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Posts posted by southpaw

  1. Southpaw.... why couldn't you have made this request last Thursday? I gave away my Samsung a650 Verizon phone to my buddy Thursday evening. If you would have contacted me then, I would've given it to you. Sorry. :huh:

    thanks for the effort... had i known my phone was planning on breaking, i definitely would have let you know. ;)

  2. just a suggestion, i had my phone break, i just went on ebay and bought a used verizon phone, that was of much better quality for about 25 dollars. you can program it right on their website. only takes about 5 days to have your phone if you buy one now.

    unfortunately, i use my phone for work... so i kinda need to find a new one by monday. i don't really want to have to buy a new one, since i won't get a re-up discount til may.

  3. so kind of a wierd question... but my verizon phone broke tonight. i need a temporary new one. what are the odds that someone on here who lives in fargo has an old verizon phone and charger they don't use anymore that i could have?

  4. I feel that until the name is retired respectfully, we will continue to see this within the community.

    i, and i'm sure many here, feel that even without the name, unfortunately these things will still continue. i don't think it's a nickname problem, but a society problem. it's unfortunate that racism exists, but i don't think it has to do with the Fighting Sioux nickname, as it does with attitudes in this area.

  5. he was up, then called down, then up the next day.

    that has nothing to do with his play and everything to do with salary cap reasons. he will stay up at least until afinoghenov (sp?) returns. even then, he could still stay with the big club as they also demoted another player when drew got called up.

  6. This may be a rather dumb question, but, if the NCAA gets their way (which, I don't think they will), and UND has to change the nickname. . . . . how can they force the issue with REA? Is REA a seperate entity, or is it owned and run by the school? (If it is owned/run by the school, nevermind my argument here.) On the other hand, if it isn't, then why could it NOT be the RE Fighting Sioux Arena, with all the logos left intact? Would the NCAA tell UND that they can't play there?

    i believe there is a clause in ralph's will that says the arena will be imploded. ;):D

  7. i generally browse siouxsports from two different computers, but am always logged in. i've noticed lately that when i click to view the newest posts, it will still take me 3-4 posts back. is that because of my cookies being different on each computer or what? it's not a horrible problem to have, i have just noticed it happening a lot more recently.

    thanks for any help

  8. holy crap...i think everyone is reading into the "TREE" message from hakfan. the only thing that i am thinking is that it is a real quality recruit...maybe erik johnson is transferring to UND!? :D;) i would honestly guess nash or bruneteau. not blood, hes a dman(we are full of d for next year). time will tell.

    blood is tall like a tree... and UND's defensemen have been called a bunch of trees before. i think we know it's going to be blood.

  9. maybe so. but once again, doesnt even THAT sound odd? since, if i am correct, rookie bonuses were considerable less this year than before? then again, i believe zpar played in the minors for a year before moving up to the big show. zajac, obviously, went right in. maybe he does have more talent, but is still adjusting. reverting back to my last post, he IS tied for 2nd in goals overall, as a "freshman", coming straight from college, on a team that is relatively dominant (leads the atlantic division).

    i find myself racking my brain for a relatively non-important reason haha. i guess its just all in fun to try and understand more.

    i believe zach signed before the new nhl collective bargaining agreement (that's why he spent that first year in the ahl.. there was no nhl at the time). i think the rookie max is now set at whatever zajac is making... but overall parise got more because of signing bonuses.

  10. Guess it might be just another indicator as to the strong reactions religion can cause.

    getting rid of religion is undoubtedly the decision that needs to be made here. without religion, these acts never would have happened.

  11. Anthony Greico has played a couple solid games, but for you to go ahead and compare him to Karl Goehring is absolutly asinine. He could not be rakned in the top 20 goalies in UND history at this point in his career. Think before you type next time...

    settle down a bit. he didn't compare him to goehring. all he asked was have we had a better goalie since karl left. i'd say we have had a better goalie in parise. i think grieco in his career may be a better goalie than parise, but i'm not about to proclaim that after four games.

  12. Yeah, I finished the basement last winter, with bar/projector/pub table, and left a perfect spot for a new super chexx game. Should be ordering soon! :lol:

    if you happen to need an address to ship that too... i'd gladly give you mine. :lol:

  13. getting to watch parise and zajac on the same line has been pretty awesome. you can tell they both have a little "UND" still in them. they tend to cycle the puck a lot and it looks like they're a member of the fighting sioux out there. imagine if they had a 3rd UND kid on that line. they'd just tire teams out from a constant cycle like blais' teams used to do.

  14. All I want to know is who the hell is buying southpaw and myself beers in the south bar on friday night. :whistling:

    me too!

    (ps, small change of plans. won't be able to get to the bar til the 2nd intermission)

  15. in the first year after the lockout, the average nhl attendance rose to it's highest level ever. source: NHL Attendance

    19 teams reported higher numbers last year than the year prior to the lockout. in a world where sports supposedly struggle after a lockout or player strike, that's amazing numbers. it took baseball 5 years after the strike to get fan level back to what it was the year before the strike. sure seems like professional hockey is dying.

  16. As far as your take on fair fight, I ask this, what is a fight ? Isn't it trying to inflict physical harm upon a person that you are enraged with ? Someone explain to me the rules. I'm sorry folks, but if I set out to kick some ass, there's no holding back. Anything else is child's play, or grandstanding for the sole purpose of putting butt's in the seat's.

    many times, there is no rage involved when fighting in the nhl. like has been said before, the reason for fighting in the nhl is to limit (notice nobody has said fighting completely stops) cheap shots. it is to back up your star player when they get speared or slashed or anything deemed worthy of a fight (but oh no! who is to decide what is worthy of a fight? ;) ).

    in a perfect world, the refs would call cheap shots, the league would impose a stiff penalty and they wouldn't happen very often. however, as long as all you're punished is two minutes for slashing the opposing team's star, i think fighting should be an option. these are million dollar athletes who could have their careers ended by a cheap shot. if you were the owner, would you want those stars to only be protected by the refs and their calls for two minute minors? or do you want a player who can stand up to the cheapshot artists and protect your star player?

    two years ago we'd hear stories about opposing team forwards being scared to come into the sioux zone because our D would hit guys and hit them hard. is it that much of a stretch to think guys are less likely to cheapshot if they know they're going to get more than a two minute minor?

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