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Everything posted by brianvf

  1. From Brad...sounds like UND recruits had great success in tourneys lately: http://undhockey.areavoices.com/?p=85512
  2. Ouch, that's a horrible idea. The place is going to sound like the UAA arena.
  3. You are correct. That was a great game to be at. Hearing all the Sioux fans cheering after the OT goal as all the Badger fans sat in stunned silence was glorious.
  4. I know it seems weird saying that Forbort was one of our better dmen considering he is only a freshman, but from what I saw in the early season before his illness, he was one of the better defensive players on the team, not to mention he was chipping in offensively.
  5. Tough news on Forbort, Mac, and Rowney. Hopefully the "mono" brothers can make it back soon, we have a tough schedule in the 1st half, and those two are usually some of our best dmen. If Rowney indeed has a concussion, hopefully it doesn't turn into a situation like Genoway/Kaip/etc. Speedy recovery to all three.
  6. Sounds great on all three players. Can't wait to see them in UND green.
  7. I was starting to wonder about Michaelson when we kept getting forward recruits for 2012 but no mention of him. Nice pickup for the Gophers. It was funny how some on GPL were saying that he hadn't progressed as much in recent years...maybe using that to make it sound ok should he have decided to wear green instead of maroon. But I bet those same posters are very excited to have him on board.
  8. Talking about it on a message board probably won't do much for changing it either.
  9. There was a warmup game between US and Canada West prior to the JR A Challenge. http://www.usahockey.com/Template_Usahockey.aspx?NAV=TU_04_01_05&id=294802 Good games for Sioux recruits. Gothberg gets the win in net for the US. Mattson with 1 A, Schmaltz with 2 A for US. O'Donnell with 1 A for CW.
  10. Agreed. The Maine series was the only one this season that I thought was very poorly officiated, but a huge chunk of that was just that HEA officiating is that much different from the WCHA, and UND never really adjusted to it. Other than that, it just gets old to be constantly discussing it, whether we win or lose.
  11. Eidsness will get his fair share of starts this season, it's not like Hakstol is locked into Dell already. And I would bet that Eidsness will be back in a UND uniform next season, even though he is graduating early.
  12. DU up 1-0 on CC despite getting outshot pretty handily so far.
  13. I don't think it takes much coaching to beat MSUM this year.
  14. Intermissions are for bathroom breaks.
  15. Atta boy Trupper, great shot! 2-1 UND
  16. Looks to be the case. I like moving Kristo up with Malone and Frattin.
  17. It sounds like OSU will also be missing two players for the Sunday game, as they are also heading to the Four Nations tourney...
  18. Nice win!!! Man, the Gophers got blasted by the Badgers...6-0 final. Ouch.
  19. Ferris State beat #1 Miami, 3-2. UNH beat BC, 2-1.
  20. No. I really hope Malone continues to play the game as he has all season.
  21. I guess you missed my post from last page where I said this:
  22. I am fine with the one game suspension. I actually thought it could have been longer (being that we are dealing with the WCHA here, after all). My only complaint is that they waited until the day before the game to announce it. This could have been taken care of on Tuesday, now the team is left scrambling for lines in practice for tomorrow's game. While I agree that Malone didn't intend to injure Martin, nor did he intend to hit his head, I understand the one game ruling being that they specifically said this year that they were going to crack down on head hits. This is a rule that was passed with Genoway in mind after his injury last year. I don't think Malone's hit was anywhere near as vicious as Marvin's hit on Genoway last year (even though they both essentially got the same penalty by the WCHA), but since they are trying to crack down on head hits this year...I certainly wasn't expecting Malone to NOT get a suspension. I would have been surprised if he hadn't, honestly.
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