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Posts posted by southpaw

  1. not sure where i should post this... but other than this upcoming year (06-07) would the nickname issue not affect UND? hockey won't be hosting any ncaa events because the WCHA 1st round playoffs don't count. so in essence, UND has 5? years to figure out the nickname issue without being affected in post-season play.

  2. I wish that fellow members would quit with the 'liberal' finger pointing. I'm a bleeding heart liberal and so are many other SS.com members. As many of you know, there may be others who feel as strongly as I do about the name/logo and hostile/abusive issue but there aren't many who feel stronger. That goes for the other 'liberal' SS.com members.

    i dont think any ss members are trying to throw all liberals in the same boat. obviously, there are big differences between those championing the "change the name" cause and a majority of liberals. however, the general notion of the right to not be offended is becoming more and more mainstream in the democratic party. many of the reasons people want the name dropped are used in other situations by liberals, so it is easy to see this as a democrat/republican issue (somewhat).

    when UND alumni are standing on the fence because they don't want to lose votes, to me it becomes a political issue. i used to see it as a common sense vs radical debate, but that's not the case so much as elected officials are taking sides based on the opinions of who they were voted in by. obviously, pomeroy and others feel that there are enough democrats who support dropping the name or they would have taken a harder stance. i'd imagine they thought the number of votes they would gain by being pro-sioux is way less than the number of votes they might lose by being pro-sioux.

    so if pomeroy and others see it as a political issue, try to not be offended if others see it the same way. (in any case, i'll try to refrain from attacks on bleeding heart liberals).

  3. i was at that game and there was way more to it that they didn't show. i'm not encouraging people to jump onto the field, but when those two guys did, it was possibly the greatest thing i have ever seen.

    realize the context of the game before you guys blast me for saying fans on the field was good: eighth inning, nothing has happened for a good 3-4 innings and fans are getting restless. this was an excellent crowd picker-upper.

    the two guys jumped out there halfway up the wall along left field. they immediately split up, which was a good idea because the security guards were on them in a second. fortunately, the young guys were able to evade security long enough for the first one to get a high five from torii hunter (huge crowd pleaser) and then get shot down by luis castillo. the second one (the one who got tackled) just kinda ran around for a good couple minutes and it looked like he was going to go into the twins dugout or try and jump back into the stands. then he suddenly goes straight for 3rd base and the place errupted. other than morneau's grand slam earlier in the game, the dome was the loudest i had heard in a while. as soon as the guy dove at home plate, almost every fan was standing and cheering. and you know the rest from there.

  4. what jacobs is suggetsing and leaning towards, is a lot like what is happening with society in general. there are so many people who are scared of offending anyone. you can't have the fighting sioux nickname because it offends a small group of people. you can't play dodgeball in school because it picks out the weak kids. people think that by removing anything that could cause problems, they fix the problem. that's not how things work.

    getting rid of the nickname, or not continuing with the lawsuit isn't going to fix the problems that occur on reservations. those people who are championing the cause to drop the name aren't going to suddenly focus on all the problems plaguing reservations if UND stops or loses the lawsuit. hard work and cooperation is going to make things better between UND and the tribes, not putting your tail between your legs and running the other way.

  5. As much as I always appreciate money being donated, I have to say I'm disappointed at the location of the building.

    That are behind Hughes was a very nice area that was never utilized as much as it should have. And by that I don't mean more building, I mean students using it as they do the quad behind the library.

    On a few occations I went back there because there were the trees, the coulee, and it was just nice and quiet. Now they're going to fill the space? I am disappointed.

    I realize the land on campus is in short supply, but that doesn't negate my disappointment that that area is no long going to be.

    students use the quad because its the center of campus. you need to meet someone and you're on opposite ends of campus? head to the quad. its an open area that gives you the ability to study in a fairly quiet area. you still get to watch people walk by and talk to friends who stop by. it's the best of both worlds. the new area will just be a good quiet place, but if you like to people-watch, then stay in the quad.

