police had talked the NCAA into pulling away from the decision. This whole thing is just a mess, i mean what the hell did UND do to the NCAA. We are a quiet college very low key no violations no sanctions against us I mean leave us alone.
  23. I was listening to the game on the radio and it sounded like the fog game between the Eagles and Bears long ago. Why did they allow the game to be played in such horrible conditions I think the game should have been moved to the Boston Garden or where ever the Bruins play. Its not fair that we get a stinking tie out of a 2 period foggy game. Both teams thought the game was horrible and they should have a make-up game. If i was UND i would only schedule BC if its at a neutral site or at the Ralph. The NCAA should be ashamed of themselves to allow a game to be played in those conditions. Think of the injuries that could have occured, especially if the goalies couldn't see across the rink.
  24. He don't matter to me any. Espcially trying to help a man who killed 2 FBI agents, they should have thrown him (Bellecourt) in jail and throw away the key. Plus talking to Hugo Chavez who hates America and called Bush the devil, good place for him to die, Venezuela. I say bury him down there.
  25. I don't think Dartmouth will play us in football, remember that stupid remark when they scheduled us in hockey? I would add them to the list, of course we would crush them and any other Ivy League school in football.
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