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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Unless it comes out Teddy was actually a transgender cowboy then it's all good.
  2. Correct....I could have used a better description. Was trying to differentiate that one is a government lead circus and one is not. To the last two highlighted points...that 2+2 won't get you 4 at any point in time. IF at any point UND is fully responsible for any facility it's hockey, BB or FB programs play in........yikes!!!
  3. Correct...someone sucking their thumb, wearing a diaper and curled up in the fetal position would have spoke up. Where's Leigh Jeanotte when you need him???
  4. Let's see...........a government run entity that's a train wreck vs a private run entity that can take their ball and go home whenever they want. Pretty simple math here.
  5. So it's no different than budgetary issues at a vast majority of universities/colleges?
  6. BTW.......just don't wear it 2 sizes too small! #heylookatthechubbyguy
  7. Or Darell will go back to all your posts and smack them with the down arrow!
  8. Would be the best option but will never happen.
  9. Yup that's it because if you put more mayo on chicken s**t eventually it will taste like chicken salad! I'll dumb it down for you again......................most will be or are ok with the nickname (myself included) but it is the logo and 5+ years from now it will still been seen as garbage by almost all who don't like it today. It's not that complicated.
  10. Yah...I have been to numerous VB, FB ad BB games since the FH name and logo has come out. I would not classify the "acceptance" at those events as a firestorm! BTW there are a lot of lackeys on this site but I'd beg to differ that most of them are in the "hockey only" crowd. Just read anything Darell posts!
  11. I'll agree with this (in general) so then UND should not dismiss that large fanbase they are trying to market and rebrand to. The "hockey crowd" is the largest sports fanbase UND has that will drop money on apparel and merchandise. This "you're going to like it or else" mentality many of you present here isn't working and it's not working for UND either. Again for many it's not a nickname issue, even though it was a safe and generic pick, as the ship has sailed but it's a logo issue. To me that's fixable. .......and for 1983 I don't have the perfect logo design but all I know is this current one isn't working.
  12. If this holds Caps/Knights going to be great series.
  13. I think I cracked the code! The Sicatoka is really....................
  14. Correct...........and there is an infinite amount of people who subjectively feel that logo is trash!
  15. The hoodie....yes. The Ab Roller....no. I used it twice.
  16. That's because he pulled it off my pile of garbage during Clean Up week in early May. He also took my Ab Roller. Now that's a cool story isn't it?
  17. Heck add that new sponsorship revenue to the 52% MK is going to get back that was "robbed" from the FB program plus add in all the dollars that will be siphoned away from the hockey program and you probably will have enough to just build a new on campus stadium!
  18. So are you insinuating we will be playing in the MVC but will still have the Big Sky logos on the turf until that date?
  19. Correct................just 2 box tops from Lucky Charms and a crisp $20 will do the trick.
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