  6. if you can make it so there's a good 70 people in there, so the cost is about $12 per person, then i'm totally in. otherwise, i'm gonna have to hope that mr and mrs. siouxman decide they can't go after paying and i'll just HAVE to take their place. :D

  7. just looking back at the game, there were three goals that markannen had no chance at. two were deflections that just took wierd bounces. recchi's play was awesome, but did anyone notice a d-man on him? stillmans was kinda flukey and happened with under 3 seconds left in the period.

    while you can't blame markannen for the loss, because obviously edmonton's offense failed to show up. ward made all those saves that markannen just couldn't get to. if you get a chance, watch the highlight of game 1... the overhead view of the crease of the scramble where the penalty shot is called. ward is like a four year old playing goalie... sliding everywhere, looking through six guys to find the shooter. it's incredible.

  8. So if we are going to make the move, when is it going to be announced? After all of that hype things seem to have gotten very quiet. You would think a D-1 move would be anounced before the Mid-Con meeting, though.

    they will announce it before the july 1st deadline, i'd imagine.

  9. A group of 200 UND alumni have signed a petition against the UND nickname. They say it's derogatory to Native Americans and makes UND look like a white racist school. The petition was sent to the Alumni Assoc, in hopes that Tim O'Keefe would pressure the school to drop the name.

    I understand that there are people against the nickname, and that's fine. They can have their opinions... but does 200 people not agreeing with the name mean enough to change it? I give their opinion more weight than some average guy off the street... but do 200 people have the same weight as say a petition of thousands of people in favor of the nickname?

    I have to think that the timing of this was obviously done because the NCAA makes their decision tomorrow. However, I doubt the NCAA will get much info on this prior to tomorrow's meeting. The group should have released it Monday if they were going for true effectiveness and then spent the week doing interviews. That might have gotten the NCAA's attention. Although, you never know with Myles Brand... he could have just been waiting and waiting for something like this to come out.

  10. there were several times where during the last year of intramural hockey there, i wanted to hide out after a game and once they shut off all the lights, start taking out the section of seats i sat in (stood) for every game.

  11. Well, we're four days away from the supposed decision day. This Thursday, the NCAA says it will rule on UND's nickname. You've got to think, or at least hope, that the NCAA realizes that UND will make them look foolish in court. I guess since the NCAA already looks pretty stupid, having it done in court won't be that big of a deal.

    Thoughts on "Decision Day 2006"

  12. in the ahl playoffs last night:

    bryan lundbohm had a goal and assist and curtis murphy had an assist as houston beat peoria in ot.

    colby genoway had two assists for hartford in a 6-5 ot loss to manchester.

  13. heard some good things about the spring game, especially about the offense.

    on a very nice note, brian hellevang kicked a 51 yarder, which is always a plus.

    manke was leading the 1st team offense and had a good day, leading the team to a td.

    belmore also did a good job with the 2nd team. they got the 51 yard fg.

  14. That's super.......Why do we dedicate so much of a thread to a Native Minnesotan?.......I find it ironic everyone talks about Parise so much, but the second I want to discuss Potulny (a local boy), some idiot always tries to fly his crop duster over my parade........which is it? Do we hate Minnesotans or don't we?

    I find it extremely questionable that you are a Sioux fan. You've made a lot of iffy posts (like the one above), you joined during the past year and there is a user over at GopherPuckLive named "ATLGopher."

  15. with the devils 11 game win streak, zach is definitely getting some good playing time and proving he can handle the nhl.

    during those 11 games, zach is plus 10, has four goals and three assists and has at least one point in 6 of those games.

  16. Robby Smette, a student at UND (currently taking a year off to be a National Guard Instructor in Georgia) is the first Jackson Hewitt "Soldier of the Year" Nominee.

    Staff Sgt. Smette Honored

    I have a vested interest because I'm the one who nominated him, but its always nice to see a North Dakota kid get rewarded for his service. If you knew Robby and his family, you'd agree that he deserves this.

  17. if you get me the beta tapes in fargo, i can put them on to dvd (i also would need some dvd-r's)

    i could probably get you a deal, and only charge $2-3 per tape.

    it'd probably take me a week to copy them all over.

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