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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. So now anytime someone has their own "interpretation" on anything and they feel offended by that "interpretation" swift action must be taken to remedy his/her hurt feelings in this country? Makes sense to me. This "Blackrobe" guys sounds like a bad dude but at least he didn't decide to behead, crucify, shoot or burn alive those NA "infidels" who didn't accept his religious beliefs. I'm sure that really would have caused some concern to those like Mr. McKinley.......................
  2. Your last sentence could not be more accurate.
  3. Depends where the dart Kelley threw hit the calendar on his wall.
  4. Hook, line and sinker how? Just another example of giving the squeaky wheel and those with hurt feelings more publicity when in fact their opinion at this stage should not matter one bit. They all had their say already.
  5. In the Fargo Forum today there is a letter "Dakota nickname could spell more trouble for UND" in the Opinion/Commentary section full of verbal nausea about the nickname process/issue. The crux of the letter is "We recommend having a representative group of American Indian delegates meet with the task force in the selection process". It was signed by 13 "we know what's best" individuals. How about these 13 put forth their efforts in standing up to and fixing the generational societal plagues that run rampant on the reservations in this state...day after day, year after year.
  6. Unfortunately this is true......but it fits into the equation for a greater racial divide propogated by some.
  7. Can you PM me the Powerball # tomorrow morning please..........
  8. Least Fargo isn't Baltimore........ 38 homicides this month alone. 111 YTD which is up from 71 during same time frame from 2014 and almost all of these are black on black crimes. Very obvious after the Freddie Gray verdict 2 things have happened in Baltimore: 1) Thugs/criminals feel empowered to do whatever they want, whenever they want to whomever they want. 2) Cops have basically shown they don't want any part of this mess and they'll let the inner city people "eat their own"...as is evident by the 38 killings in May alone. Where are the protesters over all these killings? Where is Sharpton denouncing what has transpired there in May? Don't black lives matter? Guess it only pertains if one is taken by a white person? Detroit is looking pretty good these days......... ...and in Fargo this summer the police are gonna start pulling over any kid they see wearing a protective helmet on a bike, scotter, roller blades, ect..and give them a ticket...to get a free treat at their local DQ.
  9. I see a trend in your thinking on this issue.............
  10. Both road teams win game 7? Ray...Ray...Ray... Won't happen.
  11. Perception is a two way street. For the very reasons Cavalry and how/why it possibly could be chosen disgusts your wife I guarantee there are plenty on the opposite side of that perception and would be all for it. Just saying............
  12. Prediction in game 7s: Rangers 4-3 Ducks 4-2 I'm a Hawks fan of the 4 teams left but just don't see them pulling it out in Cali. TB had their chance to ended it in TB.
  13. Read that KSSioux's wife, who is part NA, was/is "disgusted" by the fact that Cavalry is still in the running. Guess I struggle to see where at this stage in the nickname game the NA population's opinion is relevant. They, as a collected group, had ample opportunities to help resolve the "Fighting Sioux" issue. Right now it is what it is...........IMO it's time for the NA community to step aside on this issue and just take whatever becomes of it. Roughriders, Spirit, Cavalry, Sundogs or Fighting Greens........very few are going to be happy with the ultimate outcome. But for those within the NA community, and not singling out KSSioux's wife, to go from "hostile and abusive" with "Fighting Sioux" to now "disgusted" that Cavalry is still on the board...............I have a problem with that.
  14. Twins tied w KC for first in division...and it is almost June.
  15. Well........now it's becoming crystal clear!
  16. Your UND "Feral Cats on Crack with a Bad Groomer"! Too wordy.....
  17. CHI getting worked over right now.
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