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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Wow...that's all I can say. My characterization of you above is spot on. And as to the PMs, you are welcome!
  2. When you use the phase "smacks of racism" to anyone, that is basically calling them a racist whether that was your intent or not. We can take this off thread via PM if you prefer.
  3. Hahaha...and this coming from you of all people.
  4. He has attacked me even when I felt he and I needed to stop our conversations. He has made stuff up, like above, to try to prove I'm "ignorant and stupid". I'll call him out as I see fit. If you want to defend that, it says a lot about you as well!
  5. Here is your problem, you make up $#it. Find the post in this thread where I said Chechnya was part of the Middle East. You won't. You know why?? Because I never posted that. You misconstrued and the took a liberty to make out something you wanted out of something that wasn't there. Go back to post #139. You are an @$$hole. Plain and simple.
  6. So let me get this straight...in almost everyone of your posts in response to one of mine, you use the words hate and/or ignorance and/or racism. But because those are your opinions of me, who you do not know, that OK? They are not "extreme examples" and you sure weren't being "childish" because again that's your take. Yesterday early evening based on exchanged posts between us, I saw you and I going down a path we didn't need to go down. I said it might be best that you and I both let things go (Post #140) but yet you continued to charge forward and attack. (Post #143). That kind of "smacks of an a**h*le". Not calling you names because there is a difference and you should be able to see that as you explained it to me earlier.
  7. Now you are just being silly with a comment like that. It only works in one direction with him.
  8. I guess it does then.
  9. So are they different in your context of use? Keep back peddling...
  10. Can any recall a total offensive transformation by a player in any pro ranks from UND like Mario?
  11. It think often of what might have been this past season...
  12. Didn't use term "racist" but used "smacks of racism". And they are two totally different things? OK??? Kind of like what your definition of "is" is? I hear ya...
  13. I see my "racist, ignorant and hateful" thoughts are in the minority... least with 82Sioux and Sioux-cia so I'll take a break from this conversation for now.
  14. Saeed Abedini...look him up and get back to me.
  15. On a side note...do a little research on this guy if you have time. Saeed Abedini And some of you have concerns/issues about some things that are being posted here on this topic.
  16. Just from what I've read in the media it sounds like our young QB's are showing some real potential and promise. That was good to hear.
  17. I see Mario scored 2 more goals last night in the ECHL playoffs. Maybe Hak should be fired due to the fact he totally mismanaged an offensive sniping stud like Mario for 4 years!
  18. 2) Weight? Maybe but it's apples to oranges IMO. Again those are random with no unifying ideological/religous connections. Muslim/Islamic attacks all have the same unifying tie. But that doesn't make the "white guy" situations any less tragic. 3) The list is not subjective. It's research based on disapproval of US policy and it's administration and these country's peoples view of the US. It's very accessible but I did smile as to your North Korea reference. North Korea isn't in the top 10 but Iran and Iraq are. I get the list and it's results aren't all inclusive but does give some insight. 4) Pull that card?? Just a fact I'm expressing. But using the "racist, "hate" and "ignorant" cards are acceptable?
  19. Thank you! I never said anywhere to "hate" an entire group of people, but yet some liberal, "educated", enabling, apologists on this site want to then to vilify those, including me, for being "racist, hateful and ignorant" for views that differ from theirs. I'm very comforable with my personal stance so keep firing away if it makes you feel better. Your example above draws on human nature and in no way makes one a racist, hateful or ignorant for being more cautious, alert and discerning around "group" of people that have harmed you repeatedly. The "white guy" arguments thrown around hold no water as those are tragic acts of RANDOM violence. What do all Muslim acts of violence and terror on the USA and our people, 9/11, Boston, Ft. Hood, USS Cole, ect..., have in common??? Islam and it's radical interpretation of it and because of this these are NEVER acts of RANDOM violence. As to 82Sioux and his repeated history lessons...what are the 5 top five countries and it's people that "hate", your favorite word, the USA??? Egypt, Algeria, Lebanon, Palestine and Pakistan. See anything these countries all have in common? And if some of them had the means to come to this country to do what just happened in Boston don't you think they would??? Does that make all those people bad or evil...no but as Cratter mentioned above it is human nature to look at things, situations, and people differently in the face of repeated acts of violence/terror perpetrated by a group with a common link/theme. And maybe I have more skin in this game than most having lost someone close to my family overseas at the hands of the same type of cowards we witnessed in Boston that shapes my perspective. Racist?? Ignorant?? Hateful?? I guess a "rush to judgement" in using this terms has been made by some of the same people on this thread that told us not to do that to #1 and #2 when this was all unfolding. Ironic or hypocritical??
  20. Fair enough. And from all accounts #1 and #2 seemed to love this country as much as you do...until Monday.
  21. You keep bringing up the word "hate" and insinuating that when you reply to almost all my posts. Find a post where I used that word. I used the 4 Middle Eastern men as an example to try to get a point across but I appreciate the history lesson. We see this vastly different. Might be best to let it go on both sides.
  22. An honest question...you ever watch MSNBC?? They lead the way in painting with a broad brush against everything that isn't liberal or left leaning...especially the Christian right. This will be my last comment on my "community as a whole" post...there are 4 million Muslims in the country and counting and if just 2 out of 4 million caused this terroristic act, I think I'm in the majority in feeling that we as a nation need to be more attentive and decerning as to our surroundings...including the Muslim community. A Democratic House Representative from Massachusetts when interviewed today on TV essentially said the same thing. If 4 Middle Eastern men were to show up at the Bruins or Sox game today, heads would have turned and some attention would be paid to them...right or wrong. Humans are not robots. Like Mafia said terrorists won't be walking around looking like Aladdin shouting "Death to America".
  23. Watched the National Anthem sung by crowd at Fenway. Pretty moving.
  24. Never stated these terroristic events represent all Muslims. People are human, not robots. But people have a right to be angry and upset about what has transpired over the last 5 days. It is being reported that the 2 had ties to radical Islam and also reported no one associated to them saw this coming from them. With the growing Muslim population in this country, my point was that if people look at Muslims and their religion with a little more caution and concern, so be it. People are human. BTW, Sioux-cia made reference in posts awhile back she is starting to feel less comfortable and safe in large crowds. Why??? That's a normal response and frankly understandable. But again, why?
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