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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. The problem with these close game losses this season is your go to scorer... Nash is a horrible FT shooter. Tough to go to him in crunch time when he only hits 1 of 2 FTs. No reliable post scoring and the rest jack up 3s or turn it over going into the lane.
  2. Zane hasn't looked like the really good to great Zane from earlier this season the last 2 series. Hope that changes quickly. Against UNO he was OK. Friday was decent. The 3rd last night was brutal.
  3. Bottom line......the #2 team in the country should never puke away a 2 goal lead at home...not once but twice...and not going into the 3rd.
  4. I have had season tickets for years...this weekend's officiating crew was awful but it isn't anything new from my years of watching games live. I unfortunately have just come to expect less than quality knowledgable officiating in college hockey. After Pattyn got the phantom goalie interference call early on my 9 year old daughter...again NINE...said "I know that wont be the only terrible penalty called tonight"...and she doesn't even play hockey! IMO this along with a bad bounce makes it so tough to win games, especially big playoff NCAA games, on a run to winning...wait for it...a " natty". I think I remember the phantom elbowing call on Finley vs BC in the NCAA semi in 2007? Horrible call all because Joe is 7'1" and that was huge in the outcome of that game as I came right after TJ scored SH if memory serves me right. (I could be off on all the right sequence of events but you get the point.)
  5. He whiffed on goal #2. No screen...nothing
  6. 2 goal lead. Go into prevent mode and Zane gives up 2 easy ones.
  7. Your last sentence is absolutely true as it relates to both MT schools.
  8. You see this team play so well in stretches but so so bad in longer stretches...hence their crappy record.
  9. Shot at buzzer........ball game. 80-78 MSU
  10. Nash w 4 straight FTs....down 2 w 33.6 left.
  11. You got a mini Porta-Potty in your vehicle?
  12. Shanks misses a bunny. MSU scores. ND pissing it away...as usual. 71-65. 3:45 left
  13. Nash misses 3 of 4 FTs. MSU 67-65. 4:25 left.
  14. And how about the dancing ushers...now that's some serious stepping from those 2.
  15. Heard her tell Jones "dude...no more bad body language"!
  16. Rumor is she has an early dinner res, 4:30, at the Olive Garden...........
  17. 54-49 UND....on a 16-2 run. Really good stretch of BB by UND.
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