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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Denmark and Australia skate to a 1-1 draw this morning. #hotgoalies
  2. In a typical NBA game 200 points are scored but watching it is hardly enjoyable or entertaining. To each his own. .........and remember scoring isn't everything. Anyone married for more than 15+ years can relate!
  3. MEX vs GER on now. Good match so far.
  4. "Ms. McGarry there's a Mr. Kennedy on line 4.........he said he needs your assistance and that he's kind of a big deal".
  5. When and where is the fundraising t-shirt sale Just asking for a friend..............
  6. I had to do a double take.........spitting image of MafiaMan (with hair) back in the late 80"s.
  7. Just had the Chicken Citrus bowl at Vinyl Taco.........so good.
  8. Neither did 3 other people but your assumption is a stretch to be honest.
  9. I'm not good at math but I do know 1 >>> 0. Right now UND is one of two D1 schools with 0 women at a HC position. Until that changes it is kind of newsworthy. Will Chaves' first HC hire be a female? Bank on it.........................I'm pushing all the dollars the REA stole from the FB program into the middle of the table on this one!
  10. Bounces all Caps.......and they are taking full advantage!
  11. Maybe McGarry golfs and MK could hire her. I have no doubt she'd love to work for him!
  12. Was that in the same memo that accused the REA of stealing from the FB program???
  13. If you are a female and also fall into the 2 bolded categories.....that's the Trifecta!
  14. Would Schloss get a free t-shirt from one of the twins in the deal?
  15. If your athletic department is one of two at the D1 level in this situation qualifications are not going to be #1 on the hiring criteria list.
  16. They are really good. Just borrow some money from gfhockey or McGarry.............or the FB program.
  17. VT is terrific. One of my favorites.
  18. Just fix the bread at the Red Pepper!!!
  19. Least we all were made aware today that the Michigan St. mascot was a Trojan...............
  20. This.......^^^^. Betty logo was probably negotiated on the premise MK would not bring out the handcuffs and make citizen's arrest on McGarry for allowing the REA to pillage and steal from the FB program.
  21. Well for some here, Darell for example, the fact that "Go Hawks" is all monosyllabic vs "Go Riders" makes it easier to roll off one's tongue.
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