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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. He is channeling his inner Sid Hartman!!!
  2. Mr. Howe's WCHA F5 and everyone else along for the ride!!!
  3. Now 3-1. PPG on 5 minute major. 8 minutes left. Similar to last night UND game... SCSU controlling play and SOG but too many mistakes.
  4. Sleep walking thru most of the 2nd and early part of 3rd periods doesn't fit the definition of "showed up" and "played well" IMO.
  5. Possibly but this has been the most inconsistent UND team I've seen in years...with their play and effort. Way too many passengers game in and game out.
  6. Only other time I've been so disgusted in a tourney loss I've witnessed live was Frozen 4 a** kicking in Denver by BC. We at least played well vs. Michigan at F4 at the X. That was disappointing and losing to Gophs at X during NCAA regional was not a huge surprise last year
  7. This...^^^^^^^^ Add in the fact you give up a PPG plus a shorty and that's why the bus is on I94 heading west right now.
  8. If Hak screws with Pattyns line... Easily our best and most consistent last 2 games.
  9. CC will get the beat down tonight UND should have given them.
  10. Careful...your (accurate) opinion might be viewed as criticism.
  11. Called out thinking the X!!!
  12. I watched from C30...you are spot on. "3rd" line of Connor centering Mitch and OD if this love affair with OD continues with Hak. I think Knights recent struggle coincide w OD on wing. Again Kristo scores on a very good individual play. AZSioux used term "spoon fed" w OD on that top line. Agree w that!!! If he cannot generate anything w 2 Hobey finalists... Not sure what Hak is seeing especially watching Rocco and Mark Mac in the 3rd on lines 1 and 2. Will be very disappointed if lines stay as is for NCAA. When a team does not have a solidified #1 goalie or top line at this point a team is in deep trouble IMO. Drake and Colton have the "it" factor...you notice them on the ice. Gonna call out 4 guys that will probably be in lineup next week that have to be way better than as of late...Parks Rowney Gleason Knight. Inconsistant play w lulls in games coupled with way too many missed chances and horrible miscues end in a result like last night...being the better team that losses on a bounce. Unfortunately it has happen a number of times this season where we outplay a team but let them hang around and eventually get tge L. This team could reel off 4 straight but highly unlikely given my ramblings above.
  13. Back from game... agree100%. OD isn't a top line guy. He was brutal tonight. Last 4 games he has done nothing. UND lost that game...tough to watch. Sooooo inconsistent. Clark wasn't good. Neither was Joe. Neither was Parks. Drake's line far the best line shift by shift. Last 8 games UND has played 1 really good game... last Sunday. Not the Mo you want at this time of year.
  14. I'm at game. CC really has done very little. Borderline penalty call and a Joe miscue and we are tied.
  15. Nope...Williams was brutal and once down 4-0 Mavs pulled the plug.
  16. Just walked back to hotel. Knight was outside. He had "that" look... not his normal smile. If Sundays team shows up...4-1. If not... 3-2 coin flip.
  17. That's hardcore to make your wife buy them from you!
  18. But the tradition and legacy will live forever...
  19. Don't need to worry bout your last sentence when AP goes for 200+ every game vs Pack. But all things being equal a behaved Harivin would be better than Jennings for MN if it would have worked out. As would have Jennings staying in GB for GB.
  20. Bottom line the Vikes lost a #1 WR in Harvin. They picked up a #1 WR in Jennings. Factor in all the what if's you want but on face value the Vikings IMO would have been better off with Harvin due to his overall play making ability...if they could have struck a deal. As a Packer fan...I'm good with the exchange above as far as the Vikings are concerned.
  21. This is exactly my point. OD does nothing for those two IMO. To give your 2 best players the opportunity to produce as much as they can they should play with a guy that compliments them to some extent. Rocco is the ONLY player that does that. Danny and Corbin basically scored in the Tech series on great individual plays. The chance of those plays diminishes as the competition gets stiffer.
  22. Appeared so. Knight's goal was a great individual play. Still not convinced OD on the wing is the answer for that top line. He scored but seriously...he had more legit opportunities thru out the game that he didn't even put on the net. For a top line guy you hardly notice him. Rocco with Rowney and Parks works if Rowney plays to his capabilities. Gaarder was a beast Sunday and Mitch was really good. I liked what I saw from that line. How Drake sat for a few games I have know clue. He was all over the ice Sunday. One thing with him and Colton...you notice them because they fly around. Question is then does Rodwell sit again Thursday??? From what I saw Sunday Drake has to stay in line up. If was Hak I'd go like this Thursday... Kristo Knight Rocco Drake Rowney Parks Mac Mac Gaarder General Colton Rodwell
  23. Was sad to see Jennings go but he wanted more years and money than the Packers were willing to pay. Also feel he wants to be THE guy again. Wasn't going to be that in GB. Jennings for Harvin...Vikes take a hit. Jennings is strictly a WR. He will learn quickly Ponder isn't close to A-Rog. Harvin is a playmaker...big difference.
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