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nodak hockey fanatic

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Everything posted by nodak hockey fanatic

  1. i didn't notice that, but i wasn't watching for one players contributions or downfalls i guess and their effects on the teams success. he turned the puck over, as did all of our dmen this year. the difference with chay, is only he and marto have the wheels and instinct to take it upon themself to get the puck out whenever we need it. and don't underestimate how good he is at the outlet pass. he may go end to end once in a while, but he is our best puck moving dman, which is an invaluble part of a hockey team.
  2. he was a forward up until his midget days, and was a good player, not a game changer according to his coaches who talked him into trying the switch. he is now one of the most dynamic offensive dmen in college hockey. im not going to get into a what he brings vs. what he lacks argument, but he wasn't the wcha dman of the year for nothing... great to have him back for his last season as a sioux!!
  3. michigan won 4 or 5 of the first 6 ncaa div. 1 titles... which is why they have the most all time. i would be ok with just one in the next three years it's always fun to watch the new teams come together. it will sure be different next year with all of the seniors gone though. i hope eidsness and dell can become a great goaltending tandem.
  4. osh is great... and those announcers were just grasping for something to make it an illegal hit to justify why nash ended up on his ass again. i like nash, he is a hell of a player, but both were clean hits, and nash was the one trying to get osh on the second one, better be ready if you think you are going to take osh off his skates. all i can say is wow, what a dude. it sure was fun watching him do that night in and night out for three years.
  5. i know in the past it had to do with numbers or symbols or even spaces in your password? i believe some had that issue last year? you will have to defer to jim on how to get past that.
  6. ok, its time for bed and i'm tired, but we have to give our senior captain some props with a sign right?? how about a picture of the face off dot to the right of the net with the net in the background (from the right dmans vantage point). and a flag on the dot that says "claimed by ryan duncan" im not creative enough to pull it off, but you college kids could do it
  7. sagard, its good hockey fans like you that keep these rivalries fun. i am actually a little sad (with a smile ) that i won't get to witness another great sioux/goofs matchup tomorrow night. im going with my cousin who is a big goofs fan, he texted after the game and told me he was digging through his closet for an old dogs sweatshirt . ill be sitting in the third row at center ice, hopefully watching the sioux advance to the championship game, but it would be more satisfying against our biggest rivals. i agree that you will now need alot of help to get in. it's not fun when all you can do is sit and watch and crunch the numbers (i hate math). this will be my first trip to the x, so i am hoping it will be a memorable one. GO SIOUX!!! oh, and to all the pairwise gurus out there, if we win the tourney and du loses to wisco, do we take a #1 seed, or do we need du to lose twice (which most likely will not happen, even without their top two centers)?
  8. stalock is good. the sioux are better. rolling four lines all night and rolling over the dogs. 4-2. duncs, hextall, zajac and vandevelde!! GO SIOUX!! see you all at the x tomorrow night!!
  9. duncs has 37 points, stoa has 46. i think they should both be there and neither are. i am with you on that one. duncs first half hurt him with a little lower point total, and i think the goofs team success (or lack there of) hurt stoa?
  10. im surprised that stoa's not on there also. he's a hell of a player, and one of the only reasons the goofs even have a fighting chance to make the ncaas. i know we are all pretty biased here, but think duncs deserved to make the top ten, wouldn't have been top three, but he is definately top ten. the gilroy kid from bu has been getting alot of love too, i actually think he may make it over wilson into the hobey hattrick (one of the two for sure, but i doubt both). i know the goalie theissen from northeastern is a favorite over there. i would like to see lamoureux round out the hattrick, but i can see caporusso getting the nod over him.
