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Everything posted by brianvf

  1. Getting put into a regional with both UMN and UM too frequently.
  2. Is it pretty much a foregone conclusion that UND ends up in a regional with UMN and UM? Yes, i am assuming UM wins their tourney because they appear to be playing VERY well right now.
  3. No need, none of your posts are original. Every single one is the same old tired..."average team" "no talent" "going nowhere" post. I sometimes think you have the same post saved in Word and just copy/paste it on here after every loss.
  4. Thought that UND really controlled tonight's game. Aside from a couple issues that Gleason ran into and the 3rd CC goal that Saunders would want back, UND really dominated that game. Some great extended pressure and chances that Howe came up big on or just missed. I'm not sure if I would start Saunders or Gothberg for the first NCAA game, as both have shown the tendency to give up a soft goal or two each game. And I agree with others...watching the top line with Rocco on it during stretches tonight is fun to watch. That line would flourish if left to play all game together. Move OD down and Cagguila up. We'll see how this "new" approach works for the Sioux. Instead of running the table at the F5, let's see if they can run the table in the NCAA's instead. Time for the real season to begin. Get Joe back on track and hope that one goalie solidifies their position in the week of practice. Go Sioux!
  5. Phone in this year. Phone in next year. Heck, phone in every year! Woohoo!
  6. Odd that he didn't even suffer a headache from that huge hit directly to the head.
  7. That didn't take long at all.
  8. Still a possibility to have 6 WCHA teams in the NCAA's... UMN a #1 seed at 2nd. UND a #2 seed at 7th. MSUM and SCSU are #3 seeds at 10th/12th. DU and UW are #4 seeds at 13th/16th. Should make for an interesting last weekend before the NCAA field is announced.
  9. Thoughts... -Tate Maris with his first action. Simply awesome. -Cagguila played great tonight, all over the ice with excellent energy. Would love to see more of that from him going forward. -Good to see Knight shake off some goal scoring cobwebs. He looked much better tonight than previous couple weekends. -Rocco just needs to get one to drop. Just one. I predict it happens against CC on Thurs night. -Loved that BOTH Mitch Mac and OD scored goals tonight after being blasted by many on here for countless weeks. Go Sioux! Beat those Tigers!
  10. I think (hope) that Miami or Notre Dame can take them down.
  11. Yep, just totally average players. Wow. Give me a break.
  12. http://ciskie.blogspot.com/2013/03/one-mans-all-wcha-ballot.html Knight on the 3rd team is laughable. He has Hayes from MSUM on the 1st team. In WCHA games, Hayes has scored 11 less points than Knight (in one more game than Knight as well). Not to mention the intangibles that Knight brings with his strong defensive game and faceoff domination.
  13. Do you believe in miracles? Yes!!
  14. IIRC, I don't think we can meet UMN for the F5 championship (assuming they both advance to the F5). I believe they would end up playing the Friday game if the Sioux won their Thurs game. Unless SCSU gets upset up UAA in the first round.
  15. Back in my college days, I would get pretty ticked after any loss by the team. After a few seasons I realized that was a pretty rough way to spend my weekends if the team didn't manage a sweep. Now, while I still get disappointed by losses (some more than others), I only truly am upset/ticked with one that ends our season. I don't think that I am any less of a fan because of that. I roll with this team through thick and thin, wins and losses (sometimes a buttload of ties), good performances and bad performances. I don't normally bash the athletes or the coaches, mainly because they know a heck of a lot more about hockey than I do and because it won't do a darn bit of good anyway. I bleed Fighting Sioux green and I believe that this team can win a national title. Will they? Who knows, I'll enjoy the ride either way. But maybe they can surprise some people in April and bring the big trophy back to GF.
  16. Come on out? They've been here all season!
  17. Yes, we got it the first 19 times you mentioned it this weekend. Thanks!
  18. Due to tiebreakers over the other teams that also had a chance for home ice.
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