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Posts posted by southpaw

  1. Posting an oxymoron like "fair fight" shows you have no clue about life. Who made you an expert on proper hockey etiquette, and please, show me where knowing anything about hockey is directly proportional to having played the game. What, are you like 8 yrs. old or something, judging by your posts, you seem to be the uneducated one here.

    on the contrary, i think he's shown his point better than anyone else. even if you disagree with what he has to say, there's no doubt you know his viewpoint, that can't be said for others in this thread.

    other than intramurals in college, i haven't played organized hockey since i was 10, but i know about the unwritten rules of fighting. a "fair fight" has to do with two guys squaring off. both guys dropping the gloves and agreeing to go at it. those "unwritten rules," also called sportsmanship, are why once one fighter drops to the ground, the fight is over.

  2. I would venture a guess that maybe he was getting harrassed because of his viewpoint on the nickname. I would think it would be interesting to hear how he came about coming to UND and then over the years reaching his opinion and belief. I would also like to hear the instances of hostile and abusive behavior. This isn't a challenge to him, I would simply like to hear what he would cite.

    i do know that my sophomore year of college (01-02), he was my ra and was against the nickname. he wasn't as vocal about it, but i do know he didn't like it.

  3. PCM- You forget to mention regarding the comment about riding the stands and not the bench is that it is quite remarkable how people feel that the only people who should comment on any particular subject is a person who has physically done that subject.

    I mean, think about it. I haven't played hockey so I shouldn't be allowed to comment on hockey? Think about all those media members' jobs! Did TH or Pat Sweeney play hockey? I'm not sure they'd be qualified for their jobs under this rule!

    In fact, I think Jim Dahl would be wise to shut down this message board because there aren't enough "qualified" and "credentialed" posters to keep hockey message boards, regardless of affiliation (official or otherwise), operational!


    Please! Right or wrong, good or bad, we have JUST as much of a right to comment on the sport of hockey as a hockey player, a football player, or even Don Lucia or Dave Hakstol! Until such time as there is a law made requiring otherwise, there is NOTHING anyone can say or do that will prevent us from expressing our opinions. NOTHING.

    he never said you couldn't comment about it. lord knows we'll get your commentary left and right. however, he says if you haven't been there in the game, you don't know what its like. throw your crap opinions out left and right, but unless you've actually been in a situation like that you're just talking out your ears.

  4. This is exactly what I mean, fight, fight.

    i would win, as pcm would leave because he can't stand fighting. ;)

    plus, there are kids who read this message board and they could look up to us as rolemodels, so perhaps you shouldn't be advocating fights. those poor little children need to be protected. put em in a ball and never let em get hurt!

  5. i'm going to post it in this thread, because i don't want hundreds of people using it... but for those who don't get a chance to watch some sioux alumni in the majors and want to:

    go to: NHL Center Ice on Internet

    it will show you a list of games that you can watch on the internet for free. the quality isn't spectacular (except for the ones on yahoo), but it's good enough that you can see the puck and easily follow the play. you're going to need at least dsl internet for the games to stream nicely, cable will be perfect.

    there are two programs that you can download to watch. for the yahoo games, you don't need to download anything. there is a link to a forum on that page that will give you the yahoo link about 10 minutes before the game.

    the two programs (sopcast, and tvuplayer) can both be downloaded from download.com, so they're safe. i checked for any spyware after i installed and there was none. it's a pretty sweet idea and i really like it because i get to watch at least one game a night. they tend to vary it up, so you'll get to see a lot of teams from around the league. they tend to play a lot of nj and pittsburgh games too, which i enjoy.

  6. I'm admittedly concerned about the goaltending this season if Lammy is out for any length of time. I'll leave up to the resident experts to enlighten me though. Do you guys think we have a goaltending issue or am I seeing something that isn't there? We have been lit up like a Christmas tree the past two weekends. One of which HAD Lammy in net. ;)

    early in the season. i'd rather have grieco get some experience now than possibly have to throw him into the fire later in the year if lammy goes down again. i'm not worried. the team defense will get better and as it does, the goals will go down.

  7. That's fine. The argument that 87 percent of all current NHL fans would stop watching the NHL if fighting is reduced doesn't fly with me, either.

    you should run for office with how much you're misrepresenting information in this thread.

    It was stated on TSN Canada this past week that 87% of fans still want fighting in the game...

    remind me again where it says "87 percent of all current NHL fans would stop watching the NHL if fighting is reduced."

    you make the ridiculous jump (im assuming to prove your point) that someone who likes fighting in the game will stop watching if it's taken out. i guess since you don't like fighting, you never watch any pro hockey. so how would you know if the fighting level has gone down?

    fans can want fighting in the game without feeling like a fight is something they enjoy. i don't mind having it in the nhl because it cuts down on the number of cheap shots. you are more responsible for the actions you take. players like taffe who would cheapshot guys are made to stand up for what they do. no the case in college hockey, where the ticky-tack stuff is a lot more prevalent and goes unpunished.

  8. matt jones with his first career goal in the first period against the rangers tonight.

    other sioux scoring so far tonight:

    parise (goal)

    zajac (assist)

    blake (goal/assist)

    and belfour lost in a shootout against nyi, 4-3.

    looks like bayda got sent back down just a couple days after scoring his first goal of the year for carolina.

  9. You don't? Did you read the story about Charlotte Westerhaus?

    my bad, i didn't read the lower article. i had wrongly assumed that when she referred to herself as a hoosier, she meant as an alum.

    i still think it's a different situation.

