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Posts posted by southpaw

  1. i just got done listening to drew wrigley talk for more than two hours about the case. he went into a lot of detail and gave the entire story of the abduction. the things dru had to go through are practically unspeakable. it's amazing someone can be so cold-hearted. no doubt in my mind that after hearing drew's closing statement that every juror in the courtroom felt rodriguez deserved to die. it was only until a final juror "came to peace" with making the decision that they got the unanimous decision.

  2. the jury will begin deliberating tomorrow, around noon. the defense wrapped up their case yesterday and the prosecution only called one expert to the stand today. this afternoon, judge ralph erickson gave some basic instructions to the jurors. tomorrow morning will be much of the same. then the jury will decide if they want to take a lunch break or start deliberating right away.

    the more this case has progressed, the more i think that he won't get the death penalty. not because he doesn't deserve it, but because it seems to me that it would be very hard to get 12 people to agree to sentence him to death. the jurors could be so scared of thinking they would be held responsible for the killing of another person that they would just rather see him rot in jail. i expect it to take two hours max of deliberating, when the jury realizes that there are a couple people who just won't bring themselves to sentence him to death.

    expect a verdict a little bit after noon tomorrow.

  3. Oh, Does Al Michaels pull for the Sioux on the air too?

    considering when sioux hockey games are broadcast outside the gf area, it's on the FIGHTING SIOUX SPORTS NETWORK... a cable channel on cable systems throughout the state. i would expect sweeney to pull for the sioux on the air. it's a completely different situation than the ndsu games being broadcast on abc stations.

  4. They said it was packed in the first quarter. I'd assume that they'll have a number in the 3rd quarter.

    i know the student tickets were sold out on thursday. not sure if all the seats are filled, but the place sounds packed.

    edit; student tickets are free.

  5. :D yeah, that would be smart to do and there wouldn't be anyone out there in the world who would know who may have done the painting to ruin the statue :D:0

    ruin the statue? that'd almost be ruining the paint. i don't think it's fair to have paint touch something that dirty.

  6. we go through this with every defensive dman we've had over the past couple years. commodore? he's big but can't skate. greene? smaby? the coaches know what they're doing. these kids aren't the greatest their freshman year, make some big strides to their sophomore year, then their junior year they're incredible. if they stay 4 years (none of the above mentioned have) then they undoubtedly will be a force.

  7. Thats an interesting selection of quotes from the article there! Here's a few I found going through it:

    "The (school) presidents want to expand with programs that make us better," Fullerton said. "Of course, geography and what does a new member do for us politically."

    "I really hate to mention schools because it sounds like we're considering them, and some we really haven't," Fullerton added.

    NDSU and SDSU applied for membership the same time UNC did, but were turned down primarily because of their locations and the difficulty of traveling to Fargo, N.D., and Brookings, S.D.

    Fullerton stated that the cost of travel is always a concern

    Yeah, sounds like a sure thing to me. Explain to me again why if both brookings and fargo, as a package deal, are to far to travel to, that grand forks by itself is a better deal? I know, I must just be jealous of UND for being rational, and not just picking a half sentence out of a page long article to support my ideas.

    hook. line. sinker.

  8. The thing to realize is since WDAZ is a Network affiliate, they can only pre-empt so many times before the network gets pissy. They (the network) got pissy at WDIO in Duluth for showing a few Friday UMD games and pre-empting programming.

    Believe me, I'd LOVE to see more games on TV

    the difference between wdio and wdaz is that grand forks has the fighting sioux sports network. they don't have to preempt anything.

  9. I'm new to this whole conversation. I live and work in Denver and was talking to a co-worker who is a UND graduate. I had never heard of the whole "UND to Big Sky" debate until yesterday. My co-worker told me to check out this board and look at the theory. I read various threads and here are some thoughts.....

    After reading the scenario, I just don't know if the scenario really seems realistic. In my opinion, several things would need to occur prior to UND/USD being looked at.

    NAU, Eastern Washington and Portland State would all need to change their mood on travelling to the Dakotas. While UND might be a great academic and athletic school the fact is that those schools simply don't have any motivation to expand that far east. If the conference was looking to expand there would need to be significant interest by at least 2 of those three schools. I am not totally sure but I believe that 7 of 9 schools would need to vote for a UND site visit in order for it to happen.... NAU might be able to be convinced but I don't know about Portland State and East Wash...

    Another thought regarding expansion to Canada, USD and UND. If the Big Sky were to expand the Canada school would get in right away. That puts the BSC at 10 teams... If there where thoughts of expanding further wouldn't they take a look at SUU before coming to the Dakotas??? At most of the schools in the BSC, money is a HUGE HUGE HUGE deal... While academic quality, programs, etc are important, the conference is for athletics and ultimately, cost will be the decision maker. SUU has horrible programs but the low cost of travel, in my opinion, would be more important than the quality of UND/USD's programs.

    Maybe i'm missing something. While the theory can not be ruled out (since the BSC officially has no comment on UND/USD), shouldn't the Sioux backers try to temper optimism since it's less than realistic? Please someone post something that makes sense regarding expansion. Most of what's posted seems like propaganda and there obviously is much hate between NDSU and UND people. Since i'm not really interested in either of your schools (i'm not into hockey) someone please respond and be objective about reasons why this might be feasible.... I'm open to other ideas.

    we obviously know that this scenario is a long shot. we're not overly optimistic it will happen, but it would be a good thing to see for UND. most people on the board are just throwing out ideas. brainstorming. we know that a majority of the things that are suggested (other than ndsu and sdsu voting UND into the midcon in a couple years) are not realistic.

    aff... the reason so many people are annoyed by your posts is because we know that what we're suggesting is far from reality. it's just fun to toss out ideas, even if they may seem to be ridiculous. we understand that you don't think UND will get into any conference other than the midcon. for most UND fans, unfortunately, that seems like the only feasible option. however, you have to know that going into this we're not expecting ubc to join the the big sky, then demand that du comes with, in turn UND would get invited. we're just throwing out possibilities, no matter how small they may be. we don't constantly need to hear "this will never happen because of blah blah blah..." we know it most likely will never happen. but we're just tossing out ideas. what fun would it be if we only speculated on things that were guaranteed to happen?

  10. Sad but true.

    why is this sad? the move to hdtv, while a huge burden on pretty much everyone, will be the best thing that could ever happen to tv. the main difference between the 16:9 and 4:3 is that the screen extends further to the sides. you get more peripheral video than you would through standard tv. yes, the monitors have to be bigger because of the way they measure screen size (diagonal) which is the main reason why you're going to see a lot more 40 inch tvs and way way fewer 19 inch tvs. living in the 80's isn't the way to go when we've got some of the best technology.

  11. The article just said he just turned 16. So he will be 16 while playing on the U-17's, and then I assume 17 while playing on the U-18's. Can you be 18 and play on U-18? I'm not sure how that works.

    i thought he was going to play 2 years with the ntdp and then one year in the ushl. that would mean his senior year would be in the ushl.

  12. As has been stated, Iowa has a policy against scheduling games with schools that have American Indian nicknames. So it's not surprising that they declined to play UND. I'm amazed that they'd even consider it.

    their policy is just a way to avoid the Sioux women's bball team from beating them. :love:

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