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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Just heard Ken Towers is looking to sell the Italian Moon...price tag $1M. It's a GF icon for as long as I can remember. We hit it at least one night during a UND home hockey series.
  2. But you are against the Bible in schools or prayer for "Christians" in school? Not allowing those to things but catering to Muslims as to not offend their beliefs is a constraint...plain and simple You are truly a pathetic individual.. I'm sure your father is turning over in his grave........................
  3. When one gets banned from a fan forum website 5 times...that's an understatement!
  4. Says the fan base (and student/athletes) of the university that felt compelled to chant "Sioux Suck" after winning the NC 3 years ago.
  5. This is what happens when one gets banned from Instagram for constantly posting "selfies" of one's own junk to his tween "followers"......................have to try to find some social interaction somewhere.
  6. 2-0 with Hawks totally dominant for first 38 minutes. Kings get lucky bounce goal to go into 3rd 2-1. Then wheels fall completely off for CHI. Very strange game to watch.
  7. "Hail to the Victims"...could be be the new fight song at UND. And BTW you speak spanish really well for a white guy!
  8. Again...what laws have been broken due to this racism you speak of? None. Years/decades...because a few NAs, liberals, and those in academics on UND's campus have hurt feelings over a logo? So lump all of UND and GF in the racist bucket...speaks volumes to your reasoning or lack thereof.
  9. Boy...you do suck at what you do. Breaking laws are called crimes. It is illegal. I don't agree with the t-shirts in any sense but that trumps the petition fraud by NDSU athletes? Goodness...and to assume I live in Oxbow because of a moniker...ummmmmm, I don't. Well played CAS, well played. Carry on...............
  10. So blatantly breaking the law is less of an issue than offending some people by wearing an insensitive t-shirt in your book? Got it! I guess I didn't forget who you are..............no wonder you have so much free time to troll here. I live in Fargo...it's not that big of a town.
  11. I also heard there was a petition circulating around Fargo to present to GT not to play UND as well. Remember there is still some smoke lingering from the dumpster fire in Fargo.
  12. Says the hack of an attorney.......................
  13. "OK, whatever you say..." No wonder there are so many marginal lawyers running around. "do the right thing"...don't think those words have ever come from GT's mouth.
  14. By getting the factual info out about GT and his total lack of intergrity as it pertains to this scenario.
  15. Answer to question 1: Michigan, Maryland, California, Tennessee and the District of Columbia to name a few. Answer to question 2: Totally irrelevant to this topic...so what. Answer to question 3: No, but a 16 year old girl at Bismarck (ND) High who is Catholic can't wear it while playing in a volleyball game but a 16 year old muslim girl can wear a hijab palying in the same game. Answer to question 4: See answers to questions 1 and 3. Again for a third time...give me your opinion on the Sudan death sentence of a "Christian" muslim pregnant women.
  16. Also if you should be wearing a XXL but decided to got with the saugage casing look by squeezing into a large...please stop that!
  17. If you tuck a hockey jersey into your jeans/pants, you should NEVER be allowed to wear one again.
  18. I hear you...there is a lot of chatter and angst from residents thru out the state to get this done!
  19. Tough to punch holes in a logical presentation of facts....................
  20. I do like burgers...even bison burgers.
  21. Say...aren't you supposed to be on your way over to mow my lawn?? Hurry up...............
  22. Not a "Grammer Nazi"...just a product of "higher ed". BTW...where were all the Bison fans during those Babich years? I remember Stop-N-Go in Fargo giving away tickets to fill the Dome with the purchase of a gallon of milk.
  23. It's "too"...not "to". Good to see your remedial education from the AC is serving you well...or good as you would say.
  24. Typical SU bumpkin retort. What does this have to do with GT's complete lack of intergrity in this situation? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Now I won't argue with you that attendance for UND FB games has been pathetic the last couple years but to assume UND wants to play NDSU just to fill seats is "funny". BTW I live in Fargo...you are just one of the many SU clowns that litter this city with ignorance and arrogance.
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