  10. The same can be said for the word as "Sioux," which is somehow acceptable when members of certain tribes readily identify themselves as Sioux. But when someone outside the tribe uses the word, the meaning suddenly becomes derogatory.

    Given the derogatory origin of the word "hoosier," natives of Indiana could play the same word game if they were so inclinced. I believe that was The Sicatoka's point.

    and i understand that general idea. but you don't see natives of indiana calling themselves hoosiers. you do see tribes in nd specifically calling themselves sioux.

  11. The Indiana University Crackers?

    No, no. Hoosiers. What's a "Hoosier"?

    So “Hoosier” and “Cracker” are one in the same. Now, given that, who would dare to say the following?

    That, dear readers, is none other than Charlotte Westerhaus, the black woman who is the driving force for diversity in the NCAA, and a driving force behind the characterization of racial/ethnic/national origin monikers (except for Irish, Vandals, Aztecs, and Hoosiers) as being “hostile and abusive”.

    So let’s change that to what she really said:

    Is that first statement by a black woman intended to be “hostile and abusive” to white farmers? What she really said is in the second, right?

    Indiana, the Crackers, is not on the “hostile and abusive” list even though Cracker is the closest thing to the white man’s “n”-word.

    Is it because “being a Hoosier” is dear to Westerhaus?

    Is it because NCAA president Myles Brand was president of Indiana not long ago?

    Or is it be cause it is only “hostile and abusive” to Caucasian farmers?

    i've noticed you're championing the cause of "hypocrisy of the ncaa" quite a bit. and while i agree with you that they are two-faced when it comes to a lot of issues, this one is a stretch. words take over different meanings as time passes. for the "hoosiers" it became a rallying nickname. like the article says, just like hawkeyes, buckeyes, knicks, badgers... etc. i'd imagine you will find zero people who think "hoosiers" is offensive. there are at least some native americans who think the fighting sioux nickname is offensive.

    the n-word isn't on the list of hostile and abusive names, so why would cracker be? the word cracker has evolved in the opposite direction of hoosier. cracker was never (or at least very rarely) accepted by white people as a nickname. just because 200 years ago two words were interchangable, doesn't mean they have the same connotation now.

  12. If/when a new stadium is built, I'm almost positive it would be somewhere on the Bronson property. Exactly where, I don't know.

    just connect it to the ralph. then throw a skyway from the betty to the wellness center and you've got one massive athletics "complex."

  13. I just want to go on record as saying that raynman actually isn't a jerk. :glare:

    next time i see you in the bar, i may have to buy you a drink just to make sure i stay on your good side. ???

  14. Some of you might think this is lame, but I gotta tell you a quick story.

    Last week, I was whining about living outside of GF and not being able to watch the Sioux on television. I received an instant message from YaneA, who is a long time member of this forum. She readily offered to tape the Maine series for me and mail the VHS tape to me. I accepted the offer of kindness.

    I got a box in the mail today from her. It contained a VHS tape of the Sioux vs. Q series, the Sioux vs. Maine series, a game program, a Sioux calendar, a Sioux schedule and a personalized Sioux key chain.

    Keep in mind I have never met this lady before in my life and only "know" her from these message boards. Needless to say, I was blown away with the gesture. The world is a better place with people like YaneA in it.


    great story. i've always seen the UND community as something huge (lots of people) with a small town feel. people will go out of their way for nearly anyone. it's part of living in north dakota. great to hear stories like this about sioux fans who go above and beyond for each other. keep up the good work yanea!

  15. For a short while there was a series of product ads featuring some driver's fake school (can't remember who's). But the idea was that folks would ask questions like, "What is a safe following distance at highway speeds," and the driver would respond "6 inches." I loved those comericials, but I digress...

    I know there is a Holiday Inn right near the civic center, are there any other hotels nearby? Also what are some recommended restaurants / bars?

    depends on what type of crowd you're looking for, but i found that going downtown was generally fun. it's got a grand forks atmosphere there, in which you can walk from bar to bar pretty easily. lots of different options for drinking. i know they have a couple restaurants (bww and i think applebees) right next to a couple bars.

    edit: the perkins on the highway into town is open all night long. they have great food at 2am. :glare:

  16. the judge, lawrence jahnke, is a UND graduate. he was appointed by gov. george sinner (democrat)... so i don't know how much you want to read into that. a quote from jahnke:

    what I dislike the most is dealing with egomaniac lawyers (and judges). Fortunately, their number is few in North Dakota.

    hopefully, the ncaa comes in thinking they're the best thing since holy cross.

  17. I was at the Metrodome and didn't hear any anti-Sioux chants.

    From what I heard, there must be some Sioux fans that are still somewhat obsessed with the Bison. A Sioux fan friend of mine was at Suite 49 when the Bison-Gopher game was on. He said the Anti-Bison sentiment was pretty thick and the place erupted when the field goal was blocked. Sounds like some Sioux fans are still a little concerned about the Bison too.

    i think there's a bit of a difference between the two situations. fans at a game between ndsu and the gophers chanting "sioux suck," compared to fans at a sports bar cheering against the bison. at least ndsu was involved in the game for someone to cheer against, UND wasn't there... so i don't know why ndsu fans would even mention UND. it's probably the same for the uni game. ndsu fans were cheering against UND, which is understandable. but there were no anti ndsu chants at the uni/UND game.

  18. i have no problem with umn being #3. they lost to the obvious number 1 team in the nation. they beat the teams they were supposed to beat. other teams near them lost games that they possibly should have won. it's early, things will change. if you care enough about the poll to post, then you obviously care that the gophers are ranked #3. i think that's about where they should be, based on other teams performances.

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