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Posts posted by southpaw

  1. A handful of people in Bismarck this weekend following the Governor's lead in supporting a felon. I think we can all agree that more respect from our leaders should be shown to those who abide by the law, amirite.

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  2. Of course they know there is crime. It's Fargo, isn't it? So many clutching their pearls here about the big city dangers. 

    You believe a corporation who would fire their injured employee in a heartbeat and I'll believe what history has shown us. 

    Then, you can visit the gas station you already don't patronize in six months when it's still open. 

    • Upvote 1
  3. Beautiful strawman. The violence isn't a big enough problem for the police to invest their time with benefits, but you know better than they do. 

    Although, we all know you're someone who takes security seriously, especially when it involves the most powerful person in the world, all the time.

  4. 42 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    If it’s about location relative to the interstate why close the store at I94 and University in Fargo? 

    How long after this quote will you edit your post? The manager was safe until they decided to put themselves in a fight. 

    Why isn't the Exxon store in a much better location not threatening to close? 

    Why are reviewers feeling threatened by the rent-a-cops?

  5. 7 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Tell all that to the worker who was hurt.

    Someone voluntarily interjecting themselves into a fight in order to protect a multi-million dollar company? 

    That's stupid. 

    But if businesses chose to close when one employee gets hurt, there'd be no businesses left. 

  6. 5 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    PetroServe is getting ahead of the story before it happens so they don’t have to later. They gave every who what why. They’re serving notice. It’s last call. 

    This massive notice they're giving? They may close a 13th Ave store and then open a new one in West Fargo.

    But, just to confirm... now they're getting ahead of a story?  You said they were closing stores. Which is it? 

    They offered the police some ridiculous things to get free security and the police said no.

    This is a PR move by a company that sees a store that is further offset from the interstate from its larger, more convenient competitor meaning they're not making as much money as they'd like. 

    • Downvote 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Oxbow6 said:

    So the lack of foot traffic has nothing to do with SF being a crime ridden, drug infested, homeless s#!thole? Bruh.....be better that this.

    Crime in 2023 in SF was the lowest it's been in 10 years and it's even lower this year. Be factual bruh. 

    Just because Fox News tells you crime is rampant in big cities doesn't mean it's true. Doesn't this board love to "do your own research?"

    • Upvote 4
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  8. 5 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    At $100k for security each they won’t stay open long. And they are ripe to be sued if another worker gets hurt. The threat of closure is notice. 

    So they "may" close stores. That's significantly different than your post that said the company "is closing stations."

    Just like we heard Walgreens was closing it's San Francisco stores because of crime only to find out it was because there wasn't nearly as much foot traffic as before. 

    Or that the KC Chiefs or dozens of other professional teams threatening to move because the taxpayers wouldn't buy a new stadium. 

    The owners are using the threat of closing to get free security from the police. 


  9. On 5/23/2024 at 1:54 PM, The Sicatoka said:

    " ... leaving parts ... " of Fargo. 

    Did you even read the article?
    PetroServe, a Fargo based business that runs lots of ads during NDSU broadcasts, is closing stations because of crime in Fargo in those areas, namely downtown or 13th Ave. 

    Did you even read the article?

    None of the stores are actively being closed.

  10. On 12/1/2022 at 10:43 PM, The Sicatoka said:

    Brad and some cohorts (he'd need a lawyer like the name in Port's story) decide they don't want to use the official UND nickname. So they pick what Berry wanted during voting and use Brianna's LLC to get control over it. They have no profit intent in mind. They just want their own hockey nickname that isn't UND's official name. They get the word and use it, thus creating a new identity that is not UND's official identity. Ingenious.

    And insubordinate. 


    On 6/17/2022 at 2:30 PM, The Sicatoka said:

    But with no substantiation. Things (rumors approaching slander/libel) put the forum at risk. 


    On 5/16/2022 at 3:34 PM, The Sicatoka said:

    To repeat, AGAIN, ...

    Bring substance, proof, a link, a press report, something. Those make a moderator's job easy. 

    Otherwise you are perpetuating a rumor and putting yourself and this forum in jeopardy (think: libel) and leave no choice but to remove such posts. 

    @jimdahl for information 

  11. 12 hours ago, N of GF said:

    I've been lurking on these boards for a long long time. I'm old enough to remember when you could almost follow a game by the updates posted here. An exciting game had dozens of pages of comments. Now you can guess the result of the game by looking at the page count of the game thread. The higher the count, the worse the team performed.

    What a fucking clown show most of you are. Bitch, bitch, and more bitch. Fire Hack, Fire Berry, Fire Bubba, Fire his assistants, Now we are out to Fire The BB Coach. With a few exceptions, all of you are so fucking entitled, it's disgusting. You believe that because you decide to cheer for a team, they. owe. you. everything. Win every single day. If they don't, it's because the team doesn't care as much as you do!

    News flash; You are a fucking loser.

    Look at this thread. We win 7-1. What happens here? People bitch about Jake Brandt.

    During the game people started laying into Klevin for beating a guy to the puck. There was NOTHING wrong with that play, but some of you jumped in here to bitch about Klevin when the refs went in to review. Why was that any kind of penalty, much less review for five? No, here in the UND "fan" forum we immediately start bitching about Klevin and his stupid penalties. 

    In closing, I would like to point out how stunning it is to me how many people on these boards think would of/could of/should of is proper english. It is would have/could have/should have. When you are talking, you say "would've", not "would of". That is a contraction of "would have". Jeez. It's so common on this site... I had to get it off my chest.


    A significant amount of more objective UND fans no longer post here due to the openly political messages numerous posters and admins have conveyed over the past 22 months.

    Unfortunately, Siouxsports.com, the admins, and @jimdahl no longer enforce the policies that made this board so great for so long. 

    • Upvote 2
  12. It literally is just the stickers that bother me and only that they're so shiny on the matte helmets. 


    Get the exact same stickers, just also matte and the helmets will look even cleaner. 

  13. I know it's not a major priority for the team but what are the odds in reaching out to UND about a quick fundraiser for matte hawk logo stickers for the football helmets? 

    The current ones just look so crappy on the beautiful green helmets. 

    If you're able to do a quick bit of research, I'd assume myself and the rest of SS would be able to cover the expense for the next 5 years pretty quickly. 

  14. Just stopping by to say hello to everyone...


    On 12/21/2018 at 11:56 AM, southpaw said:

    Your predictions are so stuck on FBS. I don't believe the WAC is trying to get FCS teams in order to go FBS.  If I was going to predict something, I would say the WAC will add 4 D2 schools as part of a new WAC FCS and will either poach at least 2 current FCS schools or pick up schools with new FB programs.  I also think they'll be open to affiliate FB schools too to get the league up to or above 6.


  15. Very sorry for your loss. While we had quite the back-and-forth disagreements on topics related to UND and collegiate athletics, he will definitely be missed. He brought a lot of character to the board. Best wishes to you and your family and thank you for sharing.

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