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Everything posted by brianvf

  1. I don't know if Brad is even that big of a homer.
  2. Those are both series that could be swept as well, but since both of those series are on the road, I'm doubting it will happen. We couldn't sweep either of them at home. That said, if this team can get another run going, anything is possible.
  3. If Genoway comes back this year... The big question. If he does, then we're set. If he doesn't (and he comes back for next season), then next year will be a stacked, loaded (almost too loaded with # of players) team capable of winning it all. This year would be a question mark.
  4. This year is very weird in college hockey. There are not too many "dominant" teams...just Miami and Denver come to mind. Ever other top team has shown weaknesses. At this point in the season, I wouldn't want to lay a bet for the NC simply because it could be anyone winning the title. I will say this though...this Sioux team will be a scary team to play come Feb/March/Apr (?) once Kristo/Genoway/Zajac come back and if they can start firing on all cylinders and maintaining a lead. Sorry for the "if".
  5. I would say that this weekend we better get 3 or 4 points. The Mavs are a decent team, but if the Sioux want to make noise in the WCHA race, this is a must win series, especially at home. They have two impressive wins against the Beavers, but BSU hasn't really been the same team since they beat Miami for some reason. Go Sioux! Hopefully Kristo comes back and isn't too tired out (cue the Lucia whine).
  6. The first and third goals for ND I wouldn't put on Eidsness' shoulders. On both of them there was a good amount of traffic in front and I'm not sure he saw either of them until it was too late. He might want the 2nd one back since it was an unscreened shot, but it was still a wrister from in close while on a ND rush. I don't think Eidsness played poorly at all this weekend. He only let in the one goal against Niagara...from a scramble in front with players whacking at the puck...and played decent against ND IMO. Too much negativity on this board. Would I rather the Sioux have won tonight? For sure. But I would still take our OOC record this season instead of what it was at this point last season. They are undefeated in NC play. Not many teams can say that, and it will help them greatly come PWR time at the end of the season. A win or two against Cornell would help as well.
  7. PP over. 2min left, tied 4-4
  8. I guess not! Penalty on Canada with 5min left.
  9. Yeah... The refs would probably fear for their lives if they called a penalty on Canada at this point.
  10. Another weak penalty on the US.
  11. Go to the IIHF website, they have all the stats/standings.
  12. Weak. Bounced off like 3 players in front of Campbell. 4-3 USA
  13. The US just hit the post. That would have been huge...
  14. It's Dean Blais hockey combined with the best U20 players in the nation. Speed kills, Dean really built a fast team here, even the dmen can fly.
  15. Go to http://www.tsn.ca/world_jrs/, super clear free webcast.
  16. No doubt. If the WCHA called the games like the Intl, it would really separate the league, which is probably what the league doesn't want. The UAA, MTU, MSUM, etc of the league would really be lower-tiered when compared to the UND, UW, DU, UMN, etc. The talent from those teams would be allowed to actually skate instead of being tackled for the game, which would really allow them to shine offensively.
  17. End of 2nd period. 3-2 USA What a great game so far.
  18. How many odd man rushes will Canada give the US? They need to bury those...
  19. Great tape to tape pass from Johnson I believe on the boards.
  20. Great period of hockey. 1-1 End of 1st.
  21. I like how the US is playing so far. Very quick and getting more quality chances than CAN IMO. Can they keep it up?
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