  11. it won't be player of the year (as i don't think duncs was even on the ballot) possibly roy? although i think the dman from du has gained alot of steam in the second half on a side note, they had duncs in the top ten hobey list on inch, finally getting some recognition for what he's done this year. http://insidecollegehockey.com/7Archives/H...racker_0725.htm
  12. not sure this deserves its own thread, but didn't know where to put it. for those of you who get xm, they interviewed coach hakstol on hockey this morning on xm channel 204 and are replaying it on home ice online (i believe the xm signal in your car has a game? not sure why it's different). i'll recap if there is anything interesting. one thing i will say about xm home ice, as it is the best hockey talk out there, is they interview coaches from the big east schools quite frequently, but rarely have any wcha representation, so good for coach hak, and good for xm for spreading their wings a little. edit: good interview, nothing too groundbreaking. coach hak is very well spoken, a good interview. they talked about the final five. kind of alluded to who they would rather face (goofs or umd), but coach hak wouldn't take the bait, said they were differerent teams, but both good teams. talked about the second half surges, and how this team is different getting contribution from all four lines, not relying on a parise, zajac, toews or osh to carry them. talked about duncs and what a great leader and captain he is. then at the end had an email asking about all the former sioux in the nhl. hak said he thinks 16 right now, talked about the pride that he and the sioux program take in seeing those guys succeed. that was about it. GO SIOUX!!
  13. toews with a goal and an assist so far tonight.
  14. that i am an a-hole or that you wear panties? lets say both and be done we could go back and forth all day. gotta love playoff hockey and the rivalries. still not sure why you are over here on our site, but it does make it fun. lets just hope your team is around long enough to enjoy it and make it even more fun.
  15. quick poll. when does kangas get pulled in the play-in game? i'll take end of the second period come on, even you goofs fan have to laugh, lucia has gotten a little trigger happy, which im sure helps when your goalie is a head case and like sieve said, only one was really special k's fault in that tech game, if lucia would have stuck with him, they may have pulled it out, as patterson let in some softies too.
  16. play-in game umn 3, umd 2 ot semifinals uw 4, du 2 und 5, umn 3 third place game du 4, umn 3 ot (hopefully ending their season ) championship und 6, uw 4 i feel sorry for the one seed whos bracket we get put into GO SIOUX!!
  17. the only reason i wouldn't mind a goof win (don't tar and feather me) is because i'm going to the friday night game with my cousin, who is a die hard goof fan, which would make the game more fun. on the other hand, a goofs loss is pretty fun no matter who does it.... go dogs!
  18. don't get you panties in a bunch there puffy... one, i dont really care about the facts of his case, i know he was arrested for illegal drugs which caused him to no longer be doing his hockey talk, which was the point i was making. the moniker i made was in jest, if you don't like it, tell puffy to stay off the dope. two, why are you on here? your teams site is up and running i'm sure, go join in over there, im sure there must be a kangas for hobey thread by now after his impressive "win streak". no one is forcing you to be part of these discussions with a-holes such as myself.
  19. yeah... can't say i have any respect for the man after him and the goofs pulled those shenanigans. as much of a homer puffy the meth king was (and he was a HUGE homer), at least he knew college hockey. since he has been gone (rehab, jail, wherever he is) the college hockey talk up here is pretty poor. i listen to home ice in my truck, and its great hockey talk, but they rarely say anything about the college game.
  20. yeah, one more year as the sioux... then we can all enjoy the "north dakota" jerseys again. kind of sad, but it is what it is, and we all need to move on at some point. i'm not there yet but i guess that means all of the sioux gear we have all collected all these years will be collectors items now??
  21. sioux roll... they know whats on the line and are a focused team!! 5-1 sioux. gregoire, duncs, vv, trupp, genoway. LETS GO SIOUX!!
  22. yes and yes... they got in with a losing record, which was the controvercial part, but they got in based on the pairwise, which is available to everyone, so it was legit. i believe i heard they changed it where you can't get in with a losing record?
  23. we could have a #87 crosby sioux jersey wisco could fill a roster with committed then uncommited (or pulled schollys) players, with a coach eaves recruiting patch on the shoulder of course
  24. is there one up in glendale now too that shows the sioux games? I know when i have been there in the winter, the one off southern in mesa seems to always have an area where they will show the sioux games. pretty sweet when you can golf 18 in the morning and watch sioux hockey at night.
  25. it wasn't flashy because there was no crosby or ovechkin (that we got to see anyway). i think if the nhl had an agreement with the russian league... cherepanov would have gone top three, and probably would have been the best of the crop. we'll have to see on vanreimsdyk and turris, but like you guys said, kane was the right pick from what we have seen so far. there were some solid dmen that year too... alzner and hickey, and mcdounagh and cole who are still in college